A photograph of Jonny McFarlane of Beca talking to a woman in the Christchurch Transitional Cathedral, otherwise known as the Cardboard Cathedral. A tour of the Cathedral was part of FESTA 2013. The tour included a talk by McFarlane about project management of transitional architecture.
Martin Setchell, the organist, is shown playing a mouth organ made out of cardboard tubes. This is a comment on the controversy over the replacement of Christchurch Cathedral, which was severely damaged in the Canterbury earthquakes of 2010 and 2011, by a temporary building made out of cardboard tubing. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A photograph of Johnny McFarlane of Beca and Jessica Halliday of FESTA in the Christchurch Transitional Cathedral, otherwise known as the Cardboard Cathedral. A tour of the Cathedral took place as part of FESTA 2013, which included a talk by Johnny McFarlane about project management of transitional architecture.
A photograph of the Transitional Cathedral.
A photograph of people at the site of the CTV building. The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "Second anniversary 22 February earthquake".
A photograph of people at the site of the CTV building. The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "Second anniversary 22 February earthquake".
A photograph of handwritten cardboard signs attached to a fence with cable ties. The signs are at the site of Illusions, part of LUXCITY.
'185 Empty Chairs', Pete Majendie's art installation commemorating those who died in the earthquake. In the background is the framework for the temporary cardboard cathedral.
A photograph of the interior of the Transitional Cathedral.
A photograph of mosaics of flowers laid on the floor of a garage.Crack'd for Christchurch comments, "The flower motifs on mesh and cardboard backings."
A photograph of candles in a sandbox inside the Transitional Cathedral.
A photograph of the stained-glass window of the Transitional Cathedral.
A Christmas tree erected on the building site for the temporary "cardboard cathedral". The base of the support framework for the cathedral is visible behind the tree.
Easter art work on road cones on Cannon Hill Crescent in Mt Pleasant. Cardboard has been cut out and cellotaped to road cones to look like bunnies.
A photograph of the Transitional Cathedral under construction on the corner of Latimer Square and Hereford Street.
A model of the ChristChurch Transitional Cathedral made predominantly out of laser cut and engraved coloured acrylic as well as timber dowels to represent the cardboard tubes.
A graphic showing details of the window of the Transitional Cathedral.
Easter art work on a road cone on Cannon Hill Crescent in Mt Pleasant. Cardboard has been cut out and cellotaped to the road cone to look like a bunny.
A photograph of people at the site of the CTV building. The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "Second anniversary 22 February earthquake".
About 700 people packed Christchurch's Cardboard Cathedral last night to hear from a panel of experts on why, four years after the big earthquake, they're still waiting for their homes to be rebuilt.
A photograph of a large cardboard platform wrapped in blue plastic and ropes, lying near the Avon River on Cambridge Terrace. The platform is part of Canterbury Tales, which was the main event of FESTA 2013.
A photograph of a cardboard sign outside St Paul's Church in Dallington. The sign reads, "St Paul's Parish Mass, Sunday 10am, Marian College Hall, North Parade". In the background police tape is draped around the building.
A photograph of a hand-written cardboard sign reading 'The Beginning Is Nigh'. The sign is cable-tied to the fence next to a vacant site on Gloucester Street. The site is the location of Illusions, part of LUXCITY.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Demolition site of St John the Baptist Church, where the temporary cathedral will be built".
A photograph of emergency management personnel inspecting a room inside a building. A section of the wall in front of them has been removed so that it is now possible to see into the adjoining room. The closest room is full of cardboard filing boxes.
Shows a number of rental possibilities like a waterfront, a kennel, a wheelie bin, a parkbench, tress, the cardboard cathedral when it is no longer required and a sewage pipe. Context: The problem over lack of rental accomodation after the earthquakes. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
A PDF copy of pages 88-89 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'Christchurch Transitional Cathedral'. Photos with permission: The Anglican Church
Refers to the rebuilding of Christchurch after the earthquakes. Shown are a cardboard 'weetbix' box, a condom brothel that gives great protection, a pile of rolls of toilet paper, the 'popcorn hotel' expands in microwave, the 'Milo' building, soft but reinforced with iron', and the 'styrofoam chalice'. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Painted advertising which was revealed when the Grumpy Mole was demolished on the Corner of Cashel and Manchester Streets. The text says 'Printer, lithographer, bookbinder, manufacturer of paper bags, tea packets and cardboard boxes. NZ Agent for making Stevenson's patent leatherboard boxes. Paper merchants, wholesale stationer, account books, Crown printing office'".
One brown cardboard box which contained a dozen bottles of Three Boys Brewery ‘Aftershock’ beer. The Three Boys logo and name features in black printing on each side with 12x500ml printed on long sides. A dark green sticker with white writing, which also appears on the bottles, is attached to the top leaf. Christchurch's artisan Three Boys Brew...