A photograph of the stained glass ceiling of the City Council Civic Offices on Manchester Street.
A photograph of a stained glass window of the City Council Civic Offices on Manchester Street.
Boarded up windows and USAR codes on the Gloucester Arcade building. Shattered glass can be seen on the footpath.
Detail of damage to the Canterbury Provincial Chambers buildings. Large cracks run up the corner of the building, and the stained glass windows are broken and buckled.
Broken stained glass in a window of the ChristChurch Cathedral. The photographer comments, "I only managed to get one picture of the badly earthquake damaged Christchurch Cathedral and I did not want to get the buttresses holding it up like some Medieval siege engine, so I thought this one was perfect. Looking through the window notice that the adjacent wall has gone and the blue windows belong to an office block across the road".
A badly damaged building on Lichfield Street. The door and window frames have sheared to one side, and beyond the glass doors a missing wall can be seen.
A sign for the Antique Store on the footpath of Salisbury Street, amongst broken glass and debris from the building above.
A photograph of the broken windows of the Press House on Gloucester Street.
A photograph of Munns the Man's Shop on Armagh Street. A number of mannequins have broken through the windows and are lying on the footpath in front.
A photograph of Munns the Man's Shop on Armagh Street. A number of mannequins have broken through the windows and are lying on the footpath in front. The others can still be seen through the damaged window.
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The Old Civic Chamber on Manchester Street. The stained-glass window is still miraculously intact".
A photograph of the front door of the Canterbury Club Building on Cambridge Terrace. USAR codes have been spray-painted on the glass.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Avonmore House on the corner of Hereford Street and Latimer Square. Large cracks have formed in the building, causing sections of the masonry to crumble. The windows on the Hereford Street side of the building have bent out of shape and many of the glass panes have shattered. USAR codes have been spray painted on the column next to the door. In the distance wire fencing has been placed across the street as a cordon.
A skip on Manchester Street outside the Orion building. Shattered glass litters the footpath in front and tape has been placed around the building as a cordon.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Salvaged windows from the historic Warners Hotel, Cathedral Square".
A photograph of the Crowne Plaza Hotel on the corner of Kilmore and Durham Streets. Some of the windows have broken, and the curtains are blowing in the breeze. Emergency tape has been draped over the handrails and the traffic lights.
A photograph of a Christchurch City Council building on Tuam Street. One of the windows on the bottom floor has shattered and there is glass on the footpath below.
A photograph of the lobby of a building on Gloucester Street. Large cracks can be seen along the inside wall and USAR codes have been spray painted on the glass doors.
A photograph of damaged buildings on Tuam Street. USAR codes can be seen spray-painted on the glass and a ground-level window has been boarded up with plywood.
A sign on a shop window in the CBD reads, "Due to unforseen circumstances we are closed. We will endeavour to open ASAP. Be safe!". Collapsed buildings can be seen reflected in the window glass.
A photograph of a window of the McDonalds building on Colombo Street. Fallen bricks can be seen inside and the Westpac Trust Building is reflected in the glass.
A photograph looking south down Colombo Street towards The Crossing. USAR codes have been spray painted on the glass doors of buildings to the left and bricks along the footpath have been upturned.
A view across Worcester Street in Linwood to a block of damaged shops. The windows have smashed and glass is covering the footpath. Wire fencing has been placed around the shops as a cordon.
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The front door of BNZ on London Street in Lyttelton with a yellow 'Restricted Use' sign on the glass. The BNZ is operating out of a portacom further up London Street".
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The front door of BNZ on London Street in Lyttelton with a yellow 'Restricted Use' sign on the glass. The BNZ is operating out of a portacom further up London Street".
The Brannigans Building on the corner of Gloucester Street and Oxford Terrace. Broken glass can be seen on the footpath in front and wire fences have been placed around the building as a cordon.
Photo taken Jan 2011 as the church is demolished. The next day the stain glass window at the far end was removed and saved.
A photograph of USAR codes spray-painted on Grenadier House on Madras Street. A red sticker taped to the glass above indicates that the building is unsafe to enter.
A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team standing outside the earthquake-damaged Grenadier House on Madras Street.
Cracks in the concrete foundation and wooden walls of a house on Avonside Drive. The photograph shows where the metal frame of the house's conservatory has come apart, and shards of glass from it can be seen on the footpath.