The pumping station at the corner of New Brighton Road and Palmers Road. New Brighon Road is still closed (2 weeks after quake) at this point.
When this building was first brought on site I spent a few hours removing the tape/paper that had been covering every window.
20100905_3336_1D3-24 Ground movement Pacific Park - Christchurch earthquake A house in Pacific Park (Bexley) that borders the Bexley Wetlands. Land moved towards the wetlands and the closer to wetlands the more severe the damage.
Prior to the earthquakes the stone wall at right was near road level. Now it is about 1.5m (4-5ft) lower.
Worcester Blvd. Lawrence Roberts works for Photo & Video in Christchurch, suppliers of much of my photo gear in exchange for cash!
At least two broken pieces from the Scott statue rest in the Canterbury Museum. The statue toppled in the 22nd February 2011 earthquake.
A historic plate smashed in the February Christchurch earthquake. Ashley Gorge Scenic Reserve was established by my Great-Grandmother (maternal) many years ago.
The city side of the South Brighton bridge. Approaches on both sides will need extensive work before this bridge can re-open. Bridge opened for traffic less than a week later, but still (23/09) has 30kmh speed restriction.
The South New Brighton Domain jetty into the Avon-Heathcote Estuary. A new jetty replaced an older one about 6-8 years ago, then the earthquakes happened! Before the earthquakes it was straight and level and open!
Looking across several properties to a yet to demolished (or possibly removed) house on Seabreeze Close, Pacific Park, Bexley.
External stairs on the Forsyth Barr building in Christchurch. Portions of the internal stairwell collapsed during the earthquake of February 22nd 2011, necessitating use of various means of getting people out of the building. Was the fourth highest building in the city pre earthquakes, but it's future is uncertain. Was for sale "as is, where ...
The site of the Robert Falcon Scott statue. Here is what it looked like before (lining up ICE from POLICE on the Police building) www.flickr.com/photos/johnstewartnz/5921425414/in/set-721...
Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrameny aka Christchurch Basilica
20120805_7441_1D3-600 Newstalk ZB building starting to go down 06 #2642
Houses teeter over the edge above Redcliffs School.
Damaged houses above Shag Rock.
Closed due to earthquake damage. But it looks in better condition than the building I work in!
20120805_7586_1D3-600 30 seconds later the dust drifts across the city. Following the demolition of the earthquake damaged Newstalk ZB building. #2649
The jetty in the South New Brighton Domain was rebuilt a few years ago. It was straight and level till the earthquakes. Has been closed for 2½ years now.
The jetty in the South New Brighton Domain was rebuilt a few years ago. It was straight and level till the earthquakes. Has been closed for 2½ years now.
This is the Summit Road below Mt Cavendish and shows a few remaining high buildings in the central city beyond (in setting sun). Just above centre is the doomed AMI Stadium (1) aka Lancaster Park, home to Canterbury cricket and rugby till the erathquakes.
Annette Preen's house in background. See the angle the front of house is on. This maybe a write off as it is trashed inside with liquification occurring right under the house and bursting through concrete floor. Annette was featured on TV3 news tonight. Go to TV3 website to see news item.
Haha! This is the day before Mainzeal (see sign on fence at left) announced they had gone into receivership owing millions to the banks and sub-contractors like Smiths whose equipment is here.
20130312_4425_1D3-150 South New Brighton boardwalk track [Explored] Damaged in the earthquakes, now with more bends and not level as it was before. Selected for Explore. #306 12/05/13 #3402
Part of the container wall to stop rock falls on Main Road, Sumner.
185 pieces of Rock from Halswell Quarry to represent the 185 lives lost as a result of the 22/02/11 earthquake.
Following the 5.8 and 6.0 quakes of 23/12/11 there is further damage to the track separating the Bexley Wetlands from the Pacific Park housing area.
Further damage to the bank following the two quakes on 23/12/11. The sewer line broke here and was repaired (patched) by council staff on Christmas Eve. It is hard to beleve that this rock wall was level with the land here, before any of the quakes.