A photograph of the house number spray-painted on the footpath in front of 388 Oxford Terrace. The photographer comments, "The numbers were spray-painted in front of all the properties in the Avon Loop in order to keep track of the property number after the mailboxes were lost or removed".
A photograph taken inside Robin Duff's house at 386 Oxford Terrace. Broken furniture and rubbish litter the ground.
A photograph looking down the Avon River to the house at 2 Bangor Street.
A photograph of a sign in the garden of Donna Allfrey's house at 406 Oxford Terrace. The sign reads, "It's been a lot of fun - yeah right!". The photographer comments, "'It's been a lot of fun' is a quote from John Key about the Canterbury earthquakes and the 'yeah right' is a play on the Tui Beer advertisements".
A photograph of the kitchen in Donna Allfrey's house at 406 Oxford Terrace. Graffiti has been scrawled on the walls to the left and right.
A photograph of the house at 2 Bangor Street, taken from across the Avon River.
A photograph of the house at 9 Rees Street. The end of a Weet-Bix cereal box has been placed over the mail slot in the front door.
A photograph taken inside Robin Duff's house at 386 Oxford Terrace. Broken furniture and rubbish litter the ground.
A photograph of the former site of the houses at 422, 424, and 426 Oxford Terrace. The houses were demolished after the land was zoned Red. Grass has begun to grow over the sites.
A photograph of the overgrown garden of Siobhan Murphy's house at 436 Oxford Terrace. The photographer comments, "That empty clothesline reflects the emptiness of the house and surrounding properties".
A photograph of the house at 396 Oxford Terrace.
A photograph of the former site of the Locke family's house at 392 Oxford Terrace. The Locke's house was deconstructed after their land was zoned Red. The photographer comments, "The house was deconstructed and rebuilt on another site".
A photograph of Robin Duff's house at 386 Oxford Terrace. The grass has not been mowed and one of the windows has been boarded up with plywood. A yellow sticker on the door indicates that the access to the house is restricted. There is also a sign in the window to the left, depicting a bulldozer with a line through it. The photographer comments, "Avon Loop resident Donna Allfrey made the sign for Duff".
A photograph of the former site of the house at 466 Oxford Terrace, taken from the site next door. The house was demolished after the land was zoned Red. Wire fencing has been placed around the site as a cordon.
A photograph of the house number spray-painted on the front of Robin Duff's house at 386 Oxford Terrace. To the right, two stickers have also been stuck to the door. The top sticker reads, "Attention, power has been removed". The bottom sticker is the Christchurch City Council's 'yellow sticker', which indicates that access to the building is restricted.
A photograph of Robin Duff standing on the porch of his house at 386 Oxford Terrace. There is a sign in the window to his left depicting a bulldozer with a line through it. The photographer comments, "Avon Loop resident Donna Allfrey made this sign for Duff".
A photograph of the house at 7 Rees Street.
A photograph of Doug Sexton's garden at 378 Oxford Terrace, now overgrown. The photographer comments, "Sexton's garden was once published in Small Gardens".
A photograph of Robin Duff's house at 386 Oxford Terrace. Weeds have grown near the fence and the grass has not been mowed. A yellow sticker on the door indicates that the access to the house is restricted.
A photograph of Doug Sexton holding a memento of his house at 378 Oxford Terrace. The memento was created by artist Sarah Brown for the Shared Lines Sendai/Christchurch Art Exchange. Brown used found objects from Doug Sexton's house to create this artwork in a tobacco tin.
A photograph of the former site of Doug Sexton's house at 378 Oxford Terrace. Sexton's house was demolished after his land was zoned Red.