A map showing patterns of liquefaction in Mark Quigley's red-zoned Avonside property.
Red tape around the letterbox of a property that has been cordoned off.
Detail of a steel ornament among other building rubble in an overgrown property.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Liquefaction outside a property in Rydal Street, Hoon Hay".
A digitally manipulated image of liquefaction around a house in Avondale. The photographer comments, "The bottom of the gates were swallowed up by liquefaction, but the house still looked in good condition, which was confirmed by builders just going in to work on the property. It is in the Christchurch red zone, which after testing has been deemed unsuitable for houses to be built on. All the land will be bought by the Government and they would also buy any properties that could be repaired. The remaining insured property owners will get a payment from the insurance company. All the buildings are condemned to be knocked down".
An infographic comparing numbers of complaints received by property owners about their land zoning.
A residential property that has been red-stickered, meaning it is unsafe to enter
A residential property that has been red-stickered, meaning it is unsafe to enter
The Earthquake Recovery Minister, Gerry Brownlee, says the Government's got the price 'about right' for land it's bought for Christchurch's refurbished central business district.
The earthquake swarm that has struck Canterbury, New Zealand from September 2010 has led to widespread destruction and loss of life in the city of Christchurch. In response to this the New Zealand government convened a Royal Commission under the Commissions of Inquiry Act 1908. The terms of reference for this enquiry were wide ranging, and included inquiry into legal and best-practice requirements for earthquake-prone buildings and associated risk management strategies. The Commission produced a final report on earthquake-prone buildings and recommendations which was made public on the 7th December 2012. Also on the 7th of December 2012 the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) released a Consultation Document that includes many of the recommendations put forward by the Royal Commission. This paper examines the evidence presented to the Royal Commission and reviews their recommendations and those of MBIE in relation to the management of earthquake-prone buildings. An analysis of the likely impacts of the recommendations and proposals on both the property market and society in general is also undertaken.
A photograph of the house at 432 Oxford Terrace, taken from the property next door. Wire fencing has been placed along the fence between the two properties. A yellow sticker on the front door of the house indicates that access is restricted.
An audio recording of Greg Wright's interview for the Church in the Quakes Project. The interview was conducted by Melissa Parsons on 22 March 2013. Greg Wright is the Executive Director of the Methodist Churches' Property and Investment Committees.
A transcript of Greg Wright's interview for the Church in the Quakes Project. The interview was conducted by Melissa Parsons on 22 March 2013. Greg Wright is the Executive Director of the Methodist Churches' Property and Investment Committees.
An entry from Roz Johnson's blog for 27 June 2011 entitled, "Light at the End of the Tunnel".
A graph showing the drop in property listings in Canterbury following the 4 September earthquake.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Earthquake damage to property corner Oxford Street and Sumner Road, Lyttelton".
An infographic made up of graphs comparing residential property prices across Christchurch and New Zealand.
Overgrown property in a residential area. The house has big cracks down the exterior wall.
A video of an interview with a family who are living in a shed. The family lost their rental property after the owners' other property was damaged by the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The family are one of many living in sheds, garages, and tents despite the government's claim that there is no housing crisis in Christchurch.
Warning tape on the gate of a residential property near Cranmer Square. The photographer comments, "The yellow tape was put on the gate to warn property [owners] that the house beyond was unsafe. Now there is no house, but by the cobwebs on the handle the tape is doing a great job".
Students in the Student Volunteer Army cleaning up silt at a residential property after the earthquake.
A photograph of wire fences which have been placed around the property at 390 Oxford Terrace.
Students in the Student Volunteer Army cleaning up silt at a residential property after the earthquake.
Students in the Student Volunteer Army cleaning up silt at a residential property after the earthquake.
A damaged property that has been fenced off. Sections of the brick facade have fallen off.
Students in the Student Volunteer Army cleaning up silt at a residential property after the earthquake.
Students in the Student Volunteer Army cleaning up silt at a residential property after the earthquake.
Students in the Student Volunteer Army cleaning up silt at a residential property after the earthquake.
Students in the Student Volunteer Army cleaning up silt at a residential property after the earthquake.
Students in the Student Volunteer Army cleaning up silt at a residential property after the earthquake.