A video clip depicting part of a large-scale, temporary installation titled Antigravity. The installation was created by students from The University of Auckland for CityUps - a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.
A video clip of two large-scale, temporary installations titled Upload (left) and Equilibrium (right). The installations were created by students from The University of Auckland, for CityUps - a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.
A video clip of a large-scale, temporary installation titled ScopeCity. The installation is on Manchester Street. The installation was created by students from Unitec for CityUps - a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.
A photograph of students from Unitec working on a temporary installation titled ING. ING was part of CityUps - a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.
A photograph of students from Unitec working on a temporary installation titled ING. ING was part of CityUps - a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.
A photograph of students from Unitec working on a temporary installation titled ING. ING was part of CityUps - a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.
A photograph of a large-scale, temporary structure, titled Synthesis, being installed for CityUps. CityUps was a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.
A photograph of visitors to CityUps playing with a large inflatable ball and parachute. CityUps was a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.
A photograph of students from Unitec constructing a temporary installation titled Influx, which was part of CityUps - a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.
A video clip of two large-scale, temporary installations titled Aurora (front) and Synthesis (back, left). The installations were created by students from Unitec and CPIT, for CityUps - a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.
A video clip of two large-scale, temporary structures, titled Synthesis and Aurora, being installed by students from CPIT and Unitec. The installations were part of CityUps - a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.
A video clip of a large-scale, temporary installation titled GlowCity. The installation is on Manchester Street. The installation was created by students from Unitec for CityUps - a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.
A video clip of a large-scale, temporary installation titled GlowCity. The installation is on Manchester Street. The installation was created by students from Unitec for CityUps - a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.
A photograph of four people playing with a large inflatable ball at CityUps. CityUps was a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.
A photograph of a temporary installation titled Equilibrium. Equilibrium was created by architecture students from the University of Auckland for CityUps - a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.
A photograph of a man in a yellow jumpsuit standing on Manchester Street with a CityUps sign. CityUps was a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.
A photograph of a temporary structure, titled GlowCity, being installed for CityUps. CityUps was a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.
A photograph of a temporary structure, titled GlowCity, being installed for CityUps. CityUps was a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.
A photograph of students from Unitec working on a temporary installation titled ING. ING was part of CityUps - a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.
A video clip of two large-scale, temporary installations titled Aurora (front) and Synthesis (back, left). The installations were created by students from Unitec and CPIT, for CityUps - a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.
A video clip of people dancing inside a large-scale, temporary installation titled Equilibrium. The installation was created by students from The University of Auckland for CityUps - a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.
A photograph of Coralie Winn (Gap Filler) leading an aerobics session at CityUps. CityUps was a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.
A photograph of Coralie Winn (Gap Filler) leading an aerobics session at CityUps. CityUps was a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.
The majority of Christchurch’s stormwater has historically been discharged untreated directly into urban surface waterways. These receiving waterways have become adversely affected by the contaminants carried in the stormwater, particularly sediment and heavy metals. An event-based contaminant load model was developed to identify the distribution and magnitude of contaminant loads entering the waterway, as well as to assess the reduction in TSS and heavy metal loads that can be achieved by various stormwater management options. The GIS-Excel based model estimates contaminant loads from an individual storm event based on different contributing impervious surfaces and key rainfall characteristics (rainfall intensity, duration, pH and antecedent dry days). It then calculates contaminant reduction loads that could be achieved through source reduction (e.g. green roofs, repainting) as well as from treatment (e.g. raingardens, wet ponds) applied to different surfaces within the catchment. This model differs from other annual load models as it is event-based and accounts for storm characteristics in its calculation of contaminant loads. Christchurch is a valuable case setting due the unique opportunity for retrofitting improved stormwater management in the post-earthquake rebuild. It is anticipated that this modelling approach could later be adapted for use in other urban settings outside of Christchurch.
The Avon-Heathcote Estuary, located in Christchurch, New Zealand, experienced coseismic deformation as a result of the February 22nd 2011 Christchurch Earthquake. The deformation is reflected as subsidence in the northern area and uplift in the southern area of the Estuary, in addition to sand volcanoes which forced up sediment throughout the floor of the Estuary altering estuary bed height and tidal flow. The first part of the research involved quantifying the change in the modern benthic foraminifera distribution as a result of the coseismic deformation caused by the February 22nd 2011 earthquake. By analysing the taxa present immediately post deformation and then the taxa present 2 years post deformation a comparison of the benthic foraminifera distribution can be made of the pre and post deformation. Both the northern and the southern areas of the Estuary were sampled to establish whether foraminifera faunas migrated landward or seaward as a result of subsidence and uplift experienced in different areas. There was no statistical change in overall species distribution in the two year time period since the coseismic deformation occurred, however, there were some noticeable changes in foraminifera distribution at BSNS-Z3 showing a landward migration of taxa. The changes that were predicted to occur as a result of the deformation of the Estuary are taking longer than expected to show up in the foraminiferal record and a longer time period is needed to establish these changes. The second stage involved establishing the modern distribution of foraminifera at Settlers Reserve in the southern area of the Avon-Heathcote Estuary by detailed sampling along a 160 m transect. Foraminifera are sensitive to environmental parameters, tidal height, grainsize, pH and salinity were recorded to evaluate the effect these parameters have on distribution. Bray-Curtis two-way cluster analysis was primarily used to assess the distribution pattern of foraminifera. The modern foraminifera distribution is comparable to that of the modern day New Zealand brackish-water benthic foraminifera distribution and includes species not yet found in other studies of the Avon-Heathcote Estuary. Differences in sampling techniques and the restricted intertidal marshland area where the transect samples were collected account for some of the differences seen between this model and past foraminifera studies. xiii The final stage involved sampling a 2.20 m core collected from Settlers Reserve and using the modern foraminiferal distribution to establish a foraminiferal history of Settlers Reserve. As foraminifera are sensitive to tidal height they may record past coseismic deformation events and the core was used to ascertain whether record of past coseismic deformation is preserved in Settlers Reserve sediments. Sampling the core for foraminifera, grainsize, trace metals and carbon material helped to build a story of estuary development. Using the modern foraminiferal distribution and the tidal height information collected, a down core model of past tidal heights was established to determine past rates of change. Foraminifera are not well preserved throughout the core, however, a sudden relative rise in sea level is recorded between 0.25 m and 0.85 m. Using trace metal and isotope analysis to develop an age profile, this sea level rise is interpreted to record coseismic subsidence associated with a palaeoseismic event in the early 1900’s. Overall, although the Avon-Heathcote Estuary experienced clear coseismic deformation as a result of the 22nd of February 2011 earthquake, modern changes in foraminiferal distribution cannot yet be tracked, however, past seismic deformation is identified in a core. The modern transect describes the foraminifera distribution which identifies species that have not been identified in the Avon-Heathcote Estuary before. This thesis enhances the current knowledge of the Avon-Heathcote Estuary and is a baseline for future studies.
A photograph of students from Unitec on the site of their temporary structure titled Aurora. The structure is being created for CityUps - a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.
A video clip of a large-scale, temporary installation titled Synthesis. The installation is on the corner of High Street. The installation was created by students from CPIT for CityUps - a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.
A video clip of a large-scale, temporary installation titled Antigravity. The installation is on Lichfield Street. The installation was created by students from The University of Auckland for CityUps - a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.
A video clip of several large-scale, temporary installations on the corner of High and Lichfield Streets, and the corner of Lichfield and Manchester Streets. The installations are part of CityUps - a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.
A video clip of people walking through a large-scale, temporary installation titled ScopeCity. The installation is on Manchester Street. The installation was created by students from Unitec for CityUps - a 'city of the future for one night only', and the main event of FESTA 2014.