A magazine article which outlines the observations of engineers working on SCIRT retaining wall and ground improvement projects.
An example of the five year rebuild schedule map created as part of the prioritisation process detailing where and when construction would start. The data behind this map was updated every quarter.
A document which details the agreement in September 2013 between the Government and the Christchurch City Council over governance of the horizontal infrastructure rebuild.
An authority granted by the New Zealand Historic Places Trust, providing the authority to carry out earthquake repair work that may affect archaeological sites within the Christchurch City area.
A photograph of people sitting on the bus at Smash Palace for the 'Get on the Bus' tour. The event was part of FESTA 2012.
Damage to the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament. Extensive damage can be seen on the north-west and south-west corners of the building, and cracking is visible underneath the dome.
A photograph of a speed dancing session at the Gap Filler Dance-O-Mat. The event was part of FESTA 2012.
A broken window in the Henry Africa's building. The photographer comments, "A building housing a restaurant and a great little neighbourhood bar is finally coming down because of earthquake damage. Window above Janes Bar".
A photograph of the clock drive from the Townsend Telescope. Many of the plates around the clock drive broke off during the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
Internal damage to a house in Richmond. A crack in a windowsill where the sill has separated from the window frame. The photographer comments, "Window frame in dining nook".
Damage to a house in Richmond. A brick chimney has partially collapsed. The photographer comments, "The chimney above our bedroom crumbled - glad it didn't come down in one piece".
Damage to a house in Richmond. There is a large crack in the driveway, and cracks in the brickwork of a house. The photographer comments, "Tarsealed driveways have numerous cracks".
Road cones cordon off a large crack in River Road where the road has slumped towards the river. The photographer comments, "Lateral spreading towards the river is very obvious here".
A broken window in the Henry Africa's building. The photographer comments, "A building housing a restaurant and a great little neighbourhood bar is finally coming down because of earthquake damage. Window above Janes Bar".
Detail of the partially-demolished Henry Africa's building. The photographer comments, "A building housing a restaurant and a great little neighbourhood bar is finally coming down because of earthquake damage. Bricks coming down".
Detail of the partially-demolished Henry Africa's building. The photographer comments, "A building housing a restaurant and a great little neighbourhood bar is finally coming down because of earthquake damage. Bricks coming down".
An interior door exposed by the demolition of Henry Africa's. The photographer comments, "A building housing a restaurant and a great little neighbourhood bar is finally coming down because of earthquake damage. Demolition door".
Damage to River Road in Richmond. The road surface is badly cracked and slumped, and liquefaction silt covers part of the road. The photographer comments, "Lateral spreading cracks in River Rd".
Damage to a house in Richmond. Large cracks run along the edges of this internal wall, and pictures on the wall are crooked. The photographer comments, "Internal damage to walls".
University of Canterbury students walk along University Drive to get to lectures, after most pathways through campus were cordoned off while buildings were structurally tested. The photographer comments, "Lawns beside University Drive became main walkways".
Large cracks in River Road, where the road has slumped towards the river. The photographer comments, "River Rd, near Swanns Rd. Lateral spreading damage in River Rd near Avonside GHS".
Detail of the partially-demolished Henry Africa's building. The photographer comments, "A building housing a restaurant and a great little neighbourhood bar is finally coming down because of earthquake damage. The doorway still stands".
A close-up photograph of the lower end of the main tube from the Townsend Telescope. The tube was crushed and bent during the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A photograph of a speed dancing session at the Gap Filler Dance-O-Mat. The event was part of FESTA 2012.
University of Canterbury staff members are escorted by Civil Defence members in order to retrieve essential items from their offices. The photographer comments, "ICT network admins, Craig Miller and Aaron Eivers".
Military personnel sit outside a security checkpoint tent. In the background, the stone cladding of a gable end on the Cranmer Courts building has collapsed, exposing the wooden framework beneath.
People walk past the cordon fence beside the badly damaged Stone Chamber of the Provincial Council Buildings. The photographer comments, "A bike ride around the CBD. Provincial Chambers, Durham St".
People walk past the cordon fence beside the badly damaged Stone Chamber of the Provincial Council Buildings. The photographer comments, "A bike ride around the CBD. Provincial Chambers, Durham St".
University of Canterbury staff members are escorted by Civil Defence members in order to retrieve essential items from their offices. The photographer comments, "E-learning team vacate their floor. (Blurry, sorry.)
A crane sits beside the sewage treatment ponds in Bromley. In the distance can be seen large piles of liquefaction silt. The photographer comments, "Bromley sewage treatment ponds, under repair".