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Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Munns the Man's Shop on Armagh Street. A number of mannequins have broken through the windows and are lying on the footpath in front. The others can still be seen through the damaged window.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Avonmore House on the corner of Hereford Street and Latimer Square. Large cracks have formed in the building, causing sections of the masonry to crumble. The windows on the Hereford Street side of the building have bent out of shape and many of the glass panes have shattered. USAR codes have been spray painted on the column next to the door. In the distance wire fencing has been placed across the street as a cordon.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The fish and chip shop on Hills Road in Edgeware. The building is red stickered meaning it is unsafe to enter. Without the glass in the window, the inside of the store is easy to see. Panelling on the walls and roof have come down and much of the furniture has been removed.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to The Painted Room on Colombo Street. The roof has collapsed into the building, damaging the front wall and breaking the glass windows. Wire fencing and police tape have been placed around the building as a cordon.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a detail of the front of Christ Church Cathedral. A stained-glass window remains intact despite the collapsed stonework that surrounds it. The upper part of the front wall has crumbled. Steel bracing has been placed against the wall to limit further damage.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A sign on the door of a shop reading, "I have been reclosed again by the Council due to buckled retaining wall in basement. My landlord is getting wall braced for all our safety. I hope to reopen in 2/3 weeks. I will try and keep you informed by note on shop glass. Ross".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The University of Canterbury's E-Learning team's temporary office in the James Hight building. The photographer comments, "First looks at our new temporary (maybe) office space. Our group will stay here until April or May 2011, then will move to another floor in the Central Library. Common area. How will we make use of this large open area? Our offices are behind the glass wall, facing south".