A photograph of a hole in the footpath outside St Paul's Church where liquefaction has forced its way up.
St Luke's church on the corner of Manchester and Kilmore Streets. Tape and fencing have been placed around the building to keep people away. There is damage to the top of the gable, and tarpaulins covering the hole to prevent weather damage to the inside of the building.
Cracks on the facade of the Oxford Terrace Baptist Church. Bracing has been placed against the facade to support the building and limit further damage from aftershocks.
St John's Church on Hereford Street. The damaged bell tower is partially demolished. It has been taken apart by hand, the stonework carefully sorted and laid out on the grass.
One portrait colour digital photograph taken on 6 September 2010 showing earthquake damage to the red brick building of the Christchurch Chinese Methodist Church, 165 Papanui Road. The Christchurch Chinese Methodist Church on Papanui Road sustained severe damage during the 4 September 2010 earthquake. The church still stands although financial ...
The roof of the right tower on the Durham Street Methodist Church. Part of the stonework on the left has broken and fallen off the building.
The roof of the right tower on the Durham Street Methodist Church. Part of the stonework on the left has broken and fallen off the building.
The Methodist Church of Durham Street with wire fencing around the building. A red sticker on the front door indicates that the building is unsafe to enter.
Designed by Edward Saunders, 1878. Neo-classical style.
Damage to the bell tower of St Luke's Church on Manchester Street. The stones have crumbled and are lying on the ground where they fell. Damage can also be seen on the roof.
The tip of the gable on the Durham Street Methodist Church. The stone work has cracked and is leaning forward. Bracing can be seen at the back, holding the stonework in place.
A photograph of the damaged Durham Street Methodist Church.
A photograph of the damaged Durham Street Methodist Church.
A photograph of the damaged Durham Street Methodist Church.
A photograph of the damaged Durham Street Methodist Church.
A video about the experiences of church goers after the 4 September 2010 earthquake. Many of the congregations have had to find temporary facilities after the earthquake damaged their churches. The video includes an interview with Bishop Barry Jones from the Roman Catholic Church. Jones talks about the miracle that nobody died in the earthquake.