One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 26 May 2013 on Winchester Street, Lyttelton. The photograph is taken looking southeast over the site of the Anglican Church of the Most Holy Trinity. On the church site are the removed top of the bell tower and porch. Beyond the empty church site the container cranes on Cashin Quay, and Diamond Ha...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 26 May 2013 off Godley Head looking west towards the face of the cliffs. Rock which fell from the cliffs is heaped at the waters edge. Some of the buildings from the coastal defence battery are visible on top of the cliff. Volcanic banding is visible in the face of the cliffs. There were severa...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 26 May 2013 on Winchester Street, Lyttelton. The photograph shows part of the rear windscreen of a blue car with a sticker which reads 'I don't need sex EQC is screwing me'. The right side of the sticker is torn leaving a jagged edge. The process of negotiation with EQC and insurance companies to...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 26 May 2013 on Winchester Street, Lyttelton. The photograph is taken looking south from the site of the Catholic Church of St Joseph the Worker to the site of the Anglican Church of the Most Holy Trinity. Visible are the removed top of the bell tower and porch. The damaged vicarage is at the weste...
One portrait colour digital photograph taken on 23 July 2011 showing the artwork by Trent Hiles erected on the site of the Harbourlight Theatre on London Street. The artwork presents part of James K Baxter's poem 'High Country Weather' using the international code of signal flags. The artwork was installed as a Gap Filler project. The artwork r...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 6 September 2011 showing the demolition of 2 Sumner Road, the former library and fire station. This building was a private residence at the time of its demolition. Photograph taken looking north on Oxford Street. Also visible in the photograph are the Lyttelton Information Centre, an entrance to ...
Semi-circular quilt made from cotton, silk and bandage material to commemorate the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The quilt references Christchurch landscape features, buildings and soil profiles and displays 185 sewn crosses, eight facial profiles and a Harakeke (flax).
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 16 June 2011 showing the Lyttelton Bakery operating from a portable building on the Corner of Canterbury Street and Norwich Quay. This portable building has been placed on the site of the Royal Hotel. Also visible in the photograph are Shadbolt House and the rear of the buildings on the south side...
One multi-coloured softcover book titled 'Christchurch, A Nostalgic Tribute' with colour photographs and text by Peter Morath, published by the Caxton Press, Christchurch, 2011. Christchurch city was badly damaged during the 4 September 2010 and 22 February 2011 earthquakes and will change dramatically as rebuilding progresses. ‘Christchurch: A...
One metal hanging light fixture with three globes. Frame features a stylized plants motif. The globes feature green, brown and white glass petals welded into a globe shape. Owner of Hadleigh House 1904-1921
Paperback book with removable cover written in Japanese.
Plastic wrapped package containing Japanese [?] sweets.
One twisted steel re-enforcing rod with parallel spine-like lines running the length of the rod; striations run in a circular pattern between these lines. The object was recovered from the shear wall in the Hotel Grand Chancellor, which was demolished following the 22 February earthquake. This steel reinforcing rod was removed from the Hotel Gr...
One twisted steel re-enforcing rod with parallel spine-like lines running the length of the rod; striations run in a circular pattern between these lines. The object was recovered from the shear wall in the Hotel Grand Chancellor, which was demolished following the 22 February earthquake. This steel reinforcing rod was removed from the Hotel Gr...
One twisted steel re-enforcing rod with parallel spine-like lines running the length of the rod; striations run in a circular pattern between these lines. The object was recovered from the shear wall in the Hotel Grand Chancellor, which was demolished following the 22 February earthquake. This steel reinforcing rod was removed from the Hotel Gr...
One green plastic Port-A-Loo door with surround, lock and mirror on interior; Port-A-Loo logo on front. One of the most immediate challenges facing Christchurch residents following the 22 February 2011 earthquake was the restriction on using residential toilet facilities. The restrictions were implemented due to the extensive damage to sewerage...
One twisted steel re-enforcing rod with parallel spine-like lines running the length of the rod; striations run in a circular pattern between these lines. The object was recovered from the shear wall in the Hotel Grand Chancellor, which was demolished following the 22 February earthquake. This steel reinforcing rod was removed from the Hotel Gr...
One pair of size 3-8 women's red and black striped merino wool socks with a black seismograph marking above the ankle; now separated from their red, white and black branded card packaging. Produced following the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The Aftersocks fundraising campaign was an initiative to support the Canterbury region following the 22 F...
Two pairs of size 11-13 red and black striped merino wool socks with a black seismograph marking above the ankle; held together by black, red and white branded card packaging. Produced following the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The Aftersocks fundraising campaign was an initiative to support the Canterbury region following the 22 February 2011 ...
One pair of size 8-12 men's black merino wool Executive Aftersocks socks with a red seismograph marking above the ankle; now separated from their red, white and black branded card packaging. Produced following the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The Aftersocks fundraising campaign was an initiative to support the Canterbury region following the 22...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 6 September 2010 showing water table alteration in a view towards Park Terrace from Hagley Park, near the Armagh Street bridge. Localised flooding was an almost immediate after effect of the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquakes. Some areas of Christchurch were submerged, sometimes for several days, f...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 1 March 2011 showing a band playing in the memorial service in Queenstown's central square. The 6.3 magnitude earthquake that struck Christchurch on 22 February 2011 shocked most New Zealanders. Memorial services were held around the country, many were held in conjunction with a fundraising initi...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 1 March 2011 showing the crowd gathered for a memorial service in Queenstown's central square. The 6.3 magnitude earthquake that struck Christchurch on 22 February 2011 shocked most New Zealanders. Memorial services were held around the country, many were held in conjunction with a fundraising in...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 27 April 2011 showing damage to London Street and demolition work being undertaken on the Harbourlight Theatre. Photograph taken looking west from the intersection of London Street with Oxford Street and Sumner Road. Architect In Christchurch's Central Business District many of the high profile d...
Plastic wrapped container of Asahi brand Mintia.
600ml plastic bottle of Coca Cola.
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 25 February 2011 showing the damage to the former Anglican Vicarage on Ripon Street Lyttelton. Taken from the footpath. Architect The sense of loss felt when confronted with the collapse or demolition of an historic building is compounded when that building is also a home. While the community sees...
Artificial fabric and plastic orange gerbera with stem.
Two litre plastic bottle of Asahi brand water.
Artificial fabric and plastic orange gerbera with stem.