What was one of the busier intersection pre earthquakes!
A very different looking Castle Rock to what was there pre earthquakes.
Prior to the earthquakes (mainly the February 22 2011 event) this park bench was at track level. Shortly after the February quake someone in the council did the sums and realised that the area near the Avon River had dropped between a metre and 1.4m (about 4 foot), so a rush job by contractors shifted in many tonnes of rock and gravel to raise a...
20120805_7586_1D3-600 30 seconds later the dust drifts across the city. Following the demolition of the earthquake damaged Newstalk ZB building. #2649
The last pile of liquefied silt to be cleaned up, from our lawn.
The pumping station at the corner of New Brighton Road and Palmers Road. New Brighon Road is still closed (2 weeks after quake) at this point.
The site of the Robert Falcon Scott statue. Here is what it looked like before (lining up ICE from POLICE on the Police building) www.flickr.com/photos/johnstewartnz/5921425414/in/set-721...
Nearly 80 40 foot containers (most two high) protect Wakefield Avenue in Sumner from further rock falls. Behind these (to the left) are houses, church, bowling club, RSA (Returned Servicemens Association) and other community buildings that have been isolated now for nearly two years now. On the right upper third boundary (just behind two stand a...
A month after the 1st anniversary of the deadly Christchurch earthquake (22/02/11) a road cone lies on New Brighton Road, alongside the Avon River. Part of the earthquake 1st anniversary remembrance was for people to place flowers in road cones (and there are hundreds of thousands in the city). Many had flowers in them, as this one did. Photo ...
Haha! This is the day before Mainzeal (see sign on fence at left) announced they had gone into receivership owing millions to the banks and sub-contractors like Smiths whose equipment is here.
20120805_7441_1D3-600 Newstalk ZB building starting to go down 06 #2642
Looking across several properties to a yet to demolished (or possibly removed) house on Seabreeze Close, Pacific Park, Bexley.
An impressive Cabbage Tree (Cordyline australis) that was in someone's back yard prior to the demolition of houses post the 2011 earthquake.
A Phoenis Palm (Phoenix canariensis) that was in someone's back yard prior to the demolition of houses post the 2011 earthquake.
Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrameny aka Christchurch Basilica
Worcester Blvd. Lawrence Roberts works for Photo & Video in Christchurch, suppliers of much of my photo gear in exchange for cash!
At least two broken pieces from the Scott statue rest in the Canterbury Museum. The statue toppled in the 22nd February 2011 earthquake.
Closed due to earthquake damage. But it looks in better condition than the building I work in!
Scavenger Hunt 101 - SH 8 (abandoned building or ruin) The ruins/remains of what was the third highest building in Christchurch, pre earthquakes, the Price Waterhouse Coopers building in Armagh Street. At 76.3 metres ( 21 floors) the demolition has left the basement (now flooded) and these supports. Just one of many photos from Christchurch ...
The flooded Bexley Wetlands, now about 1 - 1.5metre below pre earthquake level. The short length of fence (mid ground) was on the "river track" that the council closed about three years ago. The whole track in this view is now under about 500mm water at high tide. The main track in front of the houses was, prior to earthquakes, below the leve...
185 pieces of Rock from Halswell Quarry to represent the 185 lives lost as a result of the 22/02/11 earthquake.
Following the 5.8 and 6.0 quakes of 23/12/11 there is further damage to the track separating the Bexley Wetlands from the Pacific Park housing area.
Cleaning up Manning Signs of the silt from liquefaction. Three fellow workers man the shovels while two building engineers talk to the boss (hidden). After doing the car park we then turned our hands to the inside of the factory, once clearance was given that we could go inside.