A member of the Salvation Army and Reverend Victoria Matthews speaking at the Christchurch Earthquake Memorial Service. A sign language interpreter stands to the right. The service was held in Hagley Park on 18 March 2011.
A photograph looking south down Colombo Street towards the badly-damaged ChristChurch Cathedral. The bell tower has been partially demolished, and the rubble is visible in front. The Citizens' War Memorial can also be seen to the left.
For the first time in November 2011, Christchurch residents finally had the opportunity to see the earthquake-damaged city centre on the Red Zone bus tours organised by CERA. Partial view of the Citizens' War Memorial beside the cathedral.
A member of Singapore's Air Force writing a message in a memorial book in the Christchurch Botanical Gardens. The book was placed there for those who wanted to pay tribute to the people who lost their lives in the Christchurch Earthquake.
The memorial blanket in progress. This blanket was created by members of the Lyttelton community, with the iconic felt hearts that were created after the earthquake as well as depictions of some of the buildings lost during the earthquake in Lytteton.
The memorial blanket in progress. This blanket was created by members of the Lyttelton community, with the iconic felt hearts that were created after the earthquake as well as depictions of some of the buildings lost during the earthquake in Lytteton.
The memorial blanket in progress. This blanket was created by members of the Lyttelton community, with the iconic felt hearts that were created after the earthquake as well as depictions of some of the buildings lost during the earthquake in Lytteton.
A photograph of the Citizens' War Memorial in Cathedral Square. Bracing has been placed around the neck and waist of the angel. In the background, the roof of the Cathedral Visitors' Centre and part of the ChristChurch Cathedral can be seen.
A photograph of the Citizens' War Memorial in Cathedral Square. Bracing has been placed around the neck and waist of the angel. In the background, the roof of the Cathedral Visitors' Centre and part of the ChristChurch Cathedral can be seen.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Flowers left in tribute at the CTV site".
An aerial photograph of Christ Church Cathedral.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Visitors at the Cashel Street cordon by the Bridge of Remembrance".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The Hotel Grand Chancellor viewed through the Bridge of Rembrance".
Labour MPs say it's important party sticks to strategy, Man shot dead by police near Napier, Thousands attend Westminister Christchurch memorial, Twickenham packed for Crusaders vs Sharks match, Doubt in Christchurch new earthquake agency worthwhile, and Canterbury aged care firms want certainty; families want beds.
More than 800 medals are stolen from the War Memorial Museum in Waiouru. Shares in State Owned Enterprises will be capped at 10 percent and gaps in the government's insurance cover will leave many schools damaged by the earthquakes in Canterbury out of pocket.
The north side of the Christ Church Cathedral with the partially demolished tower visible, a pile of rubble in front. Bracing has been placed up against the front of the building to hold the wall together. The Citizens' Memorial can be seen to the left.
The north side of the Christ Church Cathedral with the partially demolished tower visible, a pile of rubble in front. Bracing has been placed up against the front of the building to hold the wall together. The Citizens' Memorial can be seen to the left.
Personnel from the Los Angeles County Fire Department, the Singapore Army, the New Zealand Police, the New Zealand Urban Search and Recue Team, and St John, paying their respects to the people who lost their lives during the 22 February 2011 earthquake at a memorial of flowers in Cathedral Square.
A video showing members of the SPCA standing for two minutes in silence a week after the 22 February 2011 earthquake, in memory of those who lost their lives. A pigeon, found in the ChristChurch Cathedral after the quakes, is released at the end of the two-minutes' silence.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Decorative flowers on the Bridge of Rembrance cordon with the Hotel Grand Chancellor and the Westpac building in the distance".
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 1 March 2011 showing earthquake damage to the Lyttelton Cenotaph on Simeon Quay. Designer The New Zealand Flag at the Lyttelton War Memorial, along with those around the country, flew at half mast for several days following the 22 February 2011 earthquakes. Following further aftershocks the Cenota...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 12 March 2011 showing earthquake damage to the Lyttelton Cenotaph on Simeon Quay. The unstable top of the memorial has been deconstructed and is visible on the surrounding grass, a plastic tarpaulin has been used to cover the top of the newly exposed stonework and a temporary fence has been erecte...
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Packing up parts of the Cathedral for storage. Remains of Warners Hotel in the background".
Page 4 of Section A of the Christchurch Press, published on Monday 14 March 2011.
People stand beside the cordon fence on the Worcester Street bridge. The photographer comments, "This was some of the many people waiting for the White Lights of Hope to be turned on, but when they were we hardly noticed. Sadly it was a big disappointment".
Seen from Cambridge Terrace, the 'White Lights of Hope' spotlights shine into the sky behind a crane and damaged buildings on Oxford Terrace.
A review of the week's news including: national earthquake memorial service announced, former defence chief to be new Governor General, Reserve Bank slashes official cash rate, Christchurch businesses say OCR cut alone won't save them, mounting concern over Christchurch World Cup prospects, government says 10,000 Christchurch homes will be demolished, alarm over possibility of mass demolition in CBD, international crews head home, petrol prices at three year high, Pike River mine receivers take control from police and boulder sold for thousands in aid of Christchurch
Page 4 of Section A of the Christchurch Press, published on Tuesday 15 March 2011.