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Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

This book is the result of an investigation into the vulnerability of the infrastructure serving metropolitan Christchurch (including Lyttelton). The work was undertaken by the Christchurch Engineering Lifelines Group and the objectives are: to identify the vulnerability of engineering lifeline services to damage from earthquakes, flooding, tsunami and meteorological hazards; to identify practical engineering strategies for reducing the risk or impact of such damage and for providing for reinstatement following such events; and to communicate the issues to people involved in the management of these services and to raise the awareness of the public to their importance.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Another city walk around, this time with my brother-in-law from Auckland. Also went to the Quake City exhibition in the city organised by the Canterbury Museum. First fine day for a while. For 36 years I worked in a now gone building where that red car is parked (on the left). and would have walked this route thousands of times, yet now it is...

Research Papers, Lincoln University

The Tourism Industry Association New Zealand’s (TIA) annual State of the Tourism Sector 2012 has been prepared in partnership with Lincoln University. The objective of this is to understand better how the tourism sector sees its future and what challenges and opportunities lie ahead in both the short and longer term. State of the Tourism Sector 2012 provides a current view of the tourism sector for those within the industry and for external stakeholders who have an interest in tourism in New Zealand.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

The development of Digital City technologies to manage and visualise spatial information has increasingly become a focus of the research community, and application by city authorities. Traditionally, the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Building Information Models (BIM) underlying Digital Cities have been used independently. However, integrating GIS and BIM into a single platform provides benefits for project and asset management, and is applicable to a range of issues. One of these benefits is the means to access and analyse large datasets describing the built environment, in order to characterise urban risk from and resilience to natural hazards. The aim of this thesis is to further explore methodologies of integration in two distinct areas. The first, integration through connectivity of heterogeneous datasets where GIS spatial infrastructure data is merged with 3D BIM building data to create a digital twin. Secondly, integration through analysis whereby data from the digital twin are extracted and integrated with computational models. To achieve this, a workflow was developed to identify the required datasets of a digital twin, and develop a process of integrating those datasets through a combination of; semi-autonomous conversion, translation and extension of data; and semantic web and services-based processes. Through use of a designed schema, the data were streamed in a homogenous format in a web-based platform. To demonstrate the value of this workflow with respect to urban risk and resilience, the process was applied to the Taiora: Queen Elizabeth II recreation and sports centre in eastern Christchurch, New Zealand. After integration of as-built GIS and BIM datasets, targeted data extraction was implemented, with outputs tailored for analysis in an infrastructure serviceability loss model, which assessed potable water network performance in the 22nd February 2011 Christchurch Earthquake. Using the same earthquake conditions as the serviceability loss model, performance of infrastructure assets in service at the time of the 22nd February 2011 Christchurch Earthquake was compared to new assets rebuilt at the site, post-earthquake. Due to improved potable water infrastructure resilience resulting from installation of ductile piles, a decrease of 35.5% in the probability of service loss was estimated in the serviceability loss model. To complete the workflow, the results from the external analysis were uploaded to the web-based platform. One of the more significant outcomes from the workflow was the identification of a lack of mandated metadata standards for fittings/valves connecting a building to private laterals. Whilst visually the GIS and BIM data show the building and pipes as connected, the semantic data does not include this connectivity relationship. This has no material impact on the current serviceability loss model as it is not one of the defined parameters. However, a proposed modification to the model would utilise the metadata to further assess the physical connection robustness, and increase the number of variables for estimating probability of service loss. This thesis has made a methodological contribution to urban resilience analysis by demonstrating how readily available up-to-date building and infrastructure data can be integrated, and with tailored extraction from a Digital City platform, be used for disaster impact analysis in an external computational engine, with results in turn imported and visualised in the Digital City platform. The workflow demonstrated that translation and integration of data would be more successful if a regional/national mandate was implemented for the submission of consent documentation in a specified standard BIM format. The results of this thesis have identified that the key to ensuring the success of an integrated tool lies in the initial workflow required to safeguard that all data can be either captured or translated in an interoperable format.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

The development of Digital City technologies to manage and visualise spatial information has increasingly become a focus of the research community, and application by city authorities. Traditionally, the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Building Information Models (BIM) underlying Digital Cities have been used independently. However, integrating GIS and BIM into a single platform provides benefits for project and asset management, and is applicable to a range of issues. One of these benefits is the means to access and analyse large datasets describing the built environment, in order to characterise urban risk from and resilience to natural hazards. The aim of this thesis is to further explore methodologies of integration in two distinct areas. The first, integration through connectivity of heterogeneous datasets where GIS spatial infrastructure data is merged with 3D BIM building data to create a digital twin. Secondly, integration through analysis whereby data from the digital twin are extracted and integrated with computational models. To achieve this, a workflow was developed to identify the required datasets of a digital twin, and develop a process of integrating those datasets through a combination of; semi-autonomous conversion, translation and extension of data; and semantic web and services-based processes. Through use of a designed schema, the data were streamed in a homogenous format in a web-based platform. To demonstrate the value of this workflow with respect to urban risk and resilience, the process was applied to the Taiora: Queen Elizabeth II recreation and sports centre in eastern Christchurch, New Zealand. After integration of as-built GIS and BIM datasets, targeted data extraction was implemented, with outputs tailored for analysis in an infrastructure serviceability loss model, which assessed potable water network performance in the 22nd February 2011 Christchurch Earthquake. Using the same earthquake conditions as the serviceability loss model, performance of infrastructure assets in service at the time of the 22nd February 2011 Christchurch Earthquake was compared to new assets rebuilt at the site, post-earthquake. Due to improved potable water infrastructure resilience resulting from installation of ductile piles, a decrease of 35.5% in the probability of service loss was estimated in the serviceability loss model. To complete the workflow, the results from the external analysis were uploaded to the web-based platform. One of the more significant outcomes from the workflow was the identification of a lack of mandated metadata standards for fittings/valves connecting a building to private laterals. Whilst visually the GIS and BIM data show the building and pipes as connected, the semantic data does not include this connectivity relationship. This has no material impact on the current serviceability loss model as it is not one of the defined parameters. However, a proposed modification to the model would utilise the metadata to further assess the physical connection robustness, and increase the number of variables for estimating probability of service loss. This thesis has made a methodological contribution to urban resilience analysis by demonstrating how readily available up-to-date building and infrastructure data can be integrated, and with tailored extraction from a Digital City platform, be used for disaster impact analysis in an external computational engine, with results in turn imported and visualised in the Digital City platform. The workflow demonstrated that translation and integration of data would be more successful if a regional/national mandate was implemented for the submission of consent documentation in a specified standard BIM format. The results of this thesis have identified that the key to ensuring the success of an integrated tool lies in the initial workflow required to safeguard that all data can be either captured or translated in an interoperable format.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

The Acheron rock avalanche is located in the Red Hill valley almost 80 km west of Christchurch and is one of 42 greywacke-derived rock avalanches identified in the central Southern Alps. It overlies the Holocene active Porters Pass Fault; a component of the Porters Pass-Amberley Fault Zone which extends from the Rakaia River to beyond the Waimakariri River. The Porters Pass Fault is a dextral strike-slip fault system viewed as a series of discontinuous fault scarps. The location of the fault trace beneath the deposit suggests it may represent a possible source of seismic shaking resulting in the formation of the Acheron rock avalanche. The rock mass composition of the rock avalanche source scar is Torlesse Supergroup greywacke consisting of massive sandstone and thinly bedded mudstone sequences dipping steeply north into the centre of the source basin. A stability analysis identified potential instability along shallow north dipping planar defects, and steep south dipping toppling failure planes. The interaction of the defects with bedding is considered to have formed conditions for potential instability most likely triggered by a seismic event. The dTositional area of the rock avalanche covers 7.2 x 105 m2 with an estimated volume of 9 x 10 m3 The mobilised rock mass volume was calculated at 7.5 x 106 m3• Run out of the debris from the top of the source scar to the distal limit reached 3500m, descending over a vertical fall of almost 700m with an estimated Fahrboschung of 0.2. The run out of the rock avalanche displayed moderate to high mobility, travelling at an estimated maximum velocity of 140-160 km/hour. The rapid emplacement of the deposit is confirmed by highly fragmented internal composition and burial of forest vegetation New radiocarbon ages from buried wood retrieved from the base of Acheron rock avalanche deposit represents an emplacement age closely post-dating (Wk 12094) 1152 ± 51 years B.P. This differs significantly from a previous radiocarbon age of (NZ547) 500 ± 69 years B.P. and modal lichenometry and weathering-rind thickness ages of approximately 460 ± 10 yrs and 490 ± 50 years B.P. The new age shows no resemblance to an earthquake event around 700- 500 years B.P. on the Porters Pass-Amberley Fault Zone. The DAN run out simulation using a friction model rheology successfully replicated the long run out and velocity of the Acheron rock avalanche using a frictron angle of 27° and high earth pressure coefficients of 5.5, 5.2, and 5.9. The elevated earth pressure coefficients represent dispersive pressures derived from dynamic fragmentation of the debris within the mobile rock avalanche, supporting the hypothesis of Davies and McSaveney (2002). The DAN model has potential applications for areas prone to large-scale instability in the elevated slopes and steep waterways of the Southern Alps. A paleoseismic investigation of a newly identified scarp of the Porters Pass Fault partially buried by the rock avalanche was conducted to identify any evidence of a coseismic relationship to the Acheron rock avalanche. This identified three-four fault traces striking at 078°, and a sag pond displaying a sequence of overbank deposits containing two buried soils representing an earthquake event horizon. A 40cm vertical offset of the ponded sediment and lower buried soil horizqn was recorded, which was dated to (Wk 13112 charcoal in palosol) 653 ± 54 years B.P. and (Wk 13034 palosol) 661 ± 34 years B.P. The evidence indicates a fault rupture occurred along the Porters Pass Fault, west of Porters Pass most likely extending to the Red Lakes terraces, post-dating 700 years B.P., resulting in 40cm of vertical displacement and an unknown component of dextral strike slip movement. This event post­ dates the event one (1000 ± 100 years B.P) at Porters Pass previously considered to represent the most recent rupture along the fault line. This points to a probable source for resetting of the modal weathering-rind thicknesses and lichen size populations in the Red Hill valley and possibly the Red Lakes terraces. These results suggest careful consideration must be given to the geomorphic and paleoseismic history of a specific site when applying surface dating techniques and furthermore the origin of dates used in literature and their useful range should be verified. An event at 700-500 years B.P did not trigger the Acheron rock avalanche as previously assumed supporting Howard's conclusions. The lack of similar aged rupture evidence in either of the Porters Pass and Coleridge trenches supports Howard's hypothesis of segmentation of the Porters Pass Fault; where rupture occurs along one fault segment but not along another. The new rock avalanche age closely post-dating 1200-1100 years B.P. resembles the poorly constrained event one rupture age of 1700-800 years B.P for the Porters Pass Fault and the tighter constrained Round Top event of 1010 ± 50 years B.P. on the Alpine Fault. Eight other rock avalanche deposits spread across the central Southern Alps also resemble the new ages however are unable to be assigned specific earthquake events due to the large associated error bars of± 270 years. This clustering of ages does represent compelling lines of evidence for large magnitude earthquake events occurring over the central Southern Alps. The presence of a rock avalanche deposit does not signify an earthquake based on the historical evidence in the Southern Alps however clustering of ages does suggest that large Mw >7 earthquakes occurred across the Southern Alps between 1200-900 years BP.

Videos, NZ On Screen

This promotional travelogue, made for the Christchurch City Council, shows off the city and its environs. Filmed at a time when New Zealand’s post-war economy was booming as it continued its role as a farmyard for the “Old Country”, it depicts Christchurch as a prosperous city, confident in its green and pleasant self-image as a “better Britain” (as James Belich coined NZ’s relationship to England), and architecturally dominated by its cathedrals, churches and schools. Many of these buildings were severely damaged or destroyed in the earthquakes of 2010 and 2011.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

Current research in geotechnical engineering at the University of Canterbury includes a number of laboratory testing programmes focussed on understanding the behaviour of natural soil deposits in Christchurch during the 2010-2011 Canterbury Earthquake Sequence. Many soils found in Christchurch are sands or silty sands with little to no plasticity, making them very difficult to sample using established methods. The gel-push sampling methodology, developed by Kiso-Jiban Consultants in Japan, was developed to address some of the deficiencies of existing sampling techniques and has been deployed on two projects in Christchurch. Gel push sampling is carried out with a range of samplers which are modified versions of existing technology, and the University of Canterbury has acquired three versions of the tools (GP-S, GP-Tr, GP-D). Soil samples are extracted from the bottom of a freshly drilled borehole and are captured within a liner barrel, close to 1m in length. A lubricating polymer gel coats the outside of the soil sample as it enters the liner barrel. The frictional rubbing which normally occurs on the sides of the soil samples using existing techniques is eliminated by the presence of the polymer gel. The operation of the gel-push samplers is significantly more complicated than conventional push-tube samplers, and in the initial trials a number of operational difficulties were encountered, requiring changes to the sampling procedures. Despite these issues, a number of high quality soil samples were obtained on both projects using the GP-S sampler to capture silty soil. Attempts were made to obtain clean sands using a different gel-push sampler (GP-TR) in the Red Zone. The laboratory testing of these sands indicated that they were being significantly disturbed during the sampling and/or transportation procedures. While it remains too early to draw definitive conclusions regarding the performance of the gel-push samplers, the methodology has provided some promising results. Further trialling of the tools are required to refine operating procedures understand the full range of soil conditions which can be successfully sampled using the tools. In parallel with the gel-push trials, a Dames and Moore fixed-piston sampler has been used by our research partners from Berkeley to obtain soil samples at a number of sites within Christchurch. This sampler features relatively short (50cm), thin-walled liner barrels which is advanced into the ground under the action of hydraulic pressure. By reducing the overall length of the soil being captured, the disturbance to the soil as it enters the liner barrel is significantly reduced. The Dames and Moore sampler is significantly easier to operate than the gel-push sampler, and past experience has shown it to be successful in soft, plastic materials (i.e. clays and silty clays). The cyclic resistance of one silty clay obtained using both the gel-push and Dames & Moore samplers has been found to be very similar, and ongoing research aims to establish whether similar results are obtained for different soil types, including silty materials and clean sands.

Research Papers, Lincoln University

Lincoln University was commissioned by the Avon-Otakaro Network (AvON) to estimate the value of the benefits of a ‘recreation reserve’ or ‘river park’ in the Avon River Residential Red Zone (ARRRZ). This research has demonstrated significant public desire and support for the development of a recreation reserve in the Avon River Residential Red Zone. Support is strongest for a unique natural environment with native fauna and flora, healthy wetlands and rivers, and recreational opportunities that align with this vision, such as walking, cycling and water-based sporting and leisure activities. The research also showed support for a reserve that promotes and enables community interaction and wellbeing, and is evident in respondents’ desires for community gardens, regular festivals and markets, and the physical linking of the CBD with eastern suburbs through a green corridor. There is less support for children’s playgrounds, sports fields or open grassed areas, all of which could be considered as more typical of an urban park development. Benefits (willing to pay) to Christchurch residents (excluding tourists) of a recreation reserve could be as high as $35 million each year. Savings to public health costs could be as high as $50.3 million each year. The incorporation or restoration of various ecosystems services, including water quality improvements, flood mitigation and storm water management could yield a further $8.8 million ($19, 600) per hectare/year at 450 ha). Combined annual benefits of a recreational reserve in the ARRRZ are approximately $94.1 million per annum but this figure does not include potentially significant benefits from, for example, tourism, property equity gains in areas adjacent to the reserve, or the effects of economic rejuvenation in the East. Although we were not able to provide costing estimates for park attributes, this study does make available the value of benefits, which can be used as a guide to the scope of expenditure on development of each park attribute.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Sir Richard Hadlee is seeking public support to fund the final 1.6 million dollars needed to open an indoor training facility that will bear his name in Christchurch's Hagley Park. The multipurpose venue will cost close to 5 million to construct. It will be the first indoor cricket training facility in the city since the earthquakes, and Sir Richard hopes that it will be open in 100 days time - for the start of next year's women's cricket World Cup. Hadlee, who was diagnosed with Colorectal cancer in 2018, told Felicity Reid it's a project that he's proud to be involved in. And he's also got a few thoughts on how the Black Caps will fare in India when the first Test starts tomorrow.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

A review of the week's news including... the former wife of a highly regarded Maori community leader who died in 2016 says she has passed on to Police the names of people she believes may have been involved in, or have knowledge of, what she's calling a paedophile sex ring involving her former husband, Peters on Trump, Wellington's new bus fleet hits the streets, more details of plans to cut jobs at the national museum, anti-gambling groups want poker machines included in a crackdown on money laundering, the worst winter for moteliers since the Canterbury earthquakes and who's to blame?, a statue on Bastion Point that could be as big as the Statue of Liberty and what happens when RNZ meets thrash metal?

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Members of a King Country iwi occupying one of the Crafar farms near Benneydale say they fear the Government may offer them back Landcorp farms, which have absolutely no connection to the iwi; The Minister of Maori Affairs, Dr Pita Sharples, says he pushed to have a Maori presence at the Rugby World Cup - because tangata whenua didn't even get a look in during the America's Cup in 2000; The Chairman of Bay of Plenty's Economic Development organisation wants to see concrete results in two to three years, from a strategy which aims to develop Maori assets in the region; and Almost a year since the Christchurch earthquake, the Nagi Tahui leader is urging locals to continue sticking together.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Graeme Kershaw, Technician at the University of Canterbury Department of Physics and Astronomy, sitting among the damaged parts of the Townsend Telescope. The telescope was damaged during the 22 February 2011 earthquake, when the Observatory tower at the Christchurch Arts Centre collapsed. Kershaw has been given the task of restoring the telescope. In this photograph he is holding the telescope's clock drive. In the foreground there is a plaque reading, "The equatorial telescope and accessories in this observatory were presented to Canterbury College by James Townsend Esq. 1891. A large contribution towards the erection of the tower was made by the Canterbury Astronomical Society".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Graeme Kershaw, Technician at the University of Canterbury Department of Physics and Astronomy, sitting among the damaged parts of the Townsend Telescope. The telescope was damaged during the 22 February 2011 earthquake, when the Observatory tower at the Christchurch Arts Centre collapsed. Kershaw has been given the task of restoring the telescope. In this photograph he is holding the telescope's clock drive. In the foreground there is a plaque reading, "The equatorial telescope and accessories in this observatory were presented to Canterbury College by James Townsend Esq. 1891. A large contribution towards the erection of the tower was made by the Canterbury Astronomical Society".

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Nine to Noon continues to look at who's in the running to head up our biggest cities after local elections in October, with a focus today on the 11 candidates vying to be mayor of Christchurch. Three-term mayor Lianne Dalziel announced last July she'd be stepping down as mayor, having overseen nearly a decade's worth of the city's rebuild following the devastating earthquakes. The two major contenders for the role are Burwood city councillor Phil Mauger and former Canterbury District Health Board chief executive David Meates. Other contenders include the city's Wizard, a coffee boss, pro-gun pastor and a candidate who's stood in every election since 1971. For more, Kathryn is joined by David Williams, the South Island correspondent for

Audio, Radio New Zealand

Shapeshifting is a conference organised by AUT featuring local and international guest speakers, academics, and innovators involved in the world of fashion and textiles. The conference is the first of its kind in the world, and its function isn't about discussing ways to build brands and to talk about trends, but a chance to think outside the box; a means to inspire, network and spark discourse. Sonia Sly talks to Christina Cie about the Christchurch Earthquake and its impact on clothing and identity for the community at large, US artist Nick Cave takes his 'body' of work into extraordinary musical and performing heights with 'Sound Suits' and Co-Director Andreas Mikellis discusses the way in which the notion of 'fashion' is changing and the importance of looking to the future.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The famous evangelist preacher, Billy Graham, has died age 99. Salvation is the topic of today's half-time discussion on The Panel. Julia Hartley Moore and James Nokise each have topics they want to talk about. One of the heroes from the Christchurch earthquake gives his take on where the city is at today and what needs to be done. Will beer-wine be a terrible idea or will it kick off? Worst. Olympian. Ever... with full stops between the words. That is a real Twitter-sryle putdown. It's alluding to Hungarian halfpipe skier Elizabeth Swaney. This year's New Zealander of the year will be announced at an award ceremony in Auckland tonight. It's between Mike King, Kristine Bartlett and Dr Siouxsie Wiles.

Audio, Radio New Zealand

The Logie Collection of Canterbury University is one of the small miracles of this country - treasures of the Ancient World from classical Greece and Rome, right back to the Bronze Age - 7000 BC. And when the first big earthquake struck Christchurch in September 2010, there were fears that the priceless collection - described as "one of Australasia's finest collections of classical art" would be utterly destroyed. Well it was and it wasn't. The Logie Collection has a brand-new home - the Teece Museum of Classical Antiquities - and last week it was proudly displayed in an exhibition called We Could Be Heroes. But it certainly didn't look like it at the time. Simon Morris is joined by Terri Elder and Penny Minchin-Garvin, the co-curators of the museum.

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Shows Property Investor Bob Jones with a shotgun on top of Christchurch cathedral on an island surrounded by ducks. The lake is labelled 'Lake Bob Parker'. Context: Bob Jones suggested the Christchurch CBD be replaced with a lake (The Listener 12-18 May 2012). Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of an interview with New Zealand Fire Service Chief Executive and National Commander Paul Baxter, about the findings of the coronial inquest into the CTV building deaths. Coroner Gordon Matenga found that failures by the Fire Service and Urban Search and Rescue did not contribute to the deaths of eight students at the CTV site in the aftermath of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Baxter talks about the importance of acknowledging the families of the deceased, and the changes and improvements that have been made by the New Zealand Fire Service since the collapse of the CTV building.

Research papers, University of Canterbury Library

This study explored the experiences of 10 leaders in their intentional six-month implementation, during the 2010-2011Christchurch earthquakes, of an adapted positive leadership model. The study concluded that the combination of strategies in the model provided psychological and participative safety for leaders to learn and to apply new ways of working. Contrary to other studies on natural disaster, workplace performance increased and absenteeism decreased. The research contributes new knowledge to the positive leadership literature and new understanding, from the perspective of leaders, of the challenges of leading in a workplace environment of ongoing natural disaster events.

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Went for a drive down to South New Brighton/Southshore after work today to see what interesting birds I could find on the Estuary (godwits, skuas, terns etc), but passing Jellico Street, I saw this. T-Rex the seismic survey truck from the University of Texas that is visiting the city (first time out of USA). Weighs 30 tonne and from the marks o...

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

I think all the National Banks in the country have been either closed or rebranded ANZ, but this one on the corner of Colombo and Armagh Streets is still inside the CBD red zone and has yet to be touched. I have heard that this building is staying so whether it becomes an ANZ or not time will tell. This was one of the top five busiest pedest...