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Images, UC QuakeStudies

In a vacant lot opposite the CTV building where a building has been demolished, is a commemoration to those who died in the earthquake. It includes a pile of demolition rubble and 185 white stones in honour of each person who lost their life on 22nd February 2011. Around it are item such as a frame photograph and flowers left by the public.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of an interview with Bruce Greenhalgh about the experiences of Smiths Sports Shoes after the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes. The business had to move from Moorhouse Avenue after the 4 September 2010 earthquake to Montreal Street. The 22 February 2011 earthquake then damaged their building on Montreal Street, forcing them to move again.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A scanned copy of a black and white photograph depicting University of Canterbury students from Bishop Julius Hall of Residence dancing the Can Can on a float. The photograph was taken during the 1960 'procesh', or annual capping parade and was sourced from archives held in Macmillan Brown Library.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A scanned copy of a black and white photograph belonging to University of Canterbury alumnus Colin Lau. Colin describes the photograph as follows: "Our science building (where I got my physics degree in 1972) on the left, lecture hall in the middle and engineering school to the right & behind the lecture hall".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A scanned copy of a black and white photograph depicting a crowd of seated students at the University of Canterbury. The students are dressed in black in protest at the lack of government funding for education. In the foreground is the page of a newspaper dated 22 June 1988, on which an article about the protest is written.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A scanned copy of a black and white photograph depicting spectators to a student race along the Avon River. This was an annual event as part of capping week during the 1950s and 60s. The photograph was taken in the 1950s and was sourced from archives held in Macmillan Brown Library.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A scanned copy of a black and white photograph depicting a student race along the Avon River. This was an annual event as part of capping week during the 1950s and 60s. The photograph was taken in the 1950s and was sourced from archives held in Macmillan Brown Library.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Nelson College for Girls year 12 leaders (from left) Sophie Day, Petra Matz, Sascha Miller, Jessica Rose, Kate Mickleson, Ming Pons, Yvette Jones-White, Nicola Britten, Eilish Wilson (obscured), Zoey Coombs-King, Abigail Goodison and Mackenzie Orange have started a collection at the college of cans and cash to aid people of Canterbury affected by the recent earthquake".

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

This is the pedestrian bridge in Kaiapoi close to Christchurch. Not the best angle but the whole bridge on the right hand side is twisted and looks like some kind of rollercoaster. Taken one month after the Quake Twitter |

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

There are quite a few signs like this around Christchurch after the Quake. This is one of them. Off shot to the right is a leveled patch of ground where the owners furniture restoration shop used to be. Twitter |

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Nelson College for Girls year 12 leaders (from left) Sophie Day, Petra Matz, Sascha Miller, Jessica Rose, Kate Mickleson, Ming Pons, Emma Dallison, Yvette Jones-White, Nicola Britten, Eilish Wilson, Zoey Coombs-King, Abigail Goodison and Mackenzie Orange have started a collection at the college of cans and cash to aid people of Canterbury affected by the recent earthquake".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A black and white, night-time photograph of the Cranmer Court building on the corner of Kilmore and Montreal Streets. The building has been lit up from below. The octagonal section on the corner of the building was the part occupied by Plato Creative from March 2008 to November 2009. Although designed to house a book depot, this section was used as the principal's office while Christchurch Normal School was operating from the building.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The Week In Review for week ending 12 August 2011... featuring a new rebuild plan for Christchurch's earthquake ravaged CBD, problems at the Waikato-Tainui Tribal Parliament, a pricing fiasco surrounding the Adidas All Blacks Rugby World Cup jersey, the Mana party confirms it will contest all seven Maori seats and some general seats in November's general election, the renaming of Mt Cook's South Ridge to The Hillary Ridge and the White Mouse passes away.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Nelson College for Girls year 12 leaders (from left) Sophie Day, Petra Matz, Sascha Miller, Jessica Rose, Kate Mickleson, Ming Pons, Emma Dallison, Yvette Jones-White, Nicola Britten, Eilish Wilson, Zoey Coombs-King, Abigail Goodison and Mackenzie Orange have started a collection at the college of cans and cash to aid people of Canterbury affected by the recent earthquake".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Pupils at South School had a loud shirt day to help raise money for Christchurch earthquake victims. Pictured from left at far back are Jihye Kang, Bradley Messer, Nick Frame, Cody Harford, Miss White, Amber Henderson, Geneva Hatata and Rose Bransgrove. Middle row from left: Jack Ridgway, Miss Sidaway, Eleanor Woodnorth and Tory Simpson. At the front are Maggie Bransgrove and Jordan Murray".

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

The Christchurch Cathedral after loosing its tower and spire after the 6.3 quake hit Christchurch 22 February 2011. The February 22 quake cracked pillars, twisted walls, shattered stained glass, collapsed buttresses, fractured masonry and toppled the tower. The rose window in the west wall collapsed in the June aftershocks. Demolition of the Chr...

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Shows Property Investor Bob Jones with a shotgun on top of Christchurch cathedral on an island surrounded by ducks. The lake is labelled 'Lake Bob Parker'. Context: Bob Jones suggested the Christchurch CBD be replaced with a lake (The Listener 12-18 May 2012). Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Low tide on the Avon River at New Brighton/Bexley. Note the original bank and the rock wall slipage on right. The white additions were added in March and April 2011 to protect the properties behind from flooding. Ultimately this area was "red zoned" with all houses removed or to be removed and the ground left till a rehabilitation method can ...

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A review of the week's news including: The aftermath of New Zealand's worst aviation disaster since Erebus, Ports of Auckland industrial negotiations break down again while a report calls for privatising ports, the earthquake recovery minister is offside with the Christchurch business community, how safe is hunting in new Zealand? notorious criminal Dean Wickcliff behind bars again, turning Wellington's white knuckle flight arrivals into an opportunity, and something different for the kids these school holidays... adopt a pony.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A black and white photograph of a sign reading "A tidy standard of dress is required." In the foreground is a pile of building rubble. The photographer comments, "I reversed this picture in the interests of my followers as it was harder to read the right way round. The wrecking crew did not wear ties, but they did look neat in their orange vests".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A scanned copy of a black and white photograph of the argon gas laser used by David Lockwood in his PhD research at the University of Canterbury. David says, "In contrast to the He-Ne laser I developed for my MSc thesis, the laser I used was one of the first commercial lasers - an argon gas laser that required frequent painstaking maintenance. This was because the He-Ne gas laser did not produce enough power for my experiments".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The damaged clock tower on Victoria Street, wrapped and braced to prevent further damage. The photographer comments, "Diamond Jubilee Clock Tower in Christchurch. Its legs wrapped up for protection. Volcanic stone and limestone clock tower with ornate wrought iron work with coloured glass around part of the tower and four clock faces. Clock Tower built in this location to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria. Has two white marble plaques and one bronze plaque set on stone work above arches".

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

The cartoon shows a terribly disappointed rugby fan standing in the centre of a devastated Christchurch holding up a 'RWC ticket' and bleating 'BUT...' Context - The decision that there will be no Rugby World Cup games in Christchurch because of the damage caused by the earthquakes of 4 September 2010 and 22 February 2011. Colour and black and white versions of this cartoon are available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A scanned copy of a black and white photograph belonging to University of Canterbury alumnus Colin Lau. Colin describes the photograph as follows: "A shot of the float of a parade in the downtown area. I could still recognize some of the faces of my friends on the left taking in the sight and sound of the day. I do not quite recall the date of that parade; it has to be around the early 70's." Colin notes that the photograph may depict the 1971 'University Graduation Day' parade.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A scanned copy of a black and white photograph of the He-Ne Continuous Gas Laser used in David Lockwood's MSc research at the University of Canterbury. David says, "The experiments in the Thesis were aimed at examining the effects of sound waves on colloids, which are very small particles that are found in clays for example (for more details see page 181 of ). In fact, I was looking at nanoparticles of matter, which preceded the emergence of nanotechnology as a field of research by more than two decades. I needed a suitable light source to probe the alignment of the nanoparticles in the ultrasonic sound field. At that time the laser had just been invented and I realized that this was the ideal light source for my experiment. I then proceeded to construct the first home-built laser in New Zealand. This laser - a He-Ne continuous-wave gas laser - operated at 632.8 nm (in the red). This laser, over a metre long, is shown in the black-and-white photo. There were lot of problems to be overcome, but eventually, with invaluable help from Dr. Tom Seed (my MSc supervisor) and Dr. Rod Syme, I had it working".