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Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Aspects of Christchurch life after the earthquakes of 2010 and 2011, modelled on acts performed at the Buskers' Festival being held in Christchurch. Include `Silt walking'through liquefaction; 'Orange zone', representing the paralysis of homeowners whose properties were classified as 'orange', or of undecided status; 'Jugglers "Marryatt" and "Red Zone"': the Christchurch CEO, Tony Marryatt, juggles with money, his large pay rise, while the red-zoned householder juggles with unattractive options; 'The boy [CBD] with red tape all over him', referring to the cordon which was strangling the Central Business District; the columnist Joe Bennett with his dog, refusing to move from his house in Lyttelton, a cause celebre of resistance to the earthquake authorities in those days. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Four cartoons in the same frame commenting on news and happenings in the week ending 15 December 2011. The cartoons refer to the expulsion of the controversial Member of Parliament, Brendan Horan, from the New Zealand First Party by its leader, Winston Peters; the stereotyping of New Zealand as being 'Middle Earth' following the filming of 'The Hobbit', punned as 'The Habbit'; the lax attitude to building design and standards, which led to the CTV Building disaster in the Christchurch earthquake; the news about the New Zealand SPCA teaching dogs to drive. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

A plane flies into the distance. Attached to it by a rope is a large package containing Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker and CEO of the City Council Tony Marryatt. The package is addressed 'Deepest Siberia c/- isolated hellhole Russia'. The mayor looks on the bright side considering this to be a junket the people will approve of. Context: Public disapproval of the Mayor's two-week tour of Asian countries with a Christchurch International Airport-led delegation. The airport is paying for the mayoral couple to take part in the trip. There is public criticism that the trip take place at this time because of ongoing problems with the council and earthquake recovery. There is also criticism of Tony Marryatt's $68,000 pay increase considered poor form when so many people are struggling with earthquake related problems. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Shows Minister for Christchurch Earthquake Recovery Gerry Brownlee delighted with his plan to rebuild Christchurch and to have it paid for buy the PM's casino. Context: Refers to the Christchurch Central Development Unit that Minister for Christchurch Earthquake Recovery Gerry Brownlee has put in place. Refers also to the very controversial deal that Prime Minister John Key has made with Auckland's SkyCity to the effect that SkyCity will pay the full construction cost of a new convention centre - estimated at $350 million, in return for being allowed to add more gaming tables and machines, and extending its licence beyond 2021. Colour and black and white versions of this cartoon are available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of a broken window on Spicer House. The photographer comments, "One of the office blocks in Christchurch City, New Zealand. As the window has not been fixed I am presuming that this building will be slowly demolished at a later date".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated photograph looking through a broken window into a darkened room. Through windows opposite, an overgrown garden can be seen. The photographer comments, "This is a restaurant that was closed down and without any help the garden at the back has flourished".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of a direction signpost, with every sign pointing to parking. The photographer comments, "With around 70% of the buildings to be demolished in the CBD, Christchurch, New Zealand will be the biggest parking lot in the world for a few years".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of people in Re:Start Mall. The photographer comments, "In Christchurch there is a temporary mall that is made out of shipping containers. The containers painted in nice bright colours, colourful shade sails and various advertisements give the place a very merry feel".

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Refers to the controversy over the decision to demolish the Christchurch Cathedral which was severely damaged in the earthquakes of 2010 and 2011. The Anglican Bishop of Christchurch Victoria Mathews says the decision to demolish the cathedral was reached through prayer, great deliberation and with the utmost concern for safety. The Bishop says a number of options were considered before deciding to bring the walls down but the turning point was 23 December 2011, when a series of strong quakes rocked the city. At that stage the Canterbury Earthquake Authority approached the church. "CERA told us that our plans for making safe and retrieving, and then stepping back and making further decisions were no longer adequate." Christchurch City council announced their support on Twitter this afternoon (17 May 2012) - tweeting an endorsement to an immediate pause on demolition of the Cathedral to enable deeper and more open consideration of options. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

A worried Hekia Parata, Minister of Education, tells John Key, the Prime Minister, that schools in Canterbury are resisting being merged. John Key replies that the government will go through a 'consultation process' and then 'do what we like'. However the schools are claiming marae status and thus protection under the Treaty of Waitangi. The 'Hui report' which the Prime Minister is holding confirms this fear. The Ministry of Education, given the excuse of the Canterbury earthquakes, announced that many schools there will be merged or closed. Threatened schools, particularly the two Maori language schools, lodged complaints with the Waitangi Tribunal. 'Hui reports' refers to the claims and resulting hui over the water rights of the proposed partial privatisation of state assets. Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of Michael Parekowhai's sculpture 'On First Looking into Chapman's Homer' on Madras Street. The photographer comments, "This is the work of New Zealand artist Michael Parekowhai titled 'On First Looking into Chapman's Homer'. There are two bronze pianos and a very dominant looking bronze bull on each".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of the word 'Lyttelton' made out of damaged bricks. The photographer comments, "This shows the courage and humour of the earthquake wrecked port of Lyttelton. There is lots of little things that make you smile that the locals and volunteers from around the area have created".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of an excavator demolishing a house. The photographer comments, "My neighbour I thought was going to be one of the first to be rebuilt in the area after being damaged in the 22 February 2011 earthquake, but the builders have knocked it down and not returned yet".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of the high diving boards at QEII swimming pool. Rubble has fallen on the boards during the demolition of the complex. The photographer comments, "The diving board at the QEII stadium swimming pool during its demolition after being damaged in the Christchurch earthquake in February 2011".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of Michael Parekowhai's scuplture 'On First Looking into Chapman's Homer' on Madras Street. The photographer comments, "One of the two bulls on pianos by Michael Parekowhai called 'On First Looking into Chapman's Homer'. They have been placed on the site of a building that was demolished after earthquake damage.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of a poster advertising a performance in New Brighton by bands Mynor Star, Reflekshun and Loaded Victim. The photographer comments, "The Bar 25 had this night of rock on the 18 December 2011, but the earthquake on December 23 just off of the coast close by got it shut down".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated photograph of a building on Poplar Lane. The photographer comments, "I felt that this building had a real Italian feel about it. It is actually in Christchurch, New Zealand. It appears on the list to be partially demolished after the Christchurch earthquake, so it might not be around for much longer".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of a sign reading "A bit of dirt never hurt". The photographer comments, "This was a sign put up on a section of land in the Port of Lyttelton where an earthquake damaged building had been removed. The cliff at the back had collapsed down probably during the demolition process".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of Latimer Square. The photographer comments, "It is so nice to stand in the middle of Latimer Square on a bright Winter's day and forget the havoc that is around you. The square has hardly been touched by the Christchurch earthquake, but it is surrounded by demolished and damaged buildings".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of furniture and machinery. The photographer comments, "This furniture restoration company got caught in the middle of the Christchurch earthquake and lost a whole wall. After constant exposure to the elements everything now needs a bit of restoration. They are now working in a different part of Christchurch, but their past can still be seen".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of a mannequin. The photographer comments, "During the Christchurch earthquake on 22 February 2011 a lot of people were seriously injured or killed because they run out of buildings. Falling masonry from the exterior of the buildings hit them, but if they had remained inside they would have probably been perfectly safe".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of the Bandsmen's Memorial in Hagley Park. The photographer comments, "This memorial in Hagley Park in Christchurch can no longer be used due to large cracks at the base of most columns. This was mostly caused by the earthquake in February 2011, but later earthquakes have made the memorial even more dangerous".

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A digital photograph in PDF format with caption. Image from the inside of a Red Zoned home in the Horseshoe Lake area. Image depicts the dining area where a poem had been written on the walls by a member of the family. Poem talks about the earthquake, living in Horseshoe Lake, and being Red Zoned and what that means.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated photograph of a stencilled logo for the Christchurch School of Music. The photographer comments, "The Christchurch School of Music donated several old broken pianos to be placed on Gap Filler sites in Christchurch. Gap Filler make the land where buildings have been demolished into places the local inhabitants can enjoy. As in Maths two negatives make a positive".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated photograph of the badly twisted Medway Street footbridge. The photographer comments, "This bridge over the Avon River in Christchurch, New Zealand has been left in place since the first major earthquake back in September 2010. Graffiti artists or taggers are still leaving their marks on it even though it is nearly twisted at 90 degrees at one point".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated photograph of broken windows on Shadbolt House. The photographer comments, "This was close to the start of the demolition of the earthquake damaged Shadbolt House building in the Port of Lyttelton, New Zealand. In the bright sun the glass reflected the blue sky, but the broken windows only reflected the blackness of the interior of the empty broken building".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of the Lawrie and Wilson Auctioneers building on Tuam Street. The photographer comments, "This building at 210 Tuam Street is still off limits after the Christchurch earthquake. It has Lawrie and Wilson Auctioneers at the top and Christchurch City Council below. In the past it had a City Photography and at a different time a Parking Unit sign".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of an excavator. The photographer comments, "This is a huge excavator in the Christchurch CBD. It is being used to clear away the enormous amount of rubble from the buildings being demolished. It seems that nearly all the big machinery from all other the world has been needed in the clean up of the earthquake damaged buildings and utilities".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of a daffodil placed on the gates of QEII Stadium. The photographer comments, "Someone placed a daffodil on the gates to the QEII Stadium in Christchurch. The stadium is being razed to the ground after being very badly damaged in the Christchurch earthquakes. Besides being a Commonwealth Games stadium it was also housed one of the best swimming pools in the region".