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Audio, Radio New Zealand

Scientists are just beginning to understand why the recent Canterbury earthquakes 'punched above their size', and their findings could change international scientific thinking about earthquakes. Alison Ballance talks with GNS seismologists Martin Reyners and Bill Fry to find out more.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Since the February 22nd earthquake, an influx of displaced Christchurch residents have made North Canterbury their temporary home. Cosmo Kentish-Barnes finds out how some people have coped with this dramatic event and what locals are doing to support them.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Johnny Moore is the owner of the Goodbye Blue Monday bar in Christchurch, which has been closed since the 22 February earthquake. He talks to Kim about the turbulent times since then and his career in the hospitality industry.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Base isolation has generally been considered an expensive system used mainly in commercial buildings to make them more earthquake resilient. Katy Gosset meets the University of Canterbury engineers who've developed a safe, low cost model that could work in our homes.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Today: a month on from the Canterbury earthquake, we take a comprehensive look at the recovery process from the Garden City; we get a glimpse at the Commonwealth Games and; trauma affects police involved in the recovery of Carmen Thomas' body.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Jim Hay keeps ticking along in a career that's spanned more than 30 years. He's a watchmaker and although he'll be the first to tell you time's just about run out on wrist watches, his skills in clock repairs are in demand since the Christchurch earthquake.