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Images, Canterbury Museum

A laminated photograph with text at the bottom left in memorial to Andrew Christian Ross Craig. In the upper left corner a circular hole has been punched to allow hanging of the item.

Research papers, The University of Auckland Library

During many years the analysis of some geophysical results of Charles Darwin was being carried out in Department. Darwin has connected almost 200 years ago results of catastrophic earthquakes with vertical movement of a surface of the Earth. Usually this movement less horizontal movement and its influence on destruction of cities is not considered. Earthquake hazard assessment studies were focused usually on the horizontal ground motion. Effects of the strong vertical motion were not, practically, discussed. The margins of safety against gravity-induced static vertical forces in constructed buildings usually provide adequate resistance to dynamic forces induced by the vertical acceleration during an earthquake. However, the earthquake in Christchurch is an example of the vertical seismic shock . The earthquake magnitude was rather small - nearby 6.3. However, the result was catastrophic. The same took place in 1835. It allowed to Darwin to formulate a few great ideas. Charles Darwin has explained qualitatively results of an interaction of huge seismic waves with volcanoes and the nature of volcanism and seismicity of our planet. These important data of Charles Darwin became very actual recently. It is possible to tell also the same about tsunami and extreme ocean waves described by Charles Darwin. Therefore this data were analyzed using modern mechanics, mathematics and physics in Department. In particular, the theory of catastrophic waves was developed based on Darwin's data. The theory tried to explain occurrence, evolution and distribution the catastrophic waves in various natural systems, since atoms, oceans, surfaces of the Earth and up to the very early Universe. Some results of the research were published in prestigious magazines. Later they were presented in two books devoted to Charles Darwin's anniversary (2009). Last from them was published in Russian (2011). We give here key ideas of this research which is a part of interdisciplinary researches of Department. Some ideas are discussed. Not less important purpose is very short historical review of some researches of Darwin. In particular, we underline Darwin' priority in the formulation of the bases of Dynamics Earth.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video about several retail stores in Westfield Riccarton giving Christchurch women makeovers after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Twenty-one women who were affected by the earthquakes or contributed to the recovery effort, were given a $1000 makeover by Blue Illusion, Rodney Wayne, Life Pharmacy, All About You, and Coffee Culture. The video includes an interview with Jude Kahui from Blue Illusion, who organised the makeovers. It also includes an interview with Shirley Quinn, one of the makeover recipients, as she receives her makeover.

Research Papers, Lincoln University

Increasingly, economic, political and human crises, along with natural disasters, constitute a recurrent reality around the world. The effect of large-scale disaster and economic disruption are being felt far and wide and impacting libraries in diverse ways. Libraries are casualties of natural disasters, from earthquakes to hurricanes, as well as civil unrest and wars. Sudden cuts in library budgets have resulted in severe staff reductions, privatization and even closures. The presenters share their experiences about how they have prepared for or coped with profound change.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video about the restoration of New Regent Street. New Regent Street was damaged during the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The video includes an interview with Edward Leeson, manager of the restoration project.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Amy Huang wrote this as a Year 12 student at Rangiruru Girls' School in Christchurch as a response to the earthquake and it was a finalist in a short story competition. For ages 8-18.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Since the Christchurch earthquakes first struck the city back in September 2010, Coralie Winn has looked for ways to keep up the spirits of those who've stayed, and give artists outlets in the arts deprived city.