A photograph of street art on the wall of the Textile Bag & Sack Company building on Byron Street.
A photograph of tag writing and street art on the wall of a building located on Fitzgerald Avenue.
A photograph of street art on the back wall of the AJ Creative Glass building on Fitzgerald Avenue.
Street Art in Christchurch: a Felix the Cat-like cartoon spray painted on a wall.
A photograph of sponsors' logos on the wall at Chambers art gallery on Moorhouse Avenue.
A photograph of a tag on a wall made of concrete blocks. The wall is near the railway tracks which run under the Durham Street over bridge. The tag reads, "JFK".
A photograph of a colourful wall of bricks. There is damage on the right hand side of the wall. There is also a pattern made from fallen bricks in front of it.
A photograph of street art on the wall of a building in Sydenham. The artwork is signed by 'Morpork'.
A photograph of street art. The artwork is on the wall surrounding Waltham Pool and faces towards Waltham Park.
A photograph of street art. The artwork is on the wall surrounding Waltham Pool and faces towards Waltham Park.
A photograph of street art. The artwork is on the wall surrounding Waltham Pool and faces towards Waltham Park.
A photograph of street art. The artwork is on the wall surrounding Waltham Pool and faces towards Waltham Park.
A photograph of street art. The artwork is on the wall surrounding Waltham Pool and faces towards Waltham Park.
A photograph of street art. The artwork is on the wall surrounding Waltham Pool and faces towards Waltham Park.
A detail photograph of street art. The artwork is on the wall surrounding Waltham Pool and faces towards Waltham Park.
A detail photograph of street art. The artwork is on the wall surrounding Waltham Pool and faces towards Waltham Park.
A detail photograph of street art. The artwork is on the wall surrounding Waltham Pool and faces towards Waltham Park.
A photograph of street art. The artwork is on the wall surrounding Waltham Pool and faces towards Wilsons Road.
A concrete block wall with a large diagonal crack running through it. The photographer comments, "This wall has fascinated me. It has cracked across in a dead straight diagonal line during one of Christchurch's many earthquakes. How could this have occurred?".
A photograph of street art on St Asaph Street. The artwork was created by Christchurch artist Rob Hood in January 2014, and is titled "This Wall Can't Talk". It was funded by the Ministry of Justice and commissioned by Christchurch City Council.
A photograph of street art on St Asaph Street. The artwork was created by Christchurch artist Rob Hood in January 2014, and is titled "This Wall Can't Talk". It was funded by the Ministry of Justice and commissioned by Christchurch City Council.
A photograph of street art on a wall of the Addington Saleyards. A message in the artwork reads, "One of those days".
Graffiti on a brick wall reads "Pray hope and don't worry". The photographer comments, "Seen on a wall on Moorhouse Avenue, Christchurch".
A photograph of street art on a wall of Waltham Pool. The photographer believes that the artwork was created by the JAT Crew.
A photograph of street art on a wall of Waltham Pool. The photographer believes that the artwork was created by the JAT Crew.
A photograph of street art on a wall of Waltham Pool. The photographer believes that the artwork was created by the JAT Crew.
A photograph of street art on the wall of S&S Warehouse between Brighton Mall and Hawke Street. It depicts a fantasy landscape.
A photograph of street art on a wall of Waltham Pool. The photographer believes that the artwork was created by the JAT Crew.
A photograph of street art. The artwork is on the wall surrounding Waltham Pool, facing towards the children's playground at Waltham Park.
A photograph of a section of a piece of street art on a wall of the Southcore Limited building on Isabella Place.