Cracks and graffiti down the side of a wall.
Shop fittings in Piko Wholefoods' new premises.
A photograph of a window of 114 Lichfield Street.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to Avonmore House.
A photograph of a excavator demolishing 224 Cashel Street.
A photograph of the back of 79 Manchester Street.
A photograph of a window of 128 Manchester Street.
Abandoned furniture on the sidewalk in a residential area.
A graphic showing the damage to ChristChurch Cathedral.
The USCA amphitheatre area seen from the Foundry Bar.
A photograph of a detail of the Whitcoulls Building.
A photograph of a excavator demolishing 224 Cashel Street.
A photograph of earthquake damage to 79 Manchester Street.
A photograph of the partially-demolished 83 Victoria Street.
An empty section left after a building was demolished.
A photograph of the partially-demolished 87 Manchester Street.
A map showing the location and magnitude of aftershocks.
A photograph of earthquake damage to 255 Madras Street.
A photograph of earthquake damage to 150 Manchester Street.
A chart comparing crime rates in Riccarton, Addington and Hornby.
A graphic for a feature titled, "Red zone countdown".
A photograph of the house at 6 Eversleigh Street.
A temporary tent structure outside the central fire station.
A photograph of two windows of 209 High Street.
A photograph of a detail of 6 London Street.
Chimneys fallen from the roof of the Cranmer Courts.
A graph showing changes in green-zoned property prices.
UC Quake Centre Industry Leaders' Meeting in NZi3.
Map of the Law car park with numbered tents.
A map showing changes in the red zone cordon.