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Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of interviews with primary and high-school students about their experiences during the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The students interviewed include (Paityn Ower from Avondale Primary School; Leah Temesvari, Ryan Cleaver, Jenna Hayes, and Logan Emery from Kaiapoi High School; Nikora Webster-Epiha, Grace Smith, and Natasha Gordon from Wainoni School; and Harry Loughan, Rebecca Lane, Scott Price, Maltin Tauave, Charlie Kavanagh, and Amy Sisson from Linwood College. This video was part of The Press's 'Christchurch, one year after February 22, 2011' series.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of the damaged statue of Scott which was removed from its original site beside Worcester Boulevard for safekeeping. The photographer comments, "During the February 2011 earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand the statue of Robert Falcon Scott broke across the ankles and most of the statue came crashing to the ground. To commemorate a 100 years of association with Antarctica Christchurch council has laid out for viewing the statue in a prostrate position. I was lucky to encounter the statue before it was put into its glass display enclosure".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Two aluminium drink cans which have split open. The photographer comments, "We had around 24 cans of diet coke in the top of the fridge when the devastating 6.1 earthquake hit Christchurch in New Zealand. The shaking caused one of the front feet of the fridge to fold, which made the fridge tip forward and causing the door to open. After all the shaking the cans had already when they flew out and hit the ground a lot of them exploded. These two cans show the explosive pressure that occurred best".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of a shop window. A vase is visible in the window, and the sillhouette of a mannequin in the background. The photographer comments, "The title came from the pot and the E on the window. This is a building that has been off limits since the Christchurch earthquake. The E was sprayed on the window by rescue teams after searching the building and finding it was empty. This is a very old wooden building that looks OK from the front, but terrible from the side as the previously adjoined building has been demolished.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

An earthquake-damaged bridge, the approach to which has slumped. The photographer comments, "Due to lateral spread and the land slumping the road leading to this bridge has moved down greatly. Just imagine making the street lamps upright and how much that section of road would rise up at the end. When you go over bridges in the east side of Christchurch it is quite a climb up and a big drop down on the other side. The bridges in most cases coped very well, but not so the land leading to them".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of components of a model of the ChristChurch Cathedral being built from LEGO by Sam Butcher. Sam comments "Fixing a large variety of bits that were wrong/annoying/cheating (not purist) about the last model. The new one is set AFTER the Feb 22 earthquake. This newer, and much stronger model is also completely modular for easier transport. Obviously still a WIP, I'm currently waiting for a pretty large bricklink order at the moment, and will probably need to place a couple more after that too. First few modules in place".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of components of a model of the ChristChurch Cathedral being built from LEGO by Sam Butcher. Sam comments "Fixing a large variety of bits that were wrong/annoying/cheating (not purist) about the last model. The new one is set AFTER the Feb 22 earthquake. This newer, and much stronger model is also completely modular for easier transport. Obviously still a WIP, I'm currently waiting for a pretty large bricklink order at the moment, and will probably need to place a couple more after that too. Modules ready to be pinned together".

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Cartoon shows a mechanic asking his boss for a pay rise. Text reads 'Like the Christchurch Council CEO - I've also been working hard. Would I be cheeky to ask for a $68,000 pay rise?'. Context: Christchurch City Council Chief Executive Officer Tony Marryatt ended up turning down a pay rise of $68,000 following the outcry when the fact was made public. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Audio, Radio New Zealand

DAVID SHEARER to the Prime Minister: Does he believe that Hon John Banks has behaved in a manner that “upholds, and is seen to uphold the highest ethical standards” as required by the Cabinet Manual? BARBARA STEWART to the Prime Minister: Did Mr Banks explain to the Prime Minister’s Chief of Staff that he would use “obfuscation” in his dealings with the media over the “anonymous” donations from Kim Dotcom? MAGGIE BARRY to the Minister of Finance: How does the Government intend to strengthen the Public Finance Act 1989 in the Budget this month? Hon DAVID PARKER to the Minister of Finance: In the most recent World Economic Outlook published by the IMF in April 2012, which of the 34 advanced economies listed is forecast to have a worse current account deficit (as a percentage of GDP) than New Zealand in 2013? METIRIA TUREI to the Prime Minister: Does he stand by all the answers he gave to Oral Question No 4 yesterday? KANWALJIT SINGH BAKSHI to the Minister for Economic Development: What action is the Government taking to improve co-ordination of the business growth agenda? Hon PHIL GOFF to the Minister of Foreign Affairs: What damage, if any, has been done to staff confidence and retention by the change proposals for his Ministry announced on 23 February 2012, and does he intend to announce on 10 May 2012 a reversal of many of the proposals? SIMON O'CONNOR to the Minister of Labour: What steps is the Government taking to improve workplace health and safety? GARETH HUGHES to the Minister of Conservation: Does her proposed extension of the Marine Mammal Sanctuary for Maui’s dolphins allow the use of set nets, drift nets, and trawl nets within the sanctuary? IAN McKELVIE to the Minister of Corrections: What reports has she received about trade training within prisons? Hon LIANNE DALZIEL to the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery: Has he required that all his Ministers involved in the Canterbury earthquake recovery read the briefing paper dated 10 May 2011 prepared by Chief Science Advisor, Professor Sir Peter Gluckman, into the psychosocial consequences of the Canterbury earthquakes; if not, why not? NIKKI KAYE to the Minister of Education: What evidence has she seen of excellent achievement in scholarship exams?  

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The Government's decision to only talk to iwi and hapu with interests in water which is used by Mighty River Power is supported by a member of the Iwi Chairs Forum; A constitutional Advisory Panel member, Professor Ranginui Walker, says many Maori are worried the Treaty could one day be forgotten; A Christchurch woman says she's still overwhelmed by the aroha and support shown, not only by Maori organisations, but also the general public, since the first earthquake hit Canterbury two years ago today; An Auckland hapu which has recently settled its Treaty claim with the Crown is planning to create new educational opportunities for young Maori.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

An Auckland community board wants Parliament to amend a Treaty Settlement Bill for Ngati Whatua o Orakei, to exclude a piece of land; Maori Wardens have fronted up to a researcher looking at how the Christchurch earthquake has affected emergency workers; Taranaki Maori are being called to a Treaty Update hui this weekend - to keep abreast of tribal claims against the Crown; The winner of the Golden Shears Open Women's Title for 2012 says she's keen to keep competing for a few more years yet and hopes she can inspire more wool handlers to get to her level and to prove that it is achievable.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

One of five Maori social service providers losing a Family Start contract is choosing not to fight the decision in court - and will instead attempt to win back the business; Maori business leaders who've recently returned from China say the trip has already resulted in new export deals - including a five-tonne shipment of mussels to a Chinese town; A new Maori education group says iwi are sleeping giants that have woken up to help tamariki do better at school; A new study into the effects of the Canterbury earthquakes on Maori mental health patients is promising to offer a unique perspective on how Maori live after devastating events.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Maori business leaders who've recently returned from China say the trip has already resulted in new export deals - including a five-tonne shipment of mussels to a Chinese town; One of five Maori social service providers losing a Family Start contract is choosing not to fight the decision in court - and will instead attempt to win back the business; A new Maori education group says iwi are sleeping giants that have woken up to help tamariki do better at school; A new study into the effects of the Canterbury earthquakes on Maori mental health patients is promising to offer a unique perspective on how Maori live after devastating events.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Peter Majendie, in the middle of his installation '185 Empty Chairs', which remembers the 185 who died as a result of the 22nd February earthquake. The chairs are different so that you can find a chair to remind you in some way of the people who died. Peter told me about the important paintings of chairs, such as Van Gogh and Gaugin's paintings of chairs and the drawing of Dickens's Chair published above his obituary that influenced his decision to remember the lost lives with chairs".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A view down Beresford Street in New Brighton, looking west towards the city at sunset. The photographer comments, "On the other side of the Avon river from New Brighton is the Bexley red zone. Here numerous earthquake damaged streets of houses will be flattened due to it being to uneconomical in the current climate to repair the land to be suitable for housing. There is a campaign at the moment to try and convert all this red zone land, which is mainly adjacent to the Avon river to a giant park".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Spray-painted writing on the side of a car parking building reads "0 cars". The photographer comments, "Strangely and appropriately this graffiti was on a car park. In fact the graffiti was 100% correct as the car park is in the Christchurch earthquake red zone and there should be zero cars now inside it. It may have been put on by an anti car protester or just an indication that the car park is empty. One of the suggestions for the City plan for the rebuilt Christchurch was for a pedestrian and cycle only area, which also fits in with 0 CARS".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Large cracks run through the brick cladding of this house in Wainoni. The photographer comments, "During the numerous earthquakes in Christchurch the land which ran alongside the Avon river on Avonside Drive slumped towards the waterway. Houses which were wooden framed and had an external brick veneer started to sink into the liquefied soil. This caused the brick walls to crack, but the houses' occupants though shook up were saved by the wooden framework from the houses collapsing on them".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Digitally manipulated image of graffiti on a brick building on St Asaph Street. The graffiti depicts a sticking plaster over a broken section of the wall, with the words "I'll kiss it better". The photographer comments, "After the 22 February 2011 earthquake in Christchurch band aid plasters starting to appear in different parts of the city on damaged buildings. A year later most can still be seen. This one was once a whole plaster, but it has slowly broken up where it crossed the gap. The red bricks seen to symbolise the terrible wounds caused to the City and it's people".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of components of a model of the ChristChurch Cathedral being built from LEGO by Sam Butcher. Sam comments "Fixing a large variety of bits that were wrong/annoying/cheating (not purist) about the last model. The new one is set AFTER the Feb 22 earthquake. This newer, and much stronger model is also completely modular for easier transport. Obviously still a WIP, I'm currently waiting for a pretty large bricklink order at the moment, and will probably need to place a couple more after that too. Back on the new technical design for the Cathedral Rose Window".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of components of a model of the ChristChurch Cathedral being built from LEGO by Sam Butcher. Sam comments "Fixing a large variety of bits that were wrong/annoying/cheating (not purist) about the last model. The new one is set AFTER the Feb 22 earthquake. This newer, and much stronger model is also completely modular for easier transport. Obviously still a WIP, I'm currently waiting for a pretty large bricklink order at the moment, and will probably need to place a couple more after that too. Front on the new technical design for the Cathedral Rose Window".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of components of a model of the ChristChurch Cathedral being built from LEGO by Sam Butcher. Sam comments "Fixing a large variety of bits that were wrong/annoying/cheating (not purist) about the last model. The new one is set AFTER the Feb 22 earthquake. This newer, and much stronger model is also completely modular for easier transport. Obviously still a WIP, I'm currently waiting for a pretty large bricklink order at the moment, and will probably need to place a couple more after that too. Side of the new technical design for the Cathedral Rose Window".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of components of a model of the ChristChurch Cathedral being built from LEGO by Sam Butcher. Sam comments "Fixing a large variety of bits that were wrong/annoying/cheating (not purist) about the last model. The new one is set AFTER the Feb 22 earthquake. This newer, and much stronger model is also completely modular for easier transport. Obviously still a WIP, I'm currently waiting for a pretty large bricklink order at the moment, and will probably need to place a couple more after that too. The new base, which breaks into two sections each 48x70 studs".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of components of a model of the ChristChurch Cathedral being built from LEGO by Sam Butcher. Sam comments "Fixing a large variety of bits that were wrong/annoying/cheating (not purist) about the last model. The new one is set AFTER the Feb 22 earthquake. This newer, and much stronger model is also completely modular for easier transport. Obviously still a WIP, I'm currently waiting for a pretty large bricklink order at the moment, and will probably need to place a couple more after that too. The new base, which breaks into two sections each 48x70 studs".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A residential street in New Brighton. Liquefaction still lines the street, and lampposts are leaning in different directions. The photographer comments, "This is the New Brighton red zone, which is parallel to the Avon River. The area suffered serious liquefaction during the numerous earthquakes/aftershocks and the land is being bought by the government. Although the houses do not look too bad in the background they have suffered badly. On the day I took this picture the council had just hours before cut the grass, which made the area look less abandoned".