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Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of an interview with Corporal Pani Bell about his work guarding cordons at the edge of the Christchurch central city red zone. Bell talks about the progress of the Christchurch rebuild, the shrinking of the red zone, the implosion of the Radio Network House on Worcester Street, and the temporary offices which have been built for the cordon guards.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of emergency management personnel walking in a line down Lichfield Street towards the intersection of Madras Street . The members in white hazmat suits are holding their hands over their heads while members of the New Zealand Army take the lead and follow from behind. Rubble from several earthquake-damaged buildings has scattered across the street to the right. Plastic fencing has been placed along the left side of the road as a cordon. In the background there are several earthquake-damaged buildings along Lichfield Street.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of emergency personnel entering a cordon on Montreal Street near the intersection with Bealey Avenue. The cordon has been set up with road cones and a "Road closed" sign. Two members of the New Zealand Army are guarding the cordon.

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Text reads 'Ricky Ponting said his team would show respect for those affected by the Christchurch earthquake and treat the Black Caps like brothers'. A kiwi Black Cap is startled as a cricket ball bounces off his head. Context - Captain Ricky Ponting said he and his team were saddened by the news of the devastation that hit New Zealand on Tuesday (Christchurch earthquake 22 February 2011) He said the Australian cricket team will show respect for those affected by the Christchurch earthquake when they take the field against New Zealand in Nagpur today. In fact the Black Caps got a hammering from Australia and were 206 ALL OUT. Australia 207/3 - AUSTRALIA WIN. Captain Vettori however denied that the earthquake may have been responsible for the loss and said the Black Caps were professionals. (26 February 2011) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Text across the top of the cartoon reads 'Mayor in Nepal' Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker climbs a snowy slope towards 'Mt Junket'; he is followed by sherpas carrying candles, dining table and wine glasses. Bob Parker says 'I am focused on the summit and they don't get much bigger than this!' Context - Bob Parker gave the keynote address at a United Nations-sanctioned symposium in Nepal on disaster-risk reduction. The UN and the United States Government paid Parker's costs. The disaster risk symposium featured speakers from Pakistan and Haiti - two countries struck by large earthquakes.(The Press 15 February 2011) Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

The cartoon shows a row of gold statuettes of Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker smiling and holding a shovel; these are 'The Bob Awards - for supporting roles in Christchurch'. Context - on 22 February 2011 a 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck in Christchurch, which has probably killed more than 200 people (at this point the number is still not known) and caused very severe damage. The courage, generosity and 'can do' attitude of the people has been wonderful and Bob Parker himself is showing himself a tireless and cheerful mayor in extraordinary circumstances. Colour and black and white versions of this cartoon are available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

A man sits in an armchair in the ruins of his house with his wife beside him. A man carrying a briefcase marked 'EQC' has come to make an insurance assessment and says 'Unfortunately, this is a North Canterbury collapse - so you'll only get your first $100,000 back'. Context; the Christchurch earthquake of 4th September and the collapse of the South Canterbury Finance Company. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Text above the image reads 'Time capsules unearthed in Christchurch' A man reads a newspaper which says 'Petrol is so cheap you can actually afford to run one of these new-fangled motor cars...' Context - when a bronze statue of Christchurch founder John Robert Godley, which stood in Cathedral Square, toppled during the Christchurch earthquake of 22 February 2011, a crane driver clearing rubble discovered two time capsules. One is a small glass capsule with a hand-written letter on gold parchment inside, while the other is a large metal-like object, yet to be opened. A Nelson newspaper 'The Colonist' in an article published in 1918, about the time capsule in Christchurch said, "This statute of John Robert Godley executed by Thomas Woolner was erected in the west side of the Cathedral Square by the Provincial Government of Canterbury, and unveiled by the late Sir Charles Christopher Bowen on August 6 1867, it was moved to this site in March 1918." The man in the cartoon reads a bout the cost of petrol being incredibly cheap and thinks it refers to today's prices. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).