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Images, Canterbury Museum

A bunch of yellow, red and orange artificial fabric lilies tied together with green mesh fabric, purple flower paper and a golden ribbon and pink metallic string.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Worcester Street, seen from Latimer Square, Christchurch File reference: CCL-2012-04-06-LatimerSquare-April-2012-DSC_0874.JPG From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Sumner Library (currently closed), in Sumner, Christchurch File reference: CCL-2012-05-12-Around-Sumner-May-2012 DSC_038.JPG From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Sumner Library (currently closed), in Sumner, Christchurch File reference: CCL-2012-05-12-Around-Sumner-May-2012 DSC_037.JPG From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

The structure and geomorphology of active orogens evolves on time scales ranging from a single earthquake to millions of years of tectonic deformation. Analysis of crustal deformation using new and established remote sensing techniques, and integration of these data with field mapping, geochronology and the sedimentary record, create new opportunities to understand orogenic evolution over these timescales. Timor Leste (East Timor) lies on the northern collisional boundary between continental crust from the Australian Plate and the Banda volcanic arc. GPS studies have indicated that the island of Timor is actively shortening. Field mapping and fault kinematic analysis of an emergent Pliocene marine sequence identifies gentle folding, overprinted by a predominance of NW-SE oriented dextral-normal faults and NE-SW oriented sinistral-normal faults that collectively bound large (5-20km2) bedrock massifs throughout the island. These fault systems intersect at non-Andersonian conjugate angles of approximately 120° and accommodate an estimated 20 km of orogen-parallel extension. Folding of Pliocene rocks in Timor may represent an early episode of contraction but the overall pattern of deformation is one of lateral crustal extrusion sub-parallel to the Banda Arc. Stratigraphic relationships suggest that extrusion began prior to 5.5 Ma, during and after initial uplift of the orogen. Sedimentological, geochemical and Nd isotope data indicate that the island of Timor was emergent and shedding terrigenous sediment into carbonate basins prior to 4.5 Ma. Synorogenic tectonic and sedimentary phases initiated almost synchronously across much of Timor Leste and <2 Myr before similar events in West Timor. An increase in plate coupling along this obliquely converging boundary, due to subduction of an outlying continental plateau at the Banda Trench, is proposed as a mechanism for uplift that accounts for orogen-parallel extension and early uplift of Timor Leste. Rapid bathymetric changes around Timor are likely to have played an important role in evolution of the Indonesian Seaway. The 2010 Mw 7.1 Darfield (Canterbury) earthquake in New Zealand was complex, involving multiple faults with strike-slip, reverse and normal displacements. Multi-temporal cadastral surveying and airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) surveys allowed surface deformation at the junction of three faults to be analyzed in this study in unprecedented detail. A nested, localized restraining stepover with contractional bulging was identified in an area with the overall fault structure of a releasing bend, highlighting the surface complexities that may develop in fault interaction zones during a single earthquake sequence. The earthquake also caused river avulsion and flooding in this area. Geomorphic investigations of these rivers prior to the earthquake identify plausible precursory patterns, including channel migration and narrowing. Comparison of the pre and post-earthquake geomorphology of the fault rupture also suggests that a subtle scarp or groove was present along much of the trace prior to the Darfield earthquake. Hydrogeology and well logs support a hypothesis of extended slip history and suggests that that the Selwyn River fan may be infilling a graben that has accumulated late Quaternary vertical slip of <30 m. Investigating fault behavior, geomorphic and sedimentary responses over a multitude of time-scales and at different study sites provides insights into fault interactions and orogenesis during single earthquakes and over millions of years of plate boundary deformation.

Research papers, The University of Auckland Library

As part of the ‘Project Masonry’ Recovery Project funded by the New Zealand Natural Hazards Research Platform, commencing in March 2011, an international team of researchers was deployed to document and interpret the observed earthquake damage to masonry buildings and to churches as a result of the 22nd February 2011 Christchurch earthquake. The study focused on investigating commonly encountered failure patterns and collapse mechanisms. A brief summary of activities undertaken is presented, detailing the observations that were made on the performance of and the deficiencies that contributed to the damage to approximately 650 inspected unreinforced clay brick masonry (URM) buildings, to 90 unreinforced stone masonry buildings, to 342 reinforced concrete masonry (RCM) buildings, to 112 churches in the Canterbury region, and to just under 1100 residential dwellings having external masonry veneer cladding. Also, details are provided of retrofit techniques that were implemented within relevant Christchurch URM buildings prior to the 22nd February earthquake. In addition to presenting a summary of Project Masonry, the broader research activity at the University of Auckland pertaining to the seismic assessment and improvement of unreinforced masonry buildings is outlined. The purpose of this outline is to provide an overview and bibliography of published literature and to communicate on-going research activity that has not yet been reported in a complete form.

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Shows huge mosquitoes attacking a man. Context: It could be that there is a larger population of mosquitoes in Christchurch at the moment because of stagnant areas left by the earthquakes. And it could be that a new mosquito species may be causing Cantabrians to suffer bad reactions to bites. The species is known as the striped mosquito, or Aedes notscriptus. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Container Love: shipping container decorated with knitted and crocheted squares. Sumner, Christchurch. File reference: CCL-2012-05-12-Around-Sumner-May-2012 DSC_026.JPG From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Latimer Square, Christchurch. AMI Stadium is visible in the distance File reference: CCL-2012-04-06-LatimerSquare-April-2012-DSC_0901.JPG From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Container Love: shipping container decorated with knitted and crocheted squares. Sumner, Christchurch. File reference: CCL-2012-05-12-Around-Sumner-May-2012 DSC_031.JPG From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Container Love: shipping container decorated with knitted and crocheted squares. Sumner, Christchurch. File reference: CCL-2012-05-12-Around-Sumner-May-2012 DSC_028.JPG From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Container Love: shipping container decorated with knitted and crocheted squares. Sumner, Christchurch. File reference: CCL-2012-05-12-Around-Sumner-May-2012 DSC_032.JPG From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a wreath and flowers tied to a lamppost on Colombo Street. They were placed there by Red Bus in memory of the bus driver and passengers who died in one of their busses during the 22 February 2011 earthquake. A sign behind the wreath reads, "In remembrance of the tragic events during the 22 February 2011 earthquake in Colombo Street where our bus driver and his passengers Jayden Andrews-Howland, Phillip Coppeard, Joseph Routledge, Pelesa Sanft, Beverly May Stick and Earl Niche died, and Ann Brower was seriously injured".

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a CERA press conference unveiling the 100-day blueprint produced by the Christchurch Central Development Unit (CCDU). The video includes presentations by Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee and Warwick Isaacs, the Director of the CCDU. Brownlee and Isaacs announce the acquisition of properties within the central city, and the creation of a green space bordering the central city. They also announce the building of a convention centre, stadium, and sports facility.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A notice on the cordon fence around the site where the CTV building once was. It says 'Please respect this site. In recognition of the special significance this site holds for the people of our city and all those affect by the earthquakes, the Christchurch City Council is working with Canterbury Museum to preserve aspects of our remembering. Tributes may be left at this site. Older tributes will be removed from archiving by the Canterbury Museum to become part of the city's memory of the Canterbury Earthquakes. Organic materials will be composted and used in the city's gardens'.