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Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of workers searching for survivors in the collapsed stores along Manchester Street shortly after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. An excavator can be seen helping to remove rubble from the site.

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Text reads 'Parking wardens resume work in Christchurch'. A parking warden peers anxiously at a huge tanker named 'Bill's Septic Tank Services' which is apparently parked illegally. The driver of the tanker, who holds the nozzle of a pump attached to the tank, says 'Your move!' suggesting the threat of a sewage spill if the warden insists on compliance. Context - 'After a lengthy grace period following the devastating February 22 quake, Parking wardens were yesterday on the hunt for parking infringers in the city's non-metered time-restricted zones, loading zones, bus/tour coach stops and taxi stands, and on the likes of broken yellow lines.' The resumption of work by the parking wardens does suggest a return to normal in Christchurch. (NZHerald 30 May 2011) Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Text reads 'Pet of the day... ' Below is a notice tacked to a wall which has an image of a cat wearing spectacles on it. Text reads 'LOST. Large moggy, last seen roaming in Christchurch. Answers to the name of "Gerry" or "Dinners ready". Has a loud purr, looks cuddly but can turn...' Context: This is a reference to Gerry Brownlee, the Minister for Earthquake Recovery. When National announced its offer based on the 2007 rating valuation to red-zone property owners on 23 June, Gerry Brownlee specifically told people who had made improvements between the time of the valuation and the September quake to 'keep their receipts'. The offer from CERA dated August 19 now says quite clearly that people can only seek an adjustment to the purchase price if the rating valuation is based on an incorrect floor area, or if 'you have received a code compliance certificate for consented building work undertaken after the rating valuation and that work increased the floor area of your house'. (Voxy - 23 August 2011) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video contributed by Hugh, a participant in the Understanding Place research project. The video has the description "Hugh talks about the damage his old house received during the earthquake and also the New Brighton area".

Articles, Christchurch uncovered

People often ask what we’re learning as a result of all this post-earthquake archaeology. Quite a lot, as this blog reveals. But, to date, the blog has focused on the individual sites and/or stories – there’s not been much of … Continue reading →

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Conservationist, forager, angler and former fisheries observer Peter Langlands talks about the many threats to our lakes and waterways. Lynn Freeman asked the Cantabrian how the earthquakes affected Christchurch birds, as there was talk that they left the city.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of an earthquake-damaged building on Riccarton Road. The top storey has collapsed causing rubble to spill onto the footpath, crushing a car. The area surrounding the building has been cordoned off.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of an earthquake-damaged building on Riccarton Road. The top storey has collapsed causing rubble to spill onto the footpath, crushing a car. The area surrounding the building has been cordoned off.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Gerry Brownlee, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Ian Town, Vice-Chancellor Dr Rod Carr, Prime Minister John Key, Mayor Bob Parker and and Roger Sutton from CERA at the Community Engagement Awards 2011.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Bronze award recipients, Jonathon Atkins (second to the left) and David Terry (middle), both from Christchurch. Pictured here with Prime Minister John Key, Vice-Chancellor Dr Rod Carr, and Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Gerry Brownlee.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

For the first time in November 2011, Christchurch residents finally had the opportunity to see the earthquake-damaged city centre on the Red Zone bus tours organised by CERA. Damage to buildings can be seen out the window.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A Waikato primary school refuses to back down and re-enroll a violent eleven year old and the country's largest general insurer defends changes to home insurance policies in the wake of the Christchurch earthquakes.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Amy Huang wrote this as a Year 12 student at Rangiruru Girls' School in Christchurch as a response to the earthquake and it was a finalist in a short story competition. For ages 8-18.