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Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video capturing an aftershock from the Canterbury earthquake on 26 December, 10:30 am. After a sharp aftershock in the morning, Ben Post set up the camera on a tripod and kept it running during the morning. The windows shown are approximately three metres square and double glazed.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A fallen branch caught in weeds in the River Styx. The photographer comments, "This branch was broken off during one of the recent Christchurch earthquakes and fell into the River Styx. Now one side has sprouted roots and the other new buds".

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A document with photographs and details of the four researchers from the National Council of Women of New Zealand (NCWNZ) project, Women's Voices: Recording women's stories of the Canterbury earthquakes. The researchers include Amanda England (from 2011 - 2012), Elizabeth Ashby (from 2013 - 2014), Rosemary Baird (2012 - 2014) and Brigid Buckenham (2013 - 2014).

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A document with a photograph and details of the Research Committee of the National Council of Women of New Zealand (NCWNZ) project, Women's Voices: Recording women's stories of the Canterbury earthquakes. The Research Committee consisted of Liz Gordon, Rosemary Du Plessis, Judith Sutherland, Helen Gibson, Maureen Fordham, and Cheryl Anderson.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A brick fence has been spray painted after it was cleared by a USAR team. This system was used following the February earthquake to mark buildings that have been checked. Restricted access tape has been placed across the gates. A pile of bricks have fallen onto the footpath.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

For the first time in November 2011, Christchurch residents finally had the opportunity to see the earthquake-damaged city centre on the Red Zone bus tours organised by CERA. The podium which formerly held the Godley statue. Behind is the Regent Theatre dome which has been removed from the building.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Demolition site and street art on a wall on Colombo Street, Sydenham. The work on the left is a Gap Filler project, Wayne Youle's "I seem to have temporarily misplaced my sense of humour " (2011), a shadow-board mural which depicts things lost during the earthquake.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a sign protesting the red stickering of Avoca Valley houses. The sign reads, "459 days since being evicted from our Avoca Valley homes. Communities make a city. Decisions now! Let us go home. Facebook: Avoca Valley Earthquake Recovery Authority".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a sign protesting the red stickering of Avoca Valley houses. The sign reads, "459 days since being evicted from our Avoca Valley homes. Communities make a city. Decisions now! Let us go home. Facebook: Avoca Valley Earthquake Recovery Authority".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

HITLab NZ's Andreas Dunser and UC clinical psychologists Dr Janet Carter, Dr Eileen Britt and Associate Professor Martin Dorahy, who are creating an earthquake simulator at the University of Canterbury to investigate ways to help Cantabrians overcome post-traumatic stress disorders caused by ongoing seismic activity.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

HITLab NZ's Andreas Dunser and UC clinical psychologists Dr Janet Carter, Dr Eileen Britt and Associate Professor Martin Dorahy, who are creating an earthquake simulator at the University of Canterbury to investigate ways to help Cantabrians overcome post-traumatic stress disorders caused by ongoing seismic activity.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A close-up photograph of parts of the Townsend Telescope recovered from the rubble of the Observatory tower. The telescope was housed in the tower at the Christchurch Arts Centre. It was severely damaged when the tower collapsed during the 22 February 2011 earthquake.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a sign protesting the red stickering of Avoca Valley houses. The sign reads, "459 days since being evicted from our Avoca Valley homes. Communities make a city. Decisions now! Let us go home. Facebook: Avoca Valley Earthquake Recovery Authority".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of parts of the Townsend Telescope recovered from the rubble of the Observatory tower. The telescope was housed in the tower at the Christchurch Arts Centre. It was severely damaged when the tower collapsed during the 22 February 2011 earthquake.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Post-graduate students who went on an exchange to Oxford after the February earthquakes talking to Vice-Chancellor Rod Carr at a function with Vice Chancellor Rod Car and Vice Chancellor of the University of Oxford Andrew Hamilton to sign a Memorandum of Understand between the two Universities.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph captioned, "I guess the only good thing that came out of the earthquake is that we know the residents better. It definitely bought people together, and the support was incredible. If you didn't know your neighbours before, you definitely knew them after the quake. We made friends out of this".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digger demolishes Henry Africa's restaurant. The photographer comments, "A building housing a restaurant and a great little neighbourhood bar is finally coming down because of earthquake damage. The left half. Janes Bar and one of the upstairs flats were still standing today, but they'll be gone soon".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Post-graduate students who went on an exchange to Oxford after the February earthquakes talking to Vice-Chancellor Rod Carr at a function with Vice Chancellor Rod Car and Vice Chancellor of the University of Oxford Andrew Hamilton to sign a Memorandum of Understand between the two Universities.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Detail of spray painted codes left after a building had been cleared by a USAR team. This system was used following the February earthquake to mark buildings that have been checked. This building has also been red-stickered, and has a notice that says "Danger. Do Not Enter".

Audio, Radio New Zealand

'Designed by an incompetent engineer, supervised by an irresponsible engineer and constructed by a fake engineer'. Those were the views of the Christchurch Earthquake Families Group, heard today, at the first - and only - disciplinary hearing to be held against anyone who designed and built the CTV building in Christchurch.