A digital photograph in PDF format with caption. Image taken within the Horseshoe Lake Red Zone, of a home that is being prepared for relocation.
The Taiwanese Search and Rescue team at Christchurch International Airport. The team is heading home after helping with the emergency response to the Canterbury Earthquake.
The Taiwanese Search and Rescue team at Christchurch International Airport. The team is heading home after helping with the emergency response to the Canterbury Earthquake.
The Taiwanese Search and Rescue team at Christchurch International Airport. The team is heading home after helping with the emergency response to the Canterbury Earthquake.
The Taiwanese Search and Rescue team at Christchurch International Airport. The team is heading home after helping with the emergency response to the Canterbury Earthquake.
The Taiwanese Search and Rescue team at Christchurch International Airport. The team is heading home after helping with the emergency response to the Canterbury Earthquake.
Members of the Royal New Zealand Air Force Air Security team preparing to evacuate Christchurch rest home residents affected by the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A digital photograph in PDF format with caption, of a Red Zoned home that sits right on the edge of the Horseshoe Lake reserve. Looking North.
A digital photograph in PDF format with caption. Image depicts the lounge wall where family members had drawn large pictures after the home was deemed Red Zoned.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "37 Cannon Hill Crescent in Mt Pleasant. Most of Mt Pleasant is green zoned, but 800 homes will be demolished".
A rack of bicycles at Gap Filler's cycle-powered cinema. People rode their bicycles to the event and have stacked them here to ride home later.
A bunch of bicycles at Gap Filler's cycle-powered cinema. People rode their bicycles to the event and have stacked them here to ride home later.
A photograph of a sign reading "Please slow down, your speed is shaking our homes". The photograph is captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Cass Street, Kaiapoi".
A photograph of a house in Burwood. The photograph is captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Former home of the Pasfield Family, Kingsford Street, Horseshoe Lake, Burwood".
A scanned copy of a photograph of the garden of Di Madgin's former home in the Red Zone, taken before the earthquakes. The Avon River is in the background.
A photograph submitted by Anonymous to the QuakeStories website. The description reads, "Heaps of liquifaction silt and water on Anzac Drive; walking home Feb 22nd.".
Care packages of home baking ready to be distributed to Christchurch residents. Labels on the packages read, "Out thoughts are with you Christchurch! Arohanui from the people of Gisborne".
Caption reads: "We all wish we could stay here. We want them to repair our homes, but they say they won't and you know nothing will change their minds."
Rest home residents strapped into a Royal New Zealand Air Force Hercules C-130. The residents were being evacuated from Christchurch after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "14 Waygreen Avenue in New Brighton. This home was abandoned after the September 2010 earthquake and is now red zoned land".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "14 Waygreen Avenue in New Brighton. This home was abandoned after the September 2010 earthquake and is now red zoned land".
A photograph submitted by Sarndra to the QuakeStories website. The description reads, "Locksley Avenue home. Front slump with Avon river high tide and rudimentary stopbank. 10 April 2011.".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Hereford Street with a digger parked on the demolition debris from IBIS House (home of Alliance Francaise). Torrens House is to the right".
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, " A blue pipe supplies water to the few homes left occupied at Tasman Place. The orange pump is used for the sewage".
A photograph submitted by Tim Kerr to the QuakeStories website. The description reads, "Here’s me working in Selwyn St just a couple of doors away from home. (Photo M D Kerr)".
A digital photograph in PDF format with caption. Image taken from within a Red Zoned home on Kingsford st. Residents still living here and have written poems on the walls of the lounge.
The Taiwanese Ambassador speaking to the Taiwanese Search and Rescue team at Christchurch International Airport. The team is heading home after helping with the emergency response to the Canterbury Earthquake.
A photograph of a member of the public interacting with artist Michael Parekowhai's installation of 'On First Looking into Chapman's Homer' on the corner of Madras Street and Lichfield Street.
A photograph of liquefaction and flooding on a residential property. A sign on the letterbox reads, "We are home". The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "The block of Bexley and Pages Roads".
A photograph of liquefaction and flooding on a residential property. A sign on the letterbox reads, "We are home". The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "The block of Bexley and Pages Roads".