
found 208 results

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Christchurch MPs - Labour's Lianne Dalziel and National's Amy Adams - say it's not fair for seat-of-the-pants post-quake red/yellow and green sticker assessments to be formally recorded forever. They say the assessments were hastily done and inconsistent. But the Christchurch City Council says its required to do so under the provisions of the Canterbury Earthquake Response and Recovery Act.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The Christchurch City Council has confirmed the demolition of the earthquake-damaged Lancaster Park sports stadium will begin this year. Lancaster Park Cricket club was one of the sports ground's first tenants when it was established in 1881. An act of parliament means the ground has to be used for sport and recreation. "We're certainly looking foward to being able to get back on the ground and for it to be turned back into green space," Ric Horsfall from the cricket club says.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of an address by Alex Cutler, CEO of the New Zealand Green Building Council, at the 2014 Seismics and the City forum. This talk was part of the Building Communities section and explored the extent to which the new city core will be a 'government-flavoured doughnut', the key issues with this concept, and the possible solutions.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Workers operate a drilling rig inside a Terra Probe truck, which has been raised on jacks to make it stable. The photographer comments, "Another completely different company testing what is below the surface to determine what type of foundations new houses will need. This is in one the blue/green area of earthquake shaken Christchurch. Strangely this is 3 metres away from where the other testing was done".

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

The objective of this study is to examine the influence of near-fault motions on liquefaction triggering in Christchurch and neighboring towns during the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence (CES). The CES began with the 4 September 2010, Mw7.1 Darfield earthquake and included up to ten events that triggered liquefaction. However, most notably, widespread liquefaction was induced by the Darfield earthquake and the Mw6.2, 22 February 2011 Christchurch earthquake. Of particular relevance to this study is the forward directivity effects that were prevalent in the motions recorded during the Darfield earthquake, and to a much lesser extent, during the Christchurch earthquake. A 2D variant of the Richart-Newmark fatigue theory was used to compute the equivalent number of cycles (neq) for the ground motions, where volumetric strain was used as the damage metric. This study is unique because it considers the contribution and phasing of both the fault-normal and fault-parallel components of motion on neq and the magnitude scaling factor (MSF). It was found that when the fault-normal and fault-parallel motions were treated individually, the former yielded a lower neq than the latter. Additionally, when the combined effects of fault-normal and fault-parallel components were considered, it was found that the MSF were higher than those commonly used. This implies that motions containing near-fault effects are less demanding on the soil than motions that do not. This may be one of several factors that resulted in less severe liquefaction occurring during the Darfield earthquake than the Christchurch earthquake.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A Gap Filler submission to the Christchurch City Council Draft City Plan on behalf of the Gap Filler Trust, Greening the Rubble Trust and Life in Vacant Spaces Charitable Trust. The submission recommeded that the Christchurch City Council retain the funding levels for these intiatives at 2012 levels ($565,000) rather than reduce them to $400,000 as proposed, and that this funding be tagged for projects citywide and not restructed to the central city.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A view of the Cranmer Court building on the corner of Kilmore and Montreal Streets, showing damage from the 4 September 2010 earthquake. Masonry has fallen away from the apexes of several of the building's gables, which have been reinforced with timber bracing. A green cord has been used to tie bracing to the octagonal section on the corner of the building. This corner section is the part that housed Plato Creative from March 2008 to November 2009.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of an interview with Andy Cole, site supervisor at Geovert, about the procedure for blasting rocks in Hillsborough. The rock-blasting work was paid for by two Christchurch couples whose properties were red-zoned and red-stickered. The couples hope that the blasting work will encourage CERA to change their land zoning from red to green, allowing them to rebuild their homes on the same sites.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A report into why Statistics House failed in the November earthquake has revealed a design flaw in the building, and the Government says all buildings nationwide like Statistics House will now need checking. Christchurch man Jeremy Teaguea wants to overturn the law making wearing a bike helment compulsory. Former cyclone Debbie will make her presence felt here over the next week. Weatherman Richard Green tells us what to expect. Going up for Labour and a downward turn in the polls for National. Is it really because of Jacinda Ardern and Bill English?

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Donna Allfrey's house at 406 Oxford Terrace. A green sticker on the front door indicates that the house has been inspected and is safe to enter. A sign in the garden reads, "It's been a lot of fun - yeah right!". The photographer comments, "'It's been a lot of fun' is a quote from John Key about the Canterbury earthquakes and the 'yeah right' is a play on the Tui Beer advertisements".

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a protest at the Hagley Park netball courts against the Canterbury school reforms. 57 schools will be affected by the reforms, with 13 set to close and 25 undergoing some form of merger. The video includes speeches from Reverend Mike Coleman, Richard Chambers (Principal at Manning Intermediate), Jelena (a student at Greenpark School), Jennifer O'Lerry (Principal at Branston Intermediate), Eugenie Sage (Green Party MP), and Mia Harrison.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Six ½ years after the earthquakes there are still a few demolitions taking place. This one is a block of council owned flats. Whether the whole complex is being demolished or not I don't know., but here the centre block of three is being demolished. The green grass is what was sections and houses demolished in 2012-2015 as it is too close to t...

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

The cartoon shows three 'Redzone Girls'. The first wears a green tshirt and wears a green 'no restriction' label, the second wears a yellow tshirt and has a yellow 'Limited access' label and the third wears a red tshirt and has a red label that reads 'munted'; she also has a red and white barrier around her. The second and third of the 'girls' are in an increasing state of decrepitude. Behind them is a crumbling brick wall. Context - Christchurch prostitutes aren't letting natural disaster prevent them from plying their trade on the streets despite the dangers of aftershocks in the city. NZPC's Christchurch regional co-ordinator, Anna Reed, said it was a concern sex workers were standing in the shadow of potentially unsafe buildings as the city was shaken by aftershocks, but said the shattered CBD had "left them with no outlet". Christchurch residents are up in arms about the number of prostitutes working in their local neighbourhoods because their usual work areas are out of bounds in the 'red zone'. (Stuff 25 February 2011) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

- The Avon-Ōtākaro Redzone is an 11 kilometer stretch of land along the Avon-Ōtākaro River in Christchurch. - This project focused on the creation of a publicly available biodiversity map of the AvonŌtākaro River Corridor, a project undertaken as part of the ecological restoration of the Christchurch redzone. - This project originated from the Christchurch 2010-2011 earthquake sequence which saw liquefaction damage along 11km of the Avon River. Under guidance from The Nature Lab & Ōtākaro Living Laboratory, and various other experts, the primary research objective was to map historical biodiversity, identify hotspots, and assess areas for potential revegetation. - The data collected came from historical black maps, current iNaturalist data, and soil classification information. - The findings show that, pre-colonialism, the area was composed of herbaceous areas, wetlands, native shrubland, and tussock land, with key plants such as river, fern, tutu, and cabbage trees. - The post-earthquake analysis shows a transition from a residential area to patchy grasslands and swampy areas. - The findings also showed a strong relationship between historic sites and soil classifications, providing knowledge for past and future vegetation patterns and spread. - This map will be a valuable resource for conservation efforts and public engagement as the area transitions into a blue-green corridor.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

Using case studies from the 2010-2011 Canterbury, New Zealand earthquake sequence, this study assesses the accuracies of paleoliquefaction back-analysis methods and explores the challenges, techniques, and uncertainties associated with their application. While liquefaction-based back-analyses have been widely used to estimate the magnitudes of paleoearthquakes, their uncertain efficacies continue to significantly affect the computed seismic hazard in regions where they are relied upon. Accordingly, their performance is evaluated herein using liquefaction data from modern earthquakes with known magnitudes. It is shown that when the earthquake source location and mechanism are known, back-analysis methods are capable of accurately deriving seismic parameters from liquefaction evidence. However, because the source location and mechanism are often unknown in paleoseismic studies, and because accurate interpretation is shown to be more difficult in such cases, new analysis techniques are proposed herein. An objective parameter is proposed to geospatially assess the likelihood of any provisional source location, enabling an analyst to more accurately estimate the magnitude of a liquefaction-inducing paleoearthquake. This study demonstrates the application of back-analysis methods, provides insight into their potential accuracies, and provides a framework for performing paleoliquefaction analyses worldwide.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

Data from the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence (CES) provides an unprecedented opportunity to assess and advance the current state of practice for evaluating liquefaction triggering. Towards this end, select case histories from the CES are used herein to assess the predictive capabilities of three alternative CPT-based simplified liquefaction evaluation procedures: Robertson and Wride (1998); Moss et al. (2006); and Idriss and Boulanger (2008). Additionally, the Liquefaction Potential Index (LPI) framework for predicting the severity of surficial liquefaction manifestations is also used to assess the predictive capabilities of the liquefaction evaluation procedures. Although it is not without limitations, use of the LPI framework for this purpose circumvents the need for selecting “critical” layers and their representative properties for study sites, which inherently involves subjectivity and thus has been a point of contention among researchers. It was found that while all the assessed liquefaction triggering evaluation procedures performed well for the parameter ranges of the sites analyzed, the procedure proposed by Idriss and Boulanger (2008) yielded predictions that are more consistent with field observations than the other procedures. However, use of the Idriss and Boulanger (2008) procedure in conjunction with a Christchurch-specific correlation to estimate fines content showed a decreased performance relative to using a generic fines content correlation. As a result, the fines correction for the Idriss and Boulanger (2008) procedure needs further study.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

In practice, several competing liquefaction evaluation procedures (LEPs) are used to compute factors of safety against soil liquefaction, often for use within a liquefaction potential index (LPI) framework to assess liquefaction hazard. At present, the influence of the selected LEP on the accuracy of LPI hazard assessment is unknown, and the need for LEP-specific calibrations of the LPI hazard scale has never been thoroughly investigated. Therefore, the aim of this study is to assess the efficacy of three CPT-based LEPs from the literature, operating within the LPI framework, for predicting the severity of liquefaction manifestation. Utilising more than 7000 liquefaction case studies from the 2010–2011 Canterbury (NZ) earthquake sequence, this study found that: (a) the relationship between liquefaction manifestation severity and computed LPI values is LEP-specific; (b) using a calibrated, LEP-specific hazard scale, the performance of the LPI models is essentially equivalent; and (c) the existing LPI framework has inherent limitations, resulting in inconsistent severity predictions against field observations for certain soil profiles, regardless of which LEP is used. It is unlikely that revisions of the LEPs will completely resolve these erroneous assessments. Rather, a revised index which more adequately accounts for the mechanics of liquefaction manifestation is needed.

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Shows a furious man with a banner that says 'Orange'. Context: The frustration experienced by Christchurch people whose houses are still in the 'orange' zone which means a decision has yet to be made about whether their house is considered safe. If considered safe it will be deemed 'green' or not, in which case it will become 'red' and the people will have to move. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a press conference with Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee and Mayor Lianne Dalziel. The conference was held to announce the implementation of the Accessible Transport Plan. Brownlee announces the introduction of a 30 km/h speed limit in the inner city zone, facilitating the use of bicycles and encouraging pedestrian movement within the centre city. Lianne also talks about how the plan allows for a clean, green, safe, and accessible city, reflecting the public's visions in the Share an Idea campaign.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a CERA press conference unveiling the 100-day blueprint produced by the Christchurch Central Development Unit (CCDU). The video includes presentations by Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee and Warwick Isaacs, the Director of the CCDU. Brownlee and Isaacs announce the acquisition of properties within the central city, and the creation of a green space bordering the central city. They also announce the building of a convention centre, stadium, and sports facility.

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

A chimpanzee paints with a palette of colours. Context: After the earthquakes in Christchurch buildings and areas were designated green, blue, red or white depending on the degree of damage. Buildings in the 'red' zone were then examined to ascertain whether they should be demolished or restored and sometimes the land itself was deemed unsafe. There have been many controversial decisions made which is the point the cartoon makes. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Research papers, Victoria University of Wellington

Christchurch was struck by a 6.3 magnitude earthquake on the 22 February 2011. The quake devastated the city, taking lives and causing widespread damage to the inner city and suburban homes. The central city lost over half its buildings and over 7000 homes were condemned throughout Christchurch. The loss of such a great number of homes has created the requirement for new housing to replace those that were lost. Many of which were located in the eastern, less affluent, suburbs.  The response to the housing shortage is the planned creation of large scale subdivisions on the outskirts of the city. Whilst this provides the required housing it creates additional sprawl to a city that does not need it. The extension of Christchurch’s existing suburban sprawl puts pressure on roading and pushes residents further out of the city, creating a disconnection between them.  Christchurch’s central city had a very small residential population prior to the earthquakes with very few options for dense inner city living. The proposed rebuild of the inner city calls for a new ‘dense, vibrant and diverse central hub’. Proposing the introduction of new residential units within the central city. However the placement of the low-rise housing in a key attribute of the rebuild, the eastern green ‘Frame’, diminishes its value as open green space. The proposed housing will also be restrictive in its target market and therefore the idea of a ‘vibrant’ inner city is difficult to achieve.  This thesis acts as response to the planned rebuild of inner Christchurch. Proposing the creation of a model for inner city housing which provides an alternative option to the proposed housing and existing and ongoing suburban sprawl. The design options were explored through a design-led process were the options were critiqued and developed.  The ‘final’ proposal is comprises of three tall towers, aptly named the Triple Towers, which condense the proposed low-rise housing from an 11000 square metre footprint to combined footprint of 1500 square metres. The result is an expansion of the publicly available green space along the proposed eastern frame of the city. The height of the project challenges the height restrictions and is provocative in its proposal and placement. The design explores the relationships between the occupants, the building, the ‘Frame’ and the central city.  The project is discussed through an exploration of the architecture of Rem Koolhaas, Renzo Piano and Oscar Niemeyer. Rather than their architecture being taken as a direct influence on which the design is based the discussion revolves around how and why each piece of comparative architecture is relevant to the designs desired outcome.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

This study uses 44 high quality liquefaction case histories taken from 22 locations affected by the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence to evaluate four commonly used CPT-VS correlations (i.e., Robertson, 2009; Hegazy and Mayne, 2006; Andrus et al., 2007; McGann et al., 2015b). Co-located CPT soundings and VS profiles, developed from surface wave testing, were obtained at 22 locations and case histories were developed for the Mw 7.1, 4 September 2010 Darfield and Mw 6.2, 22 February 2011 Christchurch earthquakes. The CPT soundings are used to generate VS profiles using each of four CPT-VS correlations. These correlated VS profiles are used to estimate the factor of safety against liquefaction using the Kayen et al. (2013) VS-based simplified liquefaction evaluation procedure. An error index is used to quantify the predictive capabilities of these correlations in relation to the observations of liquefaction (or the lack thereof). Additionally, the error indices from the CPT-correlated VS profiles are compared to those obtained using: (1) the Kayen et al. (2013) procedure with surface wave-derived VS profiles, and (2) the Idriss and Boulanger (2008) CPT-based liquefaction evaluation procedure. Based on the error indices, the evaluation procedures based on direct measurements of either CPT or VS provided more accurate liquefaction triggering estimates than those obtained from any of the CPT-VS correlations. However, the performance of the CPT-VS correlations varied, with the Robertson (2009) and Hegazy and Mayne (2006) correlations performing relatively poorly for the Christchurch soils and the Andrus et al. (2007) and McGann et al. (2015b) correlations performing better. The McGann et al. (2015b) correlation had the lowest error indices of the CPT-VS correlations tested, however, none of the CPT-VS correlations provided accurate enough VS predictions to be used for the evaluation of liquefaction triggering using the VS-based liquefaction evaluation procedures.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

Elevated levels of trace elements in the environment are of great concern because of their persistence, and their high potential to harm living organisms. The exposure of aquatic biota to trace elements can lead to bioaccumulation, and toxicity can result. Furthermore, the transfer of these elements through food chains can result in exposure to human consumers. Sea-fill or coastal fill sites are among the major anthropogenic sources of trace elements to the surrounding marine environment. For example, in the Maldives, Thilafushi Island is a sea-fill site consisting of assorted municipal solid waste, with multiple potential sources of trace elements. However, there is limited data on environmental trace element levels in the Maldives, and although seafood is harvested from close to this site, there is no existing data regarding trace element levels in Maldivian diets. Following the Christchurch earthquakes of 2011,

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

A container labelled 'Chch East residents'has landed on the far side of the planet Mars. Others have landed or are descending. People in space suits exit the containers. One of them shakes hands with a green Martian commenting to him that the ground there is solid, it has nice views and the locals are a lot less alien than the insurance agents back home. Context: refers to NASA's exploration of the surface of Mars by the Curiosity rover. The rover landed on Mars in September 2012 and the ongoing problems of earthquake survivors in Christchurch's eastern suburbs. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).