
found 153505 results

Other, National Library of New Zealand

Blog describing the thoughts and travels of Christchurch librarian Moata Tamaira, the winner of's inaugural Blog Idol competition. Earthquake related information can be found in the archived instances from September 2010-

Other, National Library of New Zealand

Official site of the New Zealand Ministry of Education, in association with the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) on education renewal in greater Christchurch in the wake of the earthquakes of 2010 and 2011.

Other, National Library of New Zealand

Site of Christchurch-based handmade denim clothing company. Includes details of available stock, fitting guides, and photo gallery. Archive section of the site shows production models available prior to the Christchurch Earthquake.

Other, National Library of New Zealand

Christchurch City Council website on the infrastructure rebuild of Christchurch following the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes. Includes news; information on SMART building; projects related to rebuilding of facilities, transport, suburban centres and the central city.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A Waikato primary school refuses to back down and re-enroll a violent eleven year old and the country's largest general insurer defends changes to home insurance policies in the wake of the Christchurch earthquakes.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Amy Huang wrote this as a Year 12 student at Rangiruru Girls' School in Christchurch as a response to the earthquake and it was a finalist in a short story competition. For ages 8-18.