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Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

The cartoon is entitled 'seismic upheaval'. Prime Minister John Key and Finance Minister Bill English stand near great seismic cracks in the ground and stare sadly at a huge wallet, 'Bill's boodle', belonging to Bill English. Vast quantities of banknotes spill out of the cash pocket in the wallet which also contains a 'travel card', a 'house card' and an 'expenses card'. The various cards in the wallet refer to expense account embarrassments relating to Bill English. Etched in the ground are the words 'Christchurch quake' and 'South Canterbury Finance'. The cartoon refers to two major events in the Canterbury area in recent times that have incurred huge government costs; these are the collapse of the South Canterbury Finance Company and the earthquake that struck early Saturday morning 4th September. The South Canterbury Finance Company has been taken into receivership by the government which has guaranteed that all 30,000 fortunate high-risk investors will be paid out $1.6b thanks to the taxpayer. Treasury is assuming that the cost of the earthquake will reach $4 billion, including $2 billion worth of estimated damage to private dwellings and their contents, $1 billion of damage to commercial property, and $1 billion worth of damage to public infrastructure. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

It is the middle of the night and a man wearing his dressing-gown runs out of his house towards a portaloo clutching a toilet roll and saying 'Try me'. The neighbourhood is wrecked by earthquakes. On the ground is a newspaper with a headline that reads 'New Delhi athletes substandard accomodation facilities'. A second newspaper reads 'Given the choice many prefer to stay home'. Context: The first Christchurch earthquake shook the city on early morning of the 4th September 2010. The destruction of sewage infrastructure has meant portaloos and long-drops have become de rigeur as a consequence. There was a desperate rush to get the village ready for the influx of athletes before the opening of the Commonwealth Games on 3rd October 2010 and there was a fear that unsatisfactory sanitation systems might cause health and safety problems. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Highlights from Radio New Zealand National's programmes for the week ending Friday 8 October. This week.....Canterbury marks a month since its earthquake, a co-producer of The Hobbit speaks out about union activity threatening the film's production in New Zealand, can the Commonwealth Games media stomach Delhi, Michael Caine talks about his new autobiography and we get the lowdown on whitebait.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Invercargill Fire Station fire fighters who recently went to help in Christchurch for the Canterbury Earthquake cleanup. The National Boss presented the fire fighters with a Certificate of Commendation on Tuesday night. Invercargill firefighters Cameron McLachlan, Pete Scarlet, Dennis Hika, Chris Hamilton, Aaron Ramsay, National Commander Mike Hall, John Gilder, Ron Fetolofai (absent Murray Milne-Maresca) presented a certificate of commendation for their service during the Christchurch earthquake by national commander Mike Hall yesterday".

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

New PM of Australia Julia Gillard stands on top of a house of cards that looks extremely unstable. She says 'As newly elected PM of Australia I promise all cards on the table'. Below are the words 'NZ not the only shaky country..' Refers to the recent closely-contested and 'most-extraordinary Australian election in decades' which has been won by Labour's Julia Gillard. The negotiating for a new government by Julia Gillard against her Liberal rival Tony Abbott took 17 days, with Julia Gillard, in the end, able to cobble together a government with the support of independents Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott as well as the Greens plus a long list of promises. Critics see her coalition as dysfunctional. The text below refers to the Canterbury earthquake of 4th September 2010. Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Highlights from Radio New Zealand National's programmes for the week ending Friday 17 September. This week........criticism of some media over coverage of the Canterbury earthquake, the French five hour working week exposed, Sir Keith Park's legacy 70 years after the Battle of Britain, Cold - a new book explores this temperature good and bad and fond memories shared of the Monde Marie coffee shop in Wellington.

Images, Canterbury Museum

One portable toilet comprising of a black toilet seat and lid attached to a grey bucket; sticky label on the front features an image of the toilet, lightning and text including 'Thunder Down Under / Portable Toilet'; manufacturer's mark on lid reads 'Elemental'. Residents who owned commercially produced portable toilets like this ‘Thunder Down ...

Images, Canterbury Museum

One beige Campmaster portable chemical toilet made from a matte finished high-density polythene and comprising a 20 litre holding tank for waste product and a 10 litre water tank for flushing. Chemical toilets were distributed by the Christchurch City Council as one solution to the badly damaged sewerage system following the 22 February 2011 ea...