A pile of gravel and tarseal in front of a house in Richmond during repairs to River Road. The photographer comments, "Our house was becoming progressively more shattered with each aftershock".
Two people examine damage to a house in Richmond. The brick wall is badly cracked and twisted, and some bricks have fallen, exposing the lining paper and framing below. The photographer comments, "These photos show our old house in River Rd and recovery work around Richmond and St Albans. The near wall is leaning at an alarming angle. I didn't like walking past it".
Interior damage in a house in Richmond. The photographer comments, "Revisiting our abandoned house. Cracks in the hall plaster walls and the decorative arch".
A house in Richmond being demolished. All but the front wall has been demolished, and a crane bucket looms over the roof. The photographer comments, "The end of 393 River Rd".
Damage to a house in Richmond. Bricks have fallen from the walls onto the driveway. The photographer comments, "More movement caused the brick cladding to fall off the building".
A photograph of 36 Bangor Street.
A sign above the closed shutter of a building in Wainoni reads "Open 7 days". The photographer comments, "A Sunday afternoon ride to New Brighton, then back via Aranui, Wainoni, Dallington, and Richmond. Not a cheerful experience. Open 7 days. This Wainoni car parts shop was definitely not open today".
Damage to a house in Richmond. Bricks have fallen from the walls onto the driveway, and a large gap between the concrete foundation and the wooden framing shows how much the house has moved. The photographer comments, "The foundations and brick cladding moved, but the timber wall remained in position. The gap grew to over 400mm by the time the house was demolished.
A cracked and slumped containing wall that is ready to collapse.
Damage to Avonside Drive. The street is closed off with cones and a "Road closed" sign, and portaloos line the street. The banks of the Avon River have been built up with gravel.
Liquefaction on Gayhurst Road. The footpath has slumped, and a road cone has been placed in the hole. Behind, a low brick fence has cracked.
Road cones line a hole in Gayhurst Road, dug for pipe repairs.
The north end of the Gayhurst Road bridge, pulling away from the stone walls on the bank.
The north end of the Gayhurst Road bridge with buckled railings and torn up footpath now filled in.
A photograph of a red-stickered house.
A photograph of children on River Road.
A photograph of a copy of the Avonside Community Group update for 22 June 2011 posted on a power pole.
A photograph of a temporary water supply pipe running along a residential street.
A photograph of road cones around a drain that has been lifted out of the ground on Avonside Drive.
The banks of the Avon River along Avonside Drive have been built up with gravel. The street is flooded, and has been closed off with fencing and road cones.
Liquefaction silt in the garden of a block of flats on the corner of Gayhurst Road and Locksley Avenue.
Workers laying sandbags and plastic sheeting on the banks of the Avon River along Avonside Drive, prior to building up the banks with gravel.
Damage to Bowie Place in Avonside. The road is badly cracked, and has been closed off with a chain.
Sandbags laid along the banks of the Avon River, prior to building up the banks with gravel.
A photograph of trucks and machinery parked on Avonside Drive.
A photograph of trucks and machinery parked on Avonside Drive.
Road damage between St Paul's School and Gayhurst Road bridge. The road has slumped near the curb, probably due to liquefaction.
Liquefaction on Avonside Drive.
Damage to a house in Richmond. A large crack runs through brickwork under a window, and one side of the wall has visibly slumped, leaving a gap between the bricks and the window frame. The photographer comments, "Cracking in the external brickwork".
Damage to a house in Richmond. Part of the brick wall has slumped to one side, leaving a visible gap between the wall and a windowframe. Broken wooden framing can be seen in the gap. The photographer comments, "Cracking in the external brickwork".