Kelvin Scott is a blind musician who usually plays in the square. He chose not to go today because it was raining.
Jackie Shields is a resident of the Burwood suburb in Christchruch.
David Meates is the Chief Executive of the Canterbury District Health Board.
David Neal is the Red Cross National Operations Manager and is making his way to Christchurch to coordinate efforts with his staff.
Reporter Jessica Horn is at Burnside High School, where a welfare centre has been set up.
Radio New Zealand Reporter Rachel Graham is at the Christchurch City Council's civil defense headquarters.
Judith Hughey is a Christchurch resident.
Michael Brook is the Operations Manager of St John.
The Government is promising the new authority set up to lead Christchurch's rebuilding will listen to local people.
Orion's chief executive, Roger Sutton outlines the power situation in Christchurch.
John Townend is an Associate Professor at the School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences at Victoria University Wellington.
Daille Rogers is at Hagley Park where people have been evacuated from the central city.
John Townend is an Associate Professor at the School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences at Victoria University Wellington.
Kimberley Grady works for KiwiRail.
Alistair Hamilton is the Canterbury Medical Officer of Health.
Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker says that this earthquake felt as violent as the one in September.
Jane Patterson has been at the Beehive bunker getting a civil defence update.
Jim Palmer is the CEO of the Waimakariri District Council.
David Miller is from Christchurch Civil Defence.
Barry Saunders is at the epicentre of the earthquake - Lyttleton.
Labour Party leader Phil Goff is outside the Pyne Gould building - where people are trapped inside.
James Thompson is the Operations Manager for Civil Defence Christchurch.
Bridget Mills is in Latimer Square at a triage centre.
Dave Cliff is the Police Superintendent.
John Townend is a seismologist for GNS; and an Associate Professor at the School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences.
Denise Torrey is the principal of Summerfield School in the south of Christchurch.
Radio New Zealand reporter Jessica Maddock has been to a Civil Defense Briefing.
John Carter, Minister for Civil Defence gives reporters in Wellington a briefing.
Blog of Christchurch vet Fi. Archived instances cover the Canterbury Earthquake.
Site of the official New Zealand Government appeal to help the people of Christchurch and the Canterbury region following the Feb. 22 earthquake.