A story submitted by Olive Russell to the QuakeStories website.
Transcript of Charles Wood's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
Transcript of Peter Smith's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
Transcript of Joy Davies's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
A story submitted by Mike Ryan to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Emma-Jane to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Anonymous to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Hege to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Laura Campbell to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Elizabeth to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Rachel to the QuakeStories website.
Transcript of Micah Swindells's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
A pdf transcript of Pat Penrose's second earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox Take 2 project. Interviewer: Samuel Hope. Transcriber: Maggie Blackwood.
A story submitted by Jennifer to the QuakeStories website.
Summary of oral history interview with Alice Ridley about her experiences of the Canterbury earthquakes.
Urban Search and Rescue personnel escorting construction workers down Colombo Street in the aftermath of the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
Urban Search and Rescue personnel escorting construction workers down Colombo Street in the aftermath of the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
Urban Search and Rescue personnel escorting construction workers down Colombo Street in the aftermath of the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A story submitted by Bertha and Robert Tobias to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Danielle to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Nathanael Boehm to the QuakeStories website.
A story submitted by Sarah Gallagher to the QuakeStories website.
Summary of oral history interview with Karen Chadderton about her experiences of the Canterbury earthquakes.
A story submitted by Scott to the QuakeStories website.
Transcript of Gail Davey's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
Transcript of Vanessa Evans's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.
Summary of oral history interview with Jacqui Gavin about her experiences of the Canterbury earthquakes.
Summary of oral history interview with Nicky Wagner about her experiences of the Canterbury earthquakes.
Summary of oral history interview with Kirsty about her experiences of the Canterbury earthquakes.
Transcript of Robin Robins's earthquake story, captured by the UC QuakeBox project.