Christchurch gallery’s collections, exhibitions and services. Includes featured articles from CoCa Magazine. Includes coverage
A charitable trust which began after the earthquakes to create and maintain temporary public parks on cleared sites in Christchurch.
Site set up to market Christchurch businesses after the Christchurch earthquake. Directory entries of Christchurch businesses arranged by business type.
Information and advice from official sources for Christchurch residents in the aftermath of the 22 February earthquake (aftershock).
Group established to help residents after the February 2011 earthquake in Christchurch. Includes information about housing, fruit & vegetable cooperatives and clothing aid.
Blog from Christchurch business-owner Nicky Arts detailing the rebuild of the Christchurch CBD following the earthquakles of 2010 and 2011.
Provides feedback to CERA for input into planning cycle ways in the redesign of Christchurch following the earthquakes.
Images of Christchurch following the earthquake, showing the demolition of buildings, street art, art, community and cultural life.
A large scale interactive art installation that seeks to provide a mechanism for emotional healing alongside the physical rebuilding of the city.
Describes what you might feel and experience after going through the quake, and what you can do to help yourself and others.
A health and safety training and development project bringing together a large range of stakeholders involved in the reconstruction of Canterbury.
Provides health information to Christchurch residents in the aftermath of the Christchurch earthquakes of September 4, 2010 and February 22, 2011.
Blog designed to act as a forum to document, share and discuss street art and creative activities in Christchurch. Created by Ben Leith.
CERA is the public service department established by the Government to work with the people of Canterbury to rebuild Christchurch.
Visual overview of ideas generated for the redevelopment of Christchurch following recent earthquakes, using the Magnetic South online discussion game.
Site of Sir Paul Callaghan's project appealing to expat Kiwis to pay back their student loans following the Christchurch earthquake.
Blog of freelance journalist Adrienne Rewi who lives in Christchurch. She highlights Christchurch's historic cemeteries and covers the Christchurch earthquake among other things.
In the Know aims to make it faster and easier for Canterbury residents to get information about the residential rebuild and repair process.
Information on damage caused by the Canterbury earthquakes of 2010 and 2011, for homeowners, tenants, insurers, lawyers, realtors, builders, developers, engineers and building consent authorities.
Information on the Earthquake Commission and how to prepare for earthquakes and other natural disasters such as tsunami, landslips, volcanic eruptions and hydrothermal activity.
Blog of Christchurch poet Catherine Fitchett. Includes her thoughts about poetry and life, and photographs, including the Christchurch earthquake.
Includes terms of reference, information about the commissioners and information about the commission which was established after the September 2010 Canterbury Earthquake.
A community based blog/journal made up of contributions from the people of Christchurch, sharing their experiences from the two major Canterbury quakes.
In this thesis, focus is given to develop methodologies for rapidly estimating specific components of loss and downtime functions. The thesis proposes methodologies for deriving loss functions by (i) considering individual component performance; (ii) grouping them as per their performance characteristics; and (iii) applying them to similar building usage categories. The degree of variation in building stock and understanding their characteristics are important factors to be considered in the loss estimation methodology and the field surveys carried out to collect data add value to the study. To facilitate developing ‘downtime’ functions, this study investigates two key components of downtime: (i) time delay from post-event damage assessment of properties; and (ii) time delay in settling the insurance claims lodged. In these two areas, this research enables understanding of critical factors that influence certain aspects of downtime and suggests approaches to quantify those factors. By scrutinising the residential damage insurance claims data provided by the Earthquake Commission (EQC) for the 2010- 2011 Canterbury Earthquake Sequence (CES), this work provides insights into various processes of claims settlement, the time taken to complete them and the EQC loss contributions to building stock in Christchurch city and Canterbury region. The study has shown diligence in investigating the EQC insurance claim data obtained from the CES to get new insights and build confidence in the models developed and the results generated. The first stage of this research develops contribution functions (probabilistic relationships between the expected losses for a wide range of building components and the building’s maximum response) for common types of claddings used in New Zealand buildings combining the probabilistic density functions (developed using the quantity of claddings measured from Christchurch buildings), fragility functions (obtained from the published literature) and cost functions (developed based on inputs from builders) through Monte Carlo simulations. From the developed contribution functions, glazing, masonry veneer, monolithic and precast concrete cladding systems are found to incur 50% loss at inter-storey drift levels equal to 0.027, 0.003, 0.005 and 0.011, respectively. Further, the maximum expected cladding loss for glazing, masonry veneer, monolithic, precast concrete cladding systems are found to be 368.2, 331.9, 365.0, and 136.2 NZD per square meter of floor area, respectively. In the second stage of this research, a detailed cost breakdown of typical buildings designed and built for different purposes is conducted. The contributions of structural and non- structural components to the total building cost are compared for buildings of different usages, and based on the similar ratios of non-structural performance group costs to the structural performance group cost, four-building groups are identified; (i) Structural components dominant group: outdoor sports, stadiums, parkings and long-span warehouses, (ii) non- structural drift-sensitive components dominant group: houses, single-storey suburban buildings (all usages), theatres/halls, workshops and clubhouses, (iii) non-structural acceleration- sensitive components dominant group: hospitals, research labs, museums and retail/cold stores, and (iv) apartments, hotels, offices, industrials, indoor sports, classrooms, devotionals and aquariums. By statistically analysing the cost breakdowns, performance group weighting factors are proposed for structural, and acceleration-sensitive and drift-sensitive non-structural components for all four building groups. Thus proposed building usage groupings and corresponding weighting factors facilitate rapid seismic loss estimation of any type of building given the EDPs at storey levels are known. A model for the quantification of post-earthquake inspection duration is developed in the third stage of this research. Herein, phase durations for the three assessment phases (one rapid impact and two rapid building) are computed using the number of buildings needing inspections, the number of engineers involved in inspections and a phase duration coefficient (which considers the median building inspection time, efficiency of engineer and the number of engineers involved in each assessment teams). The proposed model can be used: (i) by national/regional authorities to decide the length of the emergency period following a major earthquake, and estimate the number of engineers required to conduct a post-earthquake inspection within the desired emergency period, and (ii) to quantify the delay due to inspection for the downtime modelling framework. The final stage of this research investigates the repair costs and insurance claim settlement time for damaged residential buildings in the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence. Based on the EQC claim settlement process, claims are categorized into three groups; (i) Small Claims: claims less than NZD15,000 which were settled through cash payment, (ii) Medium Claims: claims less than NZD100,000 which were managed through Canterbury Home Repair Programme (CHRP), and (iii) Large Claims: claims above NZD100,000 which were managed by an insurance provider. The regional loss ratio (RLR) for greater Christchurch for three events inducing shakings of approximate seismic intensities 6, 7, and 8 are found to be 0.013, 0.066, and 0.171, respectively. Furthermore, the claim duration (time between an event and the claim lodgement date), assessment duration (time between the claim lodgement day and the most recent assessment day), and repair duration (time between the most recent assessment day and the repair completion day) for the insured residential buildings in the region affected by the Canterbury earthquake sequence is found to be in the range of 0.5-4 weeks, 1.5- 5 months, and 1-3 years, respectively. The results of this phase will provide useful information to earthquake engineering researchers working on seismic risk/loss and insurance modelling.
LVS acts as site brokers for a creative Christchurch, finding short and medium-term uses for the many vacant sites and buildings of Christchurch.
The Charter is an agreement on health and safety between the leaders of a number of government organisations and companies leading the rebuild.
A forum created by Jeremy McManus to discuss ideas for rebuilding Christchurch following the February 22, 2011 earthquake. Topics discussed include housing, transportation, and urban design.
Blog providing information for residents of the Christchurch suburb of Mt Pleasant following the earthquakes. Includes news, information on basic services, and contacts for help and advice.
Government initiative providing temporary accommodation service to people displaced by the Christchurch earthquake. Contains information about the service, and registration forms for property owners and applicants.
website of the Residents Association and Community Group representatives from the earthquake-affected neighbourhoods of Canterbury. Includes sections on insurance, legal and financial information, and business support.