Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Part of the makeshift theatre on the site of the demolished Volcano Cafe in London Street, Lyttelton".
A photograph submitted by Bettina Evans to the QuakeStories website. The description reads, "The end of the Volcano Restaurant, Lyttelton, after Feb EQ".
A 'sand volcano' of liquefaction in a crack in a gravel driveway beside a house in Richmond. The photographer comments, "Liquefaction in back yard".
Students from the University of Canterbury marine research unit taking samples of the seabed to test the effects of the liquefaction on marine life.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to The Volcano Café on London Street. The brick wall on the left side of the building has crumbled, and the bricks have spilt onto the footpath. A red sticker on the door indicates that the building is no longer safe to enter. Plywood has been used to board up the windows and wire fencing has been placed around the building as a cordon.
A photograph of a customer sitting in the Porthole temporary bar in Lyttelton.
A photograph of customers sitting outside the Porthole temporary bar in Lyttelton.
A photograph of customers sitting in the Porthole temporary bar in Lyttelton.
A photograph of the exterior of the Porthole temporary bar in Lyttelton.
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The estuary situated behind Seabreeze Close in Bexley. The estuary shows signs of liquefaction with a large number of sand volcanoes appearing".
A felt heart sewn to the wire fencing in front of The Volcano Cafe in Lyttelton. It provides a bit of beauty and hope to an otherwise depressing scene.
A digger clearing building rubble from demolished buildings on the corner of London Street in Lyttelton.
A digger clearing building rubble from demolished buildings on the corner of London Street in Lyttelton. Fabric hearts have been attached to the fence in front.
A photograph of emergency management personnel examining a block of earthquake-damaged rooms at Stonehurst Accommodation on Gloucester Street. The bottom storey of the block has collapsed and the remaining rooms are now resting on an incline. The front walls of these rooms have also collapsed and the rubble has spilled in to the courtyard in front. Cordon tape has been draped across the courtyard in front of the rubble. In the foreground there is liquefaction on the ground from a liquefaction volcano.
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "A new bar, the 'Port Hole', on the site of the Volcano Cafe in London Street. The bar is being completed for opening the next day".
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "A new bar, the 'Port Hole', on the site of the Volcano Cafe in London Street. The bar is being completed for opening the next day".
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "A view of the estuary which is just behind Seabreeze Close, Bexley. The estuary shows signs of liquefaction with a large number of sand volcanoes appearing".
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "A new bar, the 'Port Hole', on the site of the Volcano Cafe in London Street. The bar is being completed for opening the next day".
A photograph of a musician performing at the Lyttelton Petanque Club.
A photograph of people painting wooden pallets, to be used for the Lyttelton Pentanque Club.
A photograph of people watching a musician perform at the Lyttelton Petanque Club.
A photograph of Coralie Winn standing next to a Lyttelton resident at the Lyttelton Petanque Club.
Canterbury novelist Joanna Orwin has a new, futurist story of a New Zealand changed by cataclysmic volcanoes and tsunami, Sacrifice. And we hear about some of the stories in a post-earthquake Christchurch anthology, Tales for Canterbury.
A 'sand volcano' of liquefaction silt in Bexley. The photographer comments, "Liquefaction is just a mixture of sand and water squeezed up from the ground, but with a little imagination it has a beauty in its untouched state".
A helicopter from Christchurch flies over New Zealand looking for somewhere to rebuild but everywhere are notices referring to fires, floods, oily beaches, volcanoes and geysers, quakes, landslides. Nowhere seems to be safe. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Text at top left reads 'Daft things our forefathers did The cartoon shows several nineteenth century gentlemen observing 'volcanic cones', a 'swamp' and 'faultlines underneath' and deciding to build a city. Context - Specifically the Christchurch earthquakes of 4 September 2010 and 22 February 2011 but generally the way many New Zealand cities are built on or near volcanoes, faultlines and swamps. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Photos taken in Lyttelton on April 15 showing the demolition of the Volcano Cafe, the Lava Bar, Lyttelton Fisheries and the coastal living design store following the February 22 earthquake. File reference: From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
Photos taken in Lyttelton on April 15 showing the demolition of the Volcano Cafe, the Lava Bar, Lyttelton Fisheries and the coastal living design store following the February 22 earthquake. File reference: From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
Photos taken in Lyttelton on April 15 showing the demolition of the Volcano Cafe, the Lava Bar, Lyttelton Fisheries and the coastal living design store following the February 22 earthquake. File reference: From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
Photos taken in Lyttelton on April 15 showing the demolition of the Volcano Cafe, the Lava Bar, Lyttelton Fisheries and the coastal living design store following the February 22 earthquake. File reference: From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries