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Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Robin Duff standing on the porch of his house at 386 Oxford Terrace. There is a sign in the window to his left depicting a bulldozer with a line through it. The photographer comments, "Avon Loop resident Donna Allfrey made this sign for Duff".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Robin Duff standing on the porch of his house at 386 Oxford Terrace. There is a sign in the window to his left depicting a bulldozer with a line through it. The photographer comments, "Avon Loop resident Donna Allfrey made this sign for Duff".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the letterbox and a section of the fence around Donna Allfrey's property at 406 Oxford Terrace. The house number is missing from the letterbox and a picket is missing from the fence. The photographer comments, "The mail is no longer being delivered".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Robin Duff standing on the porch of his house at 386 Oxford Terrace. There is a sign in the window to his left depicting a bulldozer with a line through it. The photographer comments, "Avon Loop resident Donna Allfrey made this sign for Duff".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Doug Sexton holding a memento of his house at 378 Oxford Terrace. The memento was created by artist Sarah Brown for the Shared Lines Sendai/Christchurch Art Exchange. Brown used found objects from Doug Sexton's house to create this artwork in a tobacco tin.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Robin Duff's house at 386 Oxford Terrace. The grass has been mowed, but the dead grass has not been removed. One of the windows has been boarded up with plywood. A yellow sticker on the door indicates that the access to the house is restricted. The number 386 has been spray-painted on the footpath in front of the house. The photographer comments, "The lawn was mowed as part of the maintenance project on red-zoned properties. The numbers were spray-painted in front of all the properties in the Avon Loop in order to keep track of the property number after the mailboxes were lost or removed".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A Civil Defence staff member talking on his cell phone, he is holding clipboard with a form titled 'Christchurch Eq rapid assessment form level 1'. The brickwork of the house has crumbled and the broken windows have been boarded up.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Robin Duff's house at 386 Oxford Terrace. The grass has not been mowed and one of the windows has been boarded up with plywood. A yellow sticker on the door indicates that the access to the house is restricted. There is also a sign in the window to the left, depicting a bulldozer with a line through it. The photographer comments, "Avon Loop resident Donna Allfrey made the sign for Duff".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Robin Duff's house at 386 Oxford Terrace. The grass has not been mowed and one of the windows has been boarded up with plywood. A yellow sticker on the door indicates that the access to the house is restricted. There is also a sign in the window to the left, depicting a bulldozer with a line through it. The photographer comments, "Avon Loop resident Donna Allfrey made the sign for Duff".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the house number spray-painted on the footpath in front of 390 Oxford Terrace. The photographer comments, "The numbers were spray-painted in front of all the properties in the Avon Loop in order to keep track of the property number after the mailboxes were lost or removed".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the house number spray-painted on the footpath in front of 372 Oxford Terrace. The photographer comments, "The numbers were spray-painted in front of all the properties in the Avon Loop in order to keep track of the property number after the mailboxes were lost or removed".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the house number spray-painted on the footpath in front of 396 Oxford Terrace. The photographer comments, "The numbers were spray-painted in front of all the properties in the Avon Loop in order to keep track of the property number after the mailboxes were lost or removed".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the house number spray-painted on the footpath in front of 398 Oxford Terrace. The photographer comments, "The numbers were spray-painted in front of all the properties in the Avon Loop in order to keep track of the property number after the mailboxes were lost or removed".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the house number spray-painted on the footpath in front of 422 Oxford Terrace. The photographer comments, "The numbers were spray-painted in front of all the properties in the Avon Loop in order to keep track of the property number after the mailboxes were lost or removed".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the house number spray-painted on the footpath in front of 424 Oxford Terrace. The photographer comments, "The numbers were spray-painted in front of all the properties in the Avon Loop in order to keep track of the property number after the mailboxes were lost or removed".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the house number spray-painted on the footpath in front of 388 Oxford Terrace. The photographer comments, "The numbers were spray-painted in front of all the properties in the Avon Loop in order to keep track of the property number after the mailboxes were lost or removed".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the house number spray-painted on the footpath in front of the Locke family's property at 392 Oxford Terrace. The photographer comments, "The numbers were spray-painted in front of all the properties in the Avon Loop in order to keep track of the property number after the mailboxes were lost or removed".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the house number spray-painted on the footpath outside Robin Duff's property at 386 Oxford Terrace. The photographer comments, "The numbers were spray-painted in front of all the properties in the Avon Loop in order to keep track of the property number after the mailboxes were lost or removed".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Donna Allfrey's house at 406 Oxford Terrace. A green sticker on the front door indicates that the house has been inspected and is safe to enter. A sign in the garden reads, "It's been a lot of fun - yeah right!". The photographer comments, "'It's been a lot of fun' is a quote from John Key about the Canterbury earthquakes and the 'yeah right' is a play on the Tui Beer advertisements".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Codes spray-painted by the North Shore City Council rescue team on the driveway of a house in Dallington. The cement blocks of the driveway have lifted in the background, creating a cracked and uneven surface.

Research Papers, Lincoln University

An often overlooked aspect of urban housing development is the composition of the space between buildings; the streetscape. The pressures of suppressing suburban sprawl have seen housing developments respond by increasing residential density within more centralised city sites. Medium-density housing typologies are often used as urban infill in response to the challenge of accommodating an increasing population. A by-product of these renewed areas is the creation of new open space which serves as the fundamental public space for sociability to develop in communities. Street space should emphasise this public expression by encouraging social exchange and interaction. As a result, a neighbourhood owes its liveliness (or lack thereof) to its streets. The issue of density when applied to the urban housing landscape encompasses two major components: the occupancy of both the private realms, constituting the residential built form, and the public spaces that adjoins them, the streets. STREETSCAPE: dialogues of street + house. Continual transition between the realms of public and private (building and street space) enact active edges, giving way to public stimulation; the opportunity for experiencing other people. The advent of seeing and hearing other people in connection with daily comings and goings encourages social events to evolve, enhancing the notion of neighbourly conduct. Within New Zealand, and specifically in Christchurch as considered here, the compositions of current streetscapes lack the demeanor to really encourage and facilitate the idea of neighbourly interaction and public expression. Here lies the potential for new street design to significantly heighten the interplay of human activity. In response, this research project operates under the notion that the street spaces of urban residential areas are largely underutilised. This lack is particularly evident in the street. Street design should strive to produce spaces which stimulate the public life of residents. There exists a need to reassert eminence of the street as a space for vibrant neighbourhood life. This thesis employs design as a tool for researching and will involve using numerous concept generators to trigger the production of multiple scenarios. These scenarios are to explore the ways in which the streetscapes within medium-density urban communities could respond in the event of (re) development.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Several vehicles on Gloucester Street which have been crushed by falling masonry from Wave House (Winnie Bagoes Gourmet Pizza Bar). Emergency personnel have spray painted two of the cars with the word "Clear" to indicate they have been checked for trapped or injured people. The scene has been cordoned off by New Zealand Fire Service tape.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Donna Allfrey's house at 406 Oxford Terrace. Allfrey has placed a sign in the garden which reads, "It's been a lot of fun - yeah right!". The photographer comments, "'It's been a lot of fun' is a quote from John Key about the Canterbury earthquakes and the 'yeah right' is a play on the Tui Beer advertisements".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a sign in the garden of Donna Allfrey's house at 406 Oxford Terrace. The sign reads, "It's been a lot of fun - yeah right!". The photographer comments, "'It's been a lot of fun' is a quote from John Key about the Canterbury earthquakes and the 'yeah right' is a play on the Tui Beer advertisements".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the second storey of the partially-demolished Westende Jewellers Building on the corner of Manchester and Worcester Streets, which housed Alva Rados Mexican restaurant. The building was severely damage during the 4 September 2010 earthquake and had to be demolished.