
found 210 results

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A document which explains the pre-approval process for specialist lining contractors working on the SCIRT horizontal repair programme.This document has had sections removed and redacted to protect contractors' commercial interests.For a current list of approved contractors authorised to carry out lining works on Christchurch City Council assets, contact the Council.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A copy of a letter from Hugo Kristinsson which was sent to Helen Beaumont, Manager of the Natural Environment and Heritage Unit at the Christchurch City Council, on 17 June 2014. The letter was sent on behalf of Empowered Christchurch. It is about legislation which, according to Kristinsson, determines land below the mean high water spring to be public land. Kristinsson is concerned that this legislation will cause 'hundred or even thousands' of people to lose their assets. He urges the Council to 'have the land surveyed and to redefine the CMA [Crown Minerals Act] before land claims are settled'.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A copy of a letter from Empowered Christchurch to Peter Sparrow, Director of Building Control and Rebuild at the Christchurch City Council, sent on 23 October 2014. The letter is a response to another letter sent by Peter Sparrow to Empowered Christchurch regarding existing use rights and exemptions from a building consent. In this letter, Empowered Christchurch requests furthur clarification from the Christchurch Building Consent Authority about these concepts.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Fred Mecoy, the Wellington City Council's Emergency Preparedness Manager, speaking at a graduation ceremony for more than 40 new civil defence volunteers in the Wellington Town Hall. Members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office team were presented certificates of appreciation during this event. The certificates were presented to the members to honour their involvement in the emergency response to the 22 February 2011 earthquakes in Christchurch.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the photocopy template for the Christchurch City Council's yellow sticker. The sticker was used by the Civil Defence after the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes to indicate that a building had been inspected and that structural damage or other safety hazards had been found. The sticker states that there should be no entry to the building, 'except on essential business'. It also states that 'earthquake aftershocks present danger' and that people who enter must do so at their own risk.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

An aerial photograph of the Christchurch central city. The photograph is captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Brannigans building is in the centre of the photograph with Gloucester Street running through the middle of the photograph. The photograph shows the rear of the building".