A photograph of the intersection of High, Lichfield, and Manchester Streets, taken from the corner of High and Lichfield Streets. Emergency management personnel are sitting and standing in front of wire fences which are blocking off the intersection. In the background several excavators are clearing rubble from earthquake-damaged buildings.
A photograph of a media briefing on the Christchurch earthquake response. The briefing was held in the in the Christchurch Art Gallery, which served as the temporary Civil Defence headquarters after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Mayor Bob Parker is about to speak.
A photograph looking north up Colombo Street across the intersection of Kilmore Street. The buildings on either side of the street have been severely damaged by the earthquakes. The rubble and other debris has since been cleared from the street and footpaths.
A photograph of a member of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team walking past a pile of bricks. The bricks have been stacked on Barbadoes Street in front of a house.
A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team removing the broken glass from a window of Peter Geary Motors on Acton Street.
A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team on Gloucester Street, opposite the Christchurch East School. In the foreground, an emergency response vehicle is parked on the road.
A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team on Gloucester Street, opposite the Christchurch East School. In the background, an emergency response vehicle is parked on the road.
A photograph a box with supplies on top. These include tarpaulins, duct tape, a sledgehammer, a box of screws, and a brush and shovel.
A photograph of an earthquake damaged house. USAR teams have spray-painted a message on the side of the house. The message reads, "Pile cleared by dogs, 4 March". To the left, a pile of rubble is lying next to the house.
A photograph of a WRFF Helitack Rappel Crew emergency response vehicle parked on Acton Street.
A photograph of emergency management personnel inside a Royal New Zealand Air Force Hercules C-130. The aircraft is on the runway at Wellington airport.
A photograph of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team meeting outside the Christchurch Art Gallery.
A photograph of a member of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team walking across Manchester Street. In the background is a block of earthquake-damaged buildings. Large sections of the buildings have collapsed and the rubble has spilled onto the street below.
A photograph of cracks in the road on Armagh Street. The cracks are on both sides of the tram lines
A photograph of workers in Latimer Square preparing food for emergency management personnel.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to a building on the corner of Hereford and Madras Street. Sections of the façade have crumbled, bricks spilling onto the road in front. Wire fencing has been used to block off half of Madras Street. In the background, emergency management personnel are working through the rubble of the CTV building site. A digger and a crane are parked on the site.
A photograph of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team walking down Lichfield Street. Plastic fencing and road cones have been placed along both sides of the road as cordons. Behind the fences are piles of bricks and other rubble from the buildings above.
A photograph of a member of the Wellington Emergency Management Office standing on Gloucester Street, outside the Canterbury Provincial Chambers Buildings. The team member is wearing a hard hat, protective glasses, and a face mask.
A photograph of an internet café and Mums 24 Café and Restaurant on the corner of Gloucester and Colombo Streets. USAR codes have been spray-painted on the front windows.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to a house in Christchurch. The front and side of the house has collapsed, the bricks and other rubble spilling onto the garden, exposing the rooms inside. Emergency tape has been draped across the front of the property as a cordon.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to a building on Oxford Terrace. The wall to the right has collapsed, the concrete blocks spilling onto the footpath in front. USAR codes have been spray-painted on the ground at the entrance of the building.
A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team standing on the corner of Lichfield and Manchester Streets. In the background an excavator has been parked on the street. In the background is a large pile of rubble from several earthquake-damaged buildings.
A photograph looking south down Manchester Street from the intersection of Lichfield and High Streets. Rubble has been cleared from the street and stacked next to the earthquake-damaged stores to the right. A member of an emergency management team is standing on the street in the distance with a truck and an excavator behind them.
A photograph of the Canterbury Times and Star building on Gloucester Street. USAR codes have been spray-painted on the door of Le Pot Au Feu and a window of O-Cha Thai. Broken glass and fallen masonry litters the footpath in front.
A photograph of rubble from earthquake-damaged buildings along Colombo Street near the intersection with St Asaph Street. On the left-hand side of the street cars have been crushed by falling rubble. The road has been cordoned off with wire fencing.
A photograph of a UK Fire and Rescue International Search and Rescue tent in Latimer Square.
A photograph of the front door of the O-Cha Thai Cuisine restaurant in the former Canterbury Times Building on Gloucester Street. USAR codes have been spray-painted on one of the windows.
A photograph of members of the Clandeboye Emergency Response Team and the Red Cross Team working on High Street near the intersection with Manchester Street. In the background is a large pile of rubble from the ANZ Bank building. In the foreground the members have placed their bags on a group of outdoor chairs and tables still on the footpath.
A photograph of emergency management personnel exiting the car park of the earthquake-damaged Press House on Gloucester Street. One of the team is pushing a wheelbarrow full of various supplies.
A photograph of the front door of a store in the former Canterbury Times Building on Gloucester Street. USAR codes have been spray-painted on the front door.