A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "Off New Brighton Mall".
A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "Great Wall of Sumner container art".
A photograph of roses on Hereford Street.
A photograph of buildings on Cashel Street.
A photograph of buildings on Cashel Street.
A photograph of buildings on Cashel Street.
A photograph of buildings on Cashel Street.
A photograph of roses on Hereford Street.
A photograph of buildings on Cashel Street.
A photograph of buildings on Cashel Street.
A photograph of buildings on Cashel Street.
The Copthorne Hotel, seen from Colombo Street.
A photograph of the Gloucester Street bridge.
A photograph of the Gloucester Street bridge.
Crowne Plaza building seen from Peterborough Street.
Witnesses before the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission have been questioned about why a building known to be earthquake prone was allowed to reopen, despite several red flags.
A photograph of a sign on a fence in front of a partially-demolished building on Cashel Street. The sign reads, "This building is dangerous and not safe to enter". In the background, an excavator is working to remove the rubble from in front of the building.
A photograph of the Canterbury Provincial Chambers on Durham Street. The building has been cordoned off with wire fencing and the roof covered by plastic sheeting. Much of the masonry has been removed and a wooden structure constructed inside. A crane can be seen behind.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The view from the top of Alice in Videoland".
A photograph of a vacant site on Gloucester Street next to Cathedral Junction. The site is to be the location for 'Sound Cone', a performance space which is part of LUXCITY.
A photograph of vacant sites on either side of Gloucester Street. Across the road in the distance, students are installing In Your Face, which is part of LUXCITY.
A photograph of a fenced-off vacant site on Gloucester Street. The site is to be the location for Silhouette Carnival, a large-scale installation which is part of LUXCITY.
A photograph of the illuminated Silhouette Carnival installation at on Gloucester Street. Part of In Your Face can also be seen on the left. The installations are part of LUXCITY.
A photograph of vacant sites on either side of Gloucester Street. Across the road in the distance, students are installing In Your Face, which is part of LUXCITY.
A photograph of a fenced-off vacant site on Gloucester Street. The site is to be the location for Silhouette Carnival, a large-scale installation which is part of LUXCITY.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The digger is working on the remains of Gough House, with the fragile remains of the wooden heritage building Shands Emporium (one of Christchurch's oldest retail buildings) still standing on Hereford Street".
A photograph of Andrew Just from F3 Design (left) and Martin Trusttum, CPIT Faculty of Creative Arts, giving a talk about ArtBox on the corner of St Asaph Street and Madras Street. The public talk was part of FESTA 2012.
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The owners of Darkroom Bar were talking about how reduced the entertainment options were some months ago. They decided to do something about it and set up this new funky bar at 336 St Asaph Street".
A photograph of an installation that forms part of the '60 Lights Market' at the LUXCITY event. Coordinators: Jeongbin Ok, Tiago Rorke, Jonathan Coates; student: Tom Hall