A photograph of an open sign for CIRA Coffee & Wares on a residential street in the Christchurch central city. The café was set up in a house after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
The co-founder and Creative Director of Gap Filler, Coralie Winn, making a coffee at the Lyttelton Petanque Working Bee, a Gap Filler project to create a garden and petanque court in an empty site in Lyttelton.
The entrance way to the Caffe Roma coffee house on Oxford Terrace. Bricks from the facade above have fallen into the street and tape has been placed around the building as a cordon.
A little spot of coffee and cheerfulness plus a man up the mast repairing the "bush telegraph" File Ref: CCL-2011-03-17-St Albans-IMG_0387 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
A photograph of Anton Tritt from the Buchan Group on the balcony of the Crafted Coffee Company during an architecture tour at Re:START mall. The event was part of FESTA 2012.
A PDF copy of pages 96-97 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'Samo Lyttelton Cafe'. Photo: Tessa Peach
Gap Filler Creative Director, Coralie Winn, at Gap Filler's "Film in the Gap!" project in Beckenham. The red Southern Espresso Rescue van can be seen in the background, selling coffee to the audience.
An image designed for use as a web button. The image depicts two 'All Righties' catching up over coffee. The image is usually accompanied by the text, "When was your last mate date?".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Stephen Mateer (left) and James Gurnsey of the Lyttelton Coffee Company, who are thankful that they recently earthquake-strengthened their busy Lyttelton Cafe - see the steel beams behind them".
Gap Filler Creative Director, Coralie Winn, at Gap Filler's "Film in the Gap!" project in Beckenham. The red Southern Espresso Rescue van can be seen in the background, selling coffee to the audience.
One Christchurch business has found just the right ingredients to rise again."The Naked Baker"gave away all of their cakes and buns and baked goods to the people of North Brighton after the earthquake on February 22nd. Co-owners Darren Carlaw and Andrew Snee started the bakery, coffee roastery and mobile food business 8 years ago. The cafe had to shut for more than 2 weeks to clean up all the damage . They didn't know what to expect when the business re-opened. What they discovered is that business is up by 30% thanks in part to their ability to bring their coffee and cakes to the many offices that have moved out of the center of town.
A shipping container, with the words 'coffee' spray-painted on the front, outside the Wunderbar on London Street in Lyttelton. The walls of the Wunderbar has collapsed and piles of demolition rubble remains around the site.
A shipping container, with the words 'coffee' spray-painted on the front, outside the Wunderbar on London Street in Lyttelton. The walls of the Wunderbar has collapsed and piles of demolition rubble remains around the site.
A photograph of a kitchen in the Diabetes Centre. The fridge, dishwater, and several drawers have opened, spilling food and crockery onto the floor. Tea and coffee has fallen off the bench into the dishwasher.
A photograph of a kitchen in the Diabetes Centre. The fridge, dishwater, and several drawers have opened, spilling food and crockery onto the floor. Tea and coffee has fallen off the bench into the dishwasher.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Kaiapoi businesses and retail outlets are struggling post-earthquake leading into Christmas. The Rooster cafe operating out of a prefab building after their building was demolished. Janeen Johnson bringing out coffee".
Construction workers examining the damaged top of the facade of the Lyttelton Coffee Company building on London Street in the basket from a crane. In the foreground, a pile of scrapped corrugated iron can be seen.
Construction workers examining the damaged top of the facade of the Lyttelton Coffee Company building on London Street in the basket from a crane. In the foreground, a pile of scrapped corrugated iron can be seen.
Breakfast. In this day and age it can consist of anything from a cup of coffee or a piece of toast to a full fry up. We eat it on the run (guilty!), over the newspaper (or smartphone, increasingly), at … Continue reading →
A photograph of All Right? advertisements on the back of a bus at the Red Bus depot on Ferry Road. The advertisement depicts two 'All Righties' catching up over coffee and reads, "When was your last mate date?".
An image used as a profile picture on the All Right? Facebook page. The image reads, "Win a $50 Under the Red Veranda voucher!" The promotion was part of Outrageous Burst of All Right: Celebrities and Coffee, in which TV3 stars Hilary Barry, Mike McRoberts and Jeremy Corbett surprised customers at Under the Red Veranda cafe and spoke to them about their experiences post-quake. The event was filmed and uploaded to the All Right? Facebook page, which social media users were encouraged to share around by entering the prize draw for one of these vouchers. All Right? posted the image on their Facebook page on 1 May 2014 at 7:56am.
An image designed for use as a downloadable screensaver. The image depicts two 'All Righties' catching up over coffee. The image reads, "When was your last mate date? Catch up with mates is awesome - even when times are tough".
The red Southern Espresso Rescue van serving coffee to the audience at Gap Filler's "Film the in Gap!" project. Gap Filler has arranged a variety of seating options for the audience, including an old bed and garden swing seats.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The reflection in the puddle and the sign with the words 'Just passing through' adds poignancy to this muddy and otherwise desolate scene".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Life in ruins: 27 year-old Chris Meyer, owner and operator of Federal Coffee House, which was located at 160 Manchester Street. The Heritage 1 building that he used to run his business from is being torn down tomorrow".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Life in ruins: 27 year-old Chris Meyer, owner and operator of Federal Coffee House, which was located at 160 Manchester Street. The Heritage 1 building that he used to run his business from is being torn down tomorrow".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Life in ruins: 27 year-old Chris Meyer, owner and operator of Federal Coffee House, which was located at 160 Manchester Street. The Heritage 1 building that he used to run his business from is being torn down tomorrow".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Earthquake victims from Christchurch have been looked after in Blenheim by Rotary. They were having coffee in Chequers cafe before returning to Christchurch. From left to right: Rosanne McAllister, Lois Stanway, Rod and Margaret McKenzie (Blenheim Rotary)".
A video about the reopening of C1 Espresso in the former post office on the corner of Tuam and High Streets. The café had to close after the 22 February 2011 earthquake, which severely damaged their building on High Street. The video includes footage of the staff setting up the cafe and an interview with owner Sam Crofskey.
A photograph of a sitting area on the ground floor of the Crowne Plaza Hotel. A plate and magazines has fallen off the coffee table and a chair has toppled over. In the background, a piece of the ceiling under the stairs is hanging loose.