Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The former Public Library on Cambridge Terrace".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "A detail of the former Public Library on Hereford Street".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "A detail of the former Public Library on Hereford Street".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The former Public Library and extensive liquefaction, Hereford Street".
A photograph of women sewing felt badges outside the Christchurch City Library in Lyttelton. The felt hearts were a healing outlet during the Canterbury earthquakes. The goal was to create beauty in the midst of chaos, to keep people's hands busy and their minds off the terrifying reality of the earthquakes, as well as to give a gift of love to workers and businesses who helped improve life in Lyttelton.
A photograph of women sewing felt badges outside the Christchurch City Library in Lyttelton. The felt hearts were a healing outlet during the Canterbury earthquakes. The goal was to create beauty in the midst of chaos, to keep people's hands busy and their minds off the terrifying reality of the earthquakes, as well as to give a gift of love to workers and businesses who helped improve life in Lyttelton.
A photograph of temporary street furniture outside the temporary Central Library on Tuam Street. The furniture was designed and fabricated by F3 Design for the Christchurch City Council.
Building rubble and liquefaction on the footpath outside the former Public Library on the corner of Hereford Street and Cambridge Terrace.
An aerial photograph of the Christchurch central city. The photograph is captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Brannigans building is in the centre of the photograph with Gloucester Street running through the middle of the photograph. The photograph shows the rear of the building".
A PDF copy of a poster promoting the 'Write Now' 2014 young writers workshops. Some of the best works from the workshop were published in a chapbook and in posters for Christchurch 2014 WORD Festival. The workshops were supported by All Right?, Christchurch City Libraries and The School for Young Writers.
A PDF copy of a poster promoting the 'Write Now' 2014 young writers workshops. Some of the best works from the workshop were published in a chapbook and in posters for Christchurch 2014 WORD Festival. The workshops were supported by All Right?, Christchurch City Libraries and The School for Young Writers.
An aerial photograph of the Christchurch central city with Armagh Street in the foreground and Christ Church Cathedral in the centre.
A group photograph of participants in the walk to celebrate Chinese National Day and the Moon Festival. The walk was held at the Upper Riccarton Library. It was organised by the Canterbury Migrants Centre (formerly the Christchurch Migrants Centre) and was part of the Christchurch City Council's Walking Festival.
A PDF copy of a 'chapbook' featuring selected writings of "some of Canterbury's most exciting young writers, aged 10-15 years". The booklet was created for the WORD Christchurch Writers and Readers Festival 2014 with the support of All Right?, The School for Young Writers, Christchurch City Libraries, and WORD Christchurch.
An aerial photograph of the Christchurch city central. The photograph is captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Provincial Council Chambers in the middle, with Brannigans on the lower left, the Central Library lower middle and the Farmers car park on the lower right".
An image designed to promote the 'Write Now' 2014 young writers workshops. Some of the best pieces from the workshop were published in a chapbook and on posters for the Christchurch 2014 WORD Festival. The workshops were supported by All Right?, Christchurch City Libraries and The School for Young Writers. All Right? posted the image on their Facebook page on 15 July 2014 at 4:31pm.
A photograph showing All Right? posters at the Central Library Peterborough. The posters feature images from phase 2 of the All Right? campaign, which sought to promote the 'Five Ways To Wellbeing' by asking simple, open-ended questions related to wellbeing.
An aerial photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Central city blocks bounded by Colombo Street, Hereford Street, Cashel Street, and High Street".
A photograph of participants in the walk to celebrate Chinese National Day and the Moon Festival. In the foreground, there are two performers doing a lion dance. The walk was held at the Upper Riccarton Library in September 2015. It was organised by the Canterbury Migrants Centre (formerly the Christchurch Migrants Centre) and was part of the Christchurch City Council's Walking Festival.
A photograph of All Right? posters and a string of flags in the window of the temporary library on Peterborough Street. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 22 May 2013 at 4:52pm.
An entry from Jennifer Middendorf's blog for 21 October 2012 entitled, "Back by maternal demand".
A PDF copy of six posters for free family events at Christchurch 2014 WORD Festival. Each poster features a quote from a young Christchurch writer, composed at the 2014 'Write Now' workshops.
An aerial photograph of the Farmers car park on Gloucester Street with Victoria Park to the north and the Canterbury Provincial Council Chambers to the west.
A photograph of participants in the walk to celebrate Chinese National Day and the Moon Festival. In the foreground, there is a man holding a Chinese flag. Behind him there are two people wearing panda bear costumes. The walk was held at the Upper Riccarton Library in September 2015. It was organised by the Canterbury Migrants Centre (formerly the Christchurch Migrants Centre) and was part of the Christchurch City Council's Walking Festival.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Aerial view of the centre of the city, with the cathedral in the centre, and the art gallery in the foreground".
A photograph of five participants in the walk to celebrate Chinese National Day and the Moon Festival. Staff member Vaea Hutchen of the All Right? mental health campaign of the CDHB is wearing a tee shirt promoting the campaign. Others are wearing Chinese flags. The walk was held at the Upper Riccarton Library in September 2015. It was organised by the Canterbury Migrants Centre (formerly the Christchurch Migrants Centre) and was part of the Christchurch City Council's Walking Festival.
An image advertising a free writing workshop for children aged between 10 and 15. The writing workshop was part of the WORD Christchurch writers festival. The image was used as a profile picture on the All Right? Facebook page. The image was also posted to Facebook by All Right? on 15 July 2014 at 5:31pm.
The city of Christchurch has experienced over 10,000 aftershocks since the 4th of September 2010 earthquake of which approximately 50 have been greater than magnitude 5. The damage caused to URM buildings in Christchurch over this sequence of earthquakes has been well documented. Due to the similarity in age and construction of URM buildings in Adelaide, South Australia and Christchurch (they are sister cities, of similar age and heritage), an investigation was conducted to learn lessons for Adelaide based on the Christchurch experience. To this end, the number of URM buildings in the central business districts of both cities, the extent of seismic strengthening that exists in both cities, and the relative earthquake hazards for both cities were considered. This paper will report on these findings and recommend strategies that the city of Adelaide could consider to significantly reduce the seismic risk posed by URM buildings in future earthquake.
essential systems upon which the well-being and functioning of societies depend. They deliver a service or a good to the population using a network, a combination of spatially-distributed links and nodes. As they are interconnected, network elements’ functionality is also interdependent. In case of a failure of one component, many others could be momentarily brought out-of-service. Further problems arise for buried infrastructure when it comes to buried infrastructure in earthquake and liquefaction-prone areas for the following reasons: • Technically more demanding inspections than those required for surface horizontal infrastructure • Infrastructure subject to both permanent ground displacement and transient ground deformation • Increase in network maintenance costs (i.e. deterioration due to ageing material and seismic hazard) These challenges suggest careful studies on network resilience will yield significant benefits. For these reasons, the potable water network of Christchurch city (Figure 1) has been selected for its well-characterized topology and its extensive repair dataset.
A large number of businesses that used to be in the centre of Christchurch relocated after the earthquakes. Are they satisfied with their new locations and do they intend to return to the central city? We questioned 209 relocated businesses about their relocation history, present circumstances and future intentions. Many businesses were content with their new premises, despite having encountered a range of problems; those businesses that were questioned later in our survey period were more content. The average business in our sample rated the chances of moving back to the central city as around 50 %, but this varies with the type of business. Building height did not emerge as a major issue, but rents may be. The mix of types of business is likely to be different in the new city centre.