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Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

In the top frame someone unseen (Murray McCully) in the Beehive says 'John! - There's been a bad reaction to us taking special powers to fix problems in Auckland!' Prime Minister John Key says 'What Murray?' In the lower frame Minister for the Rugby World Cup, Murray McCully, says 'The worst hit parts of Christchurch have declared themselves Fan Zones!' and the PM says 'Oh S..t!' The little Evans man says 'Sounds better than Red Zone!' Context: Refers to the chaos over transport and crowd control in the fanzone when much larger numbers of people flocked to the Rugby World Cup opening and revelry than expected. The government used special powers to take over the management of Queens Wharf fanzone spaces previously managed by an Auckland Council group, thus rather undermining the Mayor, Len Brown and the Auckland City Council. A new plan was signed off under special powers by Murray McCully directly after the fiasco. The Christchurch comment refers to the areas worst hit by the earhquakes. Colour and black and white versions available Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A plaque for an artwork on the corner of High Street and Tuam Street reads "'Corgis on High'. A Christchurch City Council Public Artwork. Artist David Marshall. Proudly Sponsored by Central City Revitalisation Project, Christchurch City Council, Lion Foundation, McKenzie and Willis Ltd. Supported by South Island Welsh Corgi League. 6 December 2003." The photographer comments, "The corgis have been removed. Temporarily??".

Images, Alexander Turnbull Library

Text across the top reads 'Wearing burqas and veils could limit job prospects...' The cartoon shows a crowd of people hidden under a huge burqa-like cloth. A man peers from both ends of the crowd and one of them says 'Well, we work behind a veil and STILL have jobs... And so do all our mates!' The man at the other end gives a cheerful thumbs up. There is a great deal of whispering about 'jobs for the...' and 'split contracts'. Above is a notice that reads 'Council job contract meeting'. Context - Complaints have been laid with the Auditor-General's Office about the Christchurch City Council's handling of consultants' contracts (to do with the rebuilding of the city after the earthquakes). City councillors have been questioning the council's awarding of more than $2.8 million of contracts to consultants. The burqa has been in the news lately with bus-drivers refusing to accept women in burqas on their buses. Quantity: 1 digital cartoon(s).

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Codes spray-painted by the North Shore City Council rescue team on the driveway of a house in Dallington. The cement blocks of the driveway have lifted in the background, creating a cracked and uneven surface.

Images, Canterbury Museum

One improvised toilet comprised of a wooden frame with a white plastic toilet seat and lid attached with screws and tape; underneath is a red Lifestyle brand 9.6 litre plastic bucket. Example of the portable toilet designed to be distributed by the Christchurch City Council following the 22 February 2011 earthquake. One common problem experienc...