A hand painted poster on the fence around the site where the CTV building use to be. On it is the word 'Faith'.
Furry heart-shape tribute on the fence just down from the empty site where the CTV building was.
The word 'hope' and a heart-shape looped around the St Paul's Trinity Pacific Church.
The word 'faith' looped around the St Paul's Trinity Pacific Church.
A pile of brick in front a damaged building in Christchurch central. The site grounds are overgrown.
Detail of a damaged building in Christchurch Central. Bit of broken furniture, fabric and brick rubble can be seen.
Looking through the cordon fence, a pile of brick in front a damaged building in Christchurch central.
The words 'Faith' and 'hope' looped around the fences of St Paul's Trinity Pacific Church.
Look from the cordon fences on to empty demolition sites Tuam Street. The Alice in Videoland building can be seen on left with the Wespac building and Holiday Inn in the background.
Empty demolition sites on Tuam Street. The Alice in Videoland building can be seen on left with the Wespac building and Holiday Inn in the background.
Member of the public using the Dance-O-Mat, a dance floor on a vacant site with coin operated light and music player. This was a project by Gap Filler who wanted to give the Christchurch community a unique dance experience whilst bringing life to our broken city.
A Fire engine parked in front of a damaged building in Christchurch Central.
Graffiti on a wall exposed after demolition of the adjoining building.
Entrance to NG art gallery, located next to The National, a contemporary jewellery gallery on Madras Street.
Damaged building in Christchurch central, steel bracing and scaffolding are used to support the walls on the building.
The backs of buildings on High Street, seen from St Asaph Street.
Detail of the backs of buildings on High Street, seen from St Asaph Street. A portaloo and road cones on the empty site.
A graffiti mural by Jacob Ryan, aka. yikes.
A section of Tuam Street that has been cordoned off.
View down High Street, with building on the left cordoned off.
Plants outside the entrance to NG art gallery, located next to The National, a contemporary jewellery gallery on Madras Street.
Vacant site left after the demolition of a building.
An old advertising sign for Polson's decorators and signwriters exposed on the side of a building on Manchester Street. Peaking over the top are shipping containers that are protecting the facade of the Excelsior Hotel.
Looking to the Alice in Videoland building from a vacant site left by the demolition of a building.
Demolition of the Lumley House, beside the BDO House seen from the back, near the Knox Church car park.
Damaged buildings and demolition rubble down Tuam Street.
An overgrown site in Christchurch Central. Some damaged building and fences can be seen in the background.
Shipping containers support the facade of the Excelsior Hotel, the only part of the hotel still standing. The Two Fat Indians restaurant next door has also closed due to earthquake damage.
Looking inside the CBD cordon at the intersection of Tuam and Manchester Streets. The The Odeon Theatre and the Pink Pussy Cat Building formerly Lawrie & Wilson Auctioneers can seen in the background.
Detail of the facade on the Alice in Videoland building on Tuam Street.