Went into this cafe a few times in years gone by (all on camera club field trips or photowalks). It was a nice two-storey building then. Not now after the earthquakes of 2010 and 2011.
These have been thrown in the Avon River
Due to earthquake damage.
Worcester Blvd. Lawrence Roberts works for Photo & Video in Christchurch, suppliers of much of my photo gear in exchange for cash!
At least two broken pieces from the Scott statue rest in the Canterbury Museum. The statue toppled in the 22nd February 2011 earthquake.
Prior to the earthquakes the stone wall at right was near road level. Now it is about 1.5m (4-5ft) lower.
Built in the early 1960s for the Lyttelton Road Tunnel, it was severley damaged in the February 2011 earthquake and is not currently used.
Earthquake damage. As a result of the September 2010 earthquake, with further damage from the February 2011 event.
Earthquake damage. As a result of the September 2010 earthquake, with further damage from the February 2011 event.
The city side of the South Brighton bridge. Approaches on both sides will need extensive work before this bridge can re-open.
Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrameny aka Christchurch Basilica
Is it to "ward" off evil spirits?.
Looking across to the Town Hall. Will it stay or will it go?
Verandah roof of former Central Library on left. Rubble is from the former Farmers building and carpark.
Nearing the end of demolition of the Westend Jewellers site on the corner of Worcester and Manchester Streets, Christchurch. Badly damaged in the September 4th earthquake.
Castle Rock above Heathcote, showing damage (and two very large pieces in the foreground) that came down during the 7.1 quake on 4th September.
Two of the large boulders (larger than a house or two) that came down from Castle Rock (see the fence in front of the boulders).
Nearly two weeks after the 7.1 earthquake, and a week after demolition started, this is the end of The Valley Inn in Heathcote.
The site of the Robert Falcon Scott statue. Here is what it looked like before (lining up ICE from POLICE on the Police building) www.flickr.com/photos/johnstewartnz/5921425414/in/set-721...
The South New Brighton Domain jetty into the Avon-Heathcote Estuary. A new jetty replaced an older one about 6-8 years ago, then the earthquakes happened! Before the earthquakes it was straight and level and open!
The last pile of liquefied silt to be cleaned up, from our lawn.