Much of the CBD is still cordoned off and without power (as you should be able to spot) as a result of the damage caused by February's deadly earthquake. This photo clearly shows the extent of the lean that the Hotel Grand Chancellor is now on. Apparently it is out by 1m at the top leaning east. Demolition will start about mid June and is expec...
If you've used your eftpos card, caught a bus or taxi, taken a photo on your smartphone or mapped a run or walk then you've probably used GPS - the global positioning system developed by the US military. Christchurch city council is using location technology to keep tabs on the city's rubbish bins. With nearly half a million wheelie bins in circulation, it's hoping to track down 16.000 wheelie bins that are missing following the February 2011 earthquake.
Closed due to earthquake damage.
Community Energy Action Trust on Moorhouse Ave.
The bridge at the north end of Porritt Park, Avondale.
20100904_3326_1D3-24 Ascot TV in Sydenham - Christchurch earthquake
More repairs to the infrastructure as a result of the 2010 & 2011 earthquakes. Hardy Street/Owles Terrace corner (beside the boat launching ramp), New Brighton
I think all the National Banks in the country have been either closed or rebranded ANZ, but this one on the corner of Colombo and Armagh Streets is still inside the CBD red zone and has yet to be touched. I have heard that this building is staying so whether it becomes an ANZ or not time will tell. This was one of the top five busiest pedest...
My house (bought in March 2004) till the government procured it in October 2012, is finally being demolished. It will be an empty section in a couple of days, once they rip up the concrete base. Note the rainbow on right.
What was one of the busier intersection pre earthquakes!
20110821_1708_1D3-280 Six months on A house in Bexley damaged in the February earthquake still looks like this six months later.
Obvious seeing why the Summit Road has been closed below Mt Cavendish since the February 22 2011 earthquake. There are some large rocks there!
Eighty years and then the damage was done. Result of the earthquake on 22/02/11.
Two relatively new town houses in the Bexley "Red Zone". Awaiting demolition due to severe land problems. Have been vandalised.