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Images, UC QuakeStudies

A local musician entertaining University of Canterbury students inside the UCSA's "Big Top" tent. The tent was erected in the UCSA car park to provide support for students in the aftermath of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The students have spent the day clearing liquefaction from Christchurch properties as part of the Student Volunteer Army.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

UCSA President Kohan McNab addressing students inside the UCSA's "Big Top" tent. The tent was erected in the UCSA car park to provide support for students in the aftermath of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The students have spent the day clearing liquefaction from Christchurch properties as part of the Student Volunteer Army.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

UCSA President Kohan McNab introducing a musician inside the UCSA's "Big Top" tent. The tent was erected in the UCSA car park to provide support for students in the aftermath of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The students have spent the day clearing liquefaction from Christchurch properties as part of the Student Volunteer Army.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

University of Canterbury Vice-Chancellor Rod Carr addressing students inside the UCSA's "Big Top" tent. The tent was erected in the UCSA car park to provide support for students in the aftermath of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The students have spent the day clearing liquefaction from Christchurch properties as part of the Student Volunteer Army.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A collection of wheelbarrows from the Student Volunteer Army in the car park of the USCA. The wheelbarrows have been returned by students after a day of clearing liquefaction from Christchurch properties. Behind them the UCSA's "Big Top" tent can be seen, which was erected to provide support for students at the University of Canterbury in the aftermath of the 22 February 2011 earthquake.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

University of Canterbury students watching a local musician perform inside the UCSA's "Big Top" tent. The tent was erected in the UCSA car park to provide support for students in the aftermath of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The students have spent the day clearing liquefaction from Christchurch properties as part of the Student Volunteer Army.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

University of Canterbury students watching a local musician perform inside the UCSA's "Big Top" tent. The tent was erected in the UCSA car park to provide support for students in the aftermath of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The students have spent the day clearing liquefaction from Christchurch properties as part of the Student Volunteer Army.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

University of Canterbury Vice-Chancellor Rod Carr addressing students inside the UCSA's "Big Top" tent. The tent was erected in the UCSA car park to provide support for students in the aftermath of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The students have spent the day clearing liquefaction from Christchurch properties as part of the Student Volunteer Army.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the Observatory tower at the Christchurch Arts Centre. There are cracks in the masonry of the tower near where the two storeys join. The cracks formed as a result of the 4 September 2010 earthquake. Wire fencing has been placed at the entrance to the courtyard in front as a cordon.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Fred Mecoy, the Wellington City Council's Emergency Preparedness Manager, speaking at a graduation ceremony for more than 40 new civil defence volunteers in the Wellington Town Hall. Members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office team were presented certificates of appreciation during this event. The certificates were presented to the members to honour their involvement in the emergency response to the 22 February 2011 earthquakes in Christchurch.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a sign taped to a window. The sign includes a bullet pointed list of humorous observations about Christchurch following the February 2011 earthquake. The sign reads, "You know you're from Christchurch when: you use the term 'liquefaction' and 'seismic design' in casual conversation; digging a hole and shitting in your garden is no longer weird; your mayor describes the city as munted. If he means FUBARed, you agree; weaving through car size potholes on the street is no longer weird; a shower is heaven; you have a preference of which kind of silt you'd rather shovel, dry or wet; you see tanks...driving around town; you are always noting what you are under; due to frequent aftershocks during the night, you sleep like a baby - every 10 minutes you wake up and shit yourself".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The Taiwanese Search and Rescue team (USAR) being farewelled at the Christchurch International Airport after helping out with the emergency response to the Canterbury Earthquake. In the centre is Rob Saunders from the New Zealand Fire Department, and on the right is Kao Wei, Team Leader of the Taiwan USAR team.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage the brick fence of a house in Christchurch. Bricks from the broken fence have been stacked on the footpath in front. Liquefaction has been piled on the footpath and road cones placed in front.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage the brick fence of a house in Christchurch. Bricks from the broken fence have been stacked on the footpath in front. Liquefaction has been piled on the footpath and road cones placed in front.

Research papers, The University of Auckland Library

Between September 4, 2010 and December 23, 2011, a series of earthquakes struck the South Island of New Zealand including the city of Christchurch producing heavy damage. During the strongest shaking, the unreinforced masonry (URM) building stock in Christchurch was subjected to seismic loading equal to approximately 150-200% of code values. Post-earthquake reconnaissance suggested numerous failures of adhesive anchors used for retrofit connection of roof and floor diaphragms to masonry walls. A team of researchers from the Universities of Auckland (NZ) and Minnesota (USA) conducted a field investigation on the performance of new adhesive anchors installed in existing masonry walls. Variables included adhesive type, anchor diameter, embedment length, anchor inclination, and masonry quality. Buildings were selected that had been slated for demolition but which featured exterior walls that had not been damaged. A summary of the deformation response measured during the field tests are presented. AM - Accepted Manuscript

Research papers, The University of Auckland Library

The connections between walls of unreinforced masonry (URM) buildings and flexible timber diaphragms are critical building components that must perform adequately before desirable earthquake response of URM buildings may be achieved. Field observations made during the initial reconnaissance and the subsequent damage surveys of clay brick URM buildings following the 2010/2011 Canterbury, New Zealand, earthquakes revealed numerous cases where anchor connections joining masonry walls or parapets with roof or floor diaphragms appeared to have failed prematurely. These observations were more frequent for adhesive anchor connections than for through-bolt connections (i.e., anchorages having plates on the exterior facade of the masonry walls). Subsequently, an in-field test program was undertaken in an attempt to evaluate the performance of adhesive anchor connections between unreinforced clay brick URM walls and roof or floor diaphragm. The study consisted of a total of almost 400 anchor tests conducted in eleven existing URM buildings located in Christchurch, Whanganui and Auckland. Specific objectives of the study included the identification of failure modes of adhesive anchors in existing URM walls and the influence of the following variables on anchor load-displacement response: adhesive type, strength of the masonry materials (brick and mortar), anchor embedment depth, anchor rod diameter, overburden level, anchor rod type, quality of installation, and the use of metal mesh sleeves. In addition, the comparative performance of bent anchors (installed at an angle of minimum 22.5° to the perpendicular projection from the wall surface) and anchors positioned horizontally was investigated. Observations on the performance of wall-to-diaphragm connections in the 2010/2011 Canterbury earthquakes, a summary of the performed experimental program and test results, and a proposed pull-out capacity relationship for adhesive anchors installed into multi-leaf clay brick masonry are presented herein. AM - Accepted Manuscript

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to a property in the Christchurch central city. Part of the roof of the property has collapsed, spilling material onto the balcony below. A sign in the foreground reads, "Wots your councillor doing for your water?".

Research papers, The University of Auckland Library

An UnReinforced clay brick Masonry (URM) chimney is composed of a cantilever URM appendage above a roofline and is considered one of the most earthquake prone non-structural compo¬nents within vintage URM and timber-framed buildings. Observations from past earthquakes including the 1992 Big Bear City earthquake, 1994 Northridge earthquake, 2001 Nisqually earthquake, 2010/2011 Canterbury earthquakes, 2012 Northern Italy earthquakes, and 2014 South Napa earthquake served repeatedly as a reminder of the hazard induced by URM chimneys. The observed failure types included several cases where the adopted retrofit techniques were not adequate to effectively secure chimneys dur¬ing the earthquake. Data collected during the 2010/2011 post-earthquake building assessments in Christchurch and insur¬ance claims are reported herein. Five full-scale solid clay brick URM chimneys which replicated the most encountered geometrical and construction characteristics were subjected to shake table testing. Two chim¬ney samples were representative of the as-built conditions, while three samples were retrofitted using two different configurations of Near-Surface-Mounted (NSM) Carbon-Fibre-Reinforced-Polymer (CFRP) strips and post-tensioning techniques. The adopted securing techniques allowed an increase in seismic acceleration capacity of more than five times for chimneys constructed with ultra-weak mortar and more than twice for chimneys built with weak mortar.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The Taiwanese Search and Rescue team being farewelled at the Christchurch International Airport after helping out with the emergency response to the Canterbury Earthquake. To the left is Rob Saunders from the New Zealand Fire Department, centre, Kao Wei Liang, Team Leader of the Taiwan USAR team, and right, the Taiwanese ambassador.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

These research papers explore the concept of vulnerability in international human rights law. In the wake of the Christchurch earthquakes of 2010-2011, this research focuses on how "vulnerability" has been used and developed within the wider human rights discourse. They also examine jurisprudence of international human rights bodies, and how the concept of "vulnerability" has been applied. The research also includes a brief investigation into the experiences of vulnerable populations in disaster contexts, focusing primarily on the experiences of "vulnerable persons" in the Christchurch earthquakes and their aftermath.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Christchurch Chinese Methodist Church on Papanui Road. The gable walls have crumbled, bricks spilling onto the ground. The tower has been removed and braced on the ground in front. Cordon fencing has been placed around the building. Parts of the fence have been decorated with hearts and the word 'love'.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

Earthquake-triggered soil liquefaction caused extensive damage and heavy economic losses in Christchurch during the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquakes. The most severe manifestations of liquefaction were associated with the presence of natural deposits of clean sands and silty sands of fluvial origin. However, liquefaction resistance of fines-containing sands is commonly inferred from empirical relationships based on clean sands (i.e. sands with less than 5% fines). Hence, existing evaluation methods have poor accuracy when applied to silty sands. The liquefaction behaviour of Christchurch fines-containing (silty) sands is investigated through a series of Direct Simple Shear (DSS) tests. This type of test better resembles earthquake loading conditions in soil deposits compared to cyclic triaxial tests. Soil specimens are reconstituted in the laboratory with the water sedimentation technique. This preparation method yields soil fabrics similar to those encountered in fluvial soil deposits, which are common in the Christchurch area. Test results provide preliminary indications on how void ratio, relative density, preparation method and fines content influence the cyclic liquefaction behaviour of sand-silt mixtures depending on the properties of host sand and silt.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A yellow sticker on the door of a house in Worcester Street reading, "Restricted use. No entry except on essential business. Warning: This building has been damaged and its structural safety is questionable. Earthquake aftershocks present danger. Enter only at own risk. Subsequent events may result in increased damage and danger, changing this assessment. Reinspection may be required. The damage is as described below: partial collapse of longitudinal walls". Following on from this are the specific conditions that must be complied with to enable entry into the property, the inspector's identification details, and the date and time the building was inspected. At the bottom the form reads, "Do not remove this placard. Placed by order of the territorial authority Christchurch City Council".

Research papers, The University of Auckland Library

The Canterbury region experienced widespread damage due to liquefaction induced by seismic shaking during the 4 September 2010 earthquake and the large aftershocks that followed, notably those that occurred on 22 February, 13 June and 23 December 2011. Following the 2010 earthquake, the Earthquake Commission directed a thorough investigation of the ground profile in Christchurch, and to date, more than 7500 cone penetration tests (CPT) have been performed in the region. This paper presents the results of analyses which use a subset of the geotechnical database to evaluate the liquefaction process as well as the re-liquefaction that occurred following some of the major events in Christchurch. First, the applicability of existing CPT-based methods for evaluating liquefaction potential of Christchurch soils was investigated using three methods currently available. Next, the results of liquefaction potential evaluation were compared with the severity of observed damage, categorised in terms of the land damage grade developed from Tonkin & Taylor property inspections as well as from observed severity of liquefaction from aerial photography. For this purpose, the Liquefaction Potential Index (LPI) was used to represent the damage potential at each site. In addition, a comparison of the CPT-based strength profiles obtained before each of the major aftershocks was performed. The results suggest that the analysis of spatial and temporal variations of strength profiles gives a clear indication of the resulting liquefaction and re-liquefaction observed in Christchurch. The comparison of a limited number of CPT strength profiles before and after the earthquakes seems to indicate that no noticeable strengthening has occurred in Christchurch, making the area vulnerable to liquefaction induced land damage in future large-scale earthquakes.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Defence Force personnel walking down Norwich Quay during an operational tour of Lyttelton taken by Commander Joint Forces New Zealand, Air Vice Marshal Peter Stockwell and Chief of Army Tim Keating to view the aftermath of the Christchurch Earthquake.