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Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph looking north up an alleyway on Tuam Street. The alleyway leads to Sol Square. There is a road cone in the middle of the alleyway. The message 'keep out' has been spray-painted on the ground on each side of the cone. In the distance there are bricks from several earthquake-damaged buildings in the alleyway.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Piko Wholefoods Building on the corner of Kilmore and Barbadoes Street. Sections of the top storey of the building have collapsed and the bricks and other rubble have spilled onto the footpath below. Steel fences have been placed around the building as a cordon.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of earthquake-damaged buildings and rubble on Colombo Street near the intersection of St Asaph Street. The walls of the top storey of the buildings to the left have crumbled, and bricks and other rubble have fallen onto the footpath and road below. Wire fencing and police tape have been placed across the street as a cordon.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of earthquake-damaged buildings and rubble on Colombo Street near the intersection of St Asaph Street. The walls of the top storey of the buildings to the left have crumbled, and bricks and other rubble have fallen onto the footpath and road below. Wire fencing and police tape have been placed across the street as a cordon.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a member of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team pointing to an earthquake-damaged house in central Christchurch. A large section of the house has collapsed, the rubble spilling onto the driveway. Emergency tape has been draped across the driveway as a cordon.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of an earthquake-damaged building on the corner of Colombo Street and St Asaph Street. The walls of the top storey of the building have crumbled, and bricks and other rubble have fallen onto the footpath and road below. In the background are many other earthquake-damaged buildings. Wire fencing and police tape have been placed across the street as a cordon.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Cycle Trading store on Manchester Street. The gable of the store has collapsed, and bricks and other rubble have fallen onto the footpath in front. A car parked on the street has been crushed by the fallen rubble. The word "Clear" has been spray-painted on the front of the car. Wire fencing has been placed around the building as a cordon.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a member of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team inside an earthquake-damaged house. The wall to the left has collapsed and has been covered with plastic sheeting. Bricks and other rubble cover the floor of the room. A chest of drawers with clothing still inside has toppled to the left and is resting on the rubble.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team standing in front of an earthquake-damaged building on Lichfield Street. A section of the roof and the façade on the top storey of the building have collapsed and the bricks and other rubble have spilled onto the footpath and street below. USAR codes have been spray-painted on one of the bottom-storey windows and the front door.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Iconic Bar and the former Christchurch City Council offices on Manchester Street. The outer walls of the Council offices and the top storey of Iconic have collapsed, exposing the insides of the buildings. The bricks and other rubble have been cleared from the footpath in front. USAR codes have been spray-painted next to the entrance of Iconic.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Damaged workshops in the Red Bus depot on Fitzgerald Avenue. The brick walls have partially crumbled. In the background is the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, with its dome partly deconstructed. The photographer comments, "This photo was taken recently on Fitzgerald Avenue. Again, it's amazing how close you can get to buildings that look like they are about to collapse. In the background, you can see that work has begun to remove the dome on top of the damaged Cathedral of he Blessed Sacrament".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake-damaged Our City O-Tautahi Building on the corner of Worcester Street and Oxford Terrace. Steel bracing has been placed against the building to secure the brick walls. The bracing is supported by large concrete blocks. Wire fences have also been placed around the bottom of the building as a cordon. Scaffolding has been erected around the tower to the right.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Damaged workshops in the Red Bus depot on Fitzgerald Avenue. The brick walls have partially crumbled. In the background is the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, with its dome partly deconstructed. The photographer comments, "This photo was taken recently on Fitzgerald Avenue. Again, it's amazing how close you can get to buildings that look like they are about to collapse. In the background, you can see that work has begun to remove the dome on top of the damaged Cathedral of he Blessed Sacrament".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Damage to a residential property in Richmond. The brick wall of the garage has collapse inward, and the roof fallen in on top of it. The photographer comments, "These photos show our old house in River Rd and recovery work around Richmond and St Albans. The neighbours behind us used the kayak to get in to their house - it's flooded by Dudley Creek which runs behind the block, plus major liquefaction. Our old garage provides a good spot to park it".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Damage to Lyttelton following the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The fish and chip shop on London Street (centre) has a collapsed gable and awning. Bricks, plaster and wood are lying where they fell on the footpath, as well as the broken sign. To the left is the Lava Bar which suffered severe structural damage after the earthquake. To the right, the Coastal Living store can be seen which was open after the September earthquake but pulled down after February.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

People walk and drive along Manchester Street shortly after the 22 February earthquake. Bricks from collapsed buildings litter the road. The photographer comments, "Just after the aftershock settled on Tuesday afternoon, myself and colleagues fled our Tuam Street office to absolute devastation outside. We couldn't see more than a block in either direction due to the clouds of dust that had arisen from buildings that had just collapsed ... From here, we picked up our vehicles from the CCC car park and headed out to get out of the chaos to a position where we could check on loved ones. Heading first along Manchester Street, buildings that were already heavily damaged were now completely written off".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

People gather at the corner of Colombo and St Asaph Streets shortly after the 22 February earthquake. A building has collapsed, and bricks and rubble litter the street. The photographer comments, "Just after the aftershock settled on Tuesday afternoon, myself and colleagues fled our Tuam Street office to absolute devastation outside. We couldn't see more than a block in either direction due to the clouds of dust that had arisen from buildings that had just collapsed ... From here, we picked up our vehicles from the CCC car park and headed out to get out of the chaos to a position where we could check on loved ones. Heading first along Manchester Street, buildings that were already heavily damaged were now completely written off. We couldn't get much further down Manchester Street so eventually made it to Colombo Street".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A tribute taped to a window of a house on Tasman Place. The tribute reads, "Our red zoned house. When we bought you years ago, you looked a bit tired and sad, but overall you weren't too bad. We spruced you up with paint and love and asked for a blessing from above. The years went by, family and friends celebrations under your roof, your 'veggie' garden gave us kai. We felt safe within your wall, then one dreadful September night, the shaking earth made you fall. You tried with all your groaning might to keep us from harm. Because you were strongly built we held onto the door, while a wave of terror buckled the floor and outside the garden flooded with silt. Now you are near the end, sunken walls and windows bend. We say goodbye today and let you go, Our spirit and heart feels low. You are more than just mortar and brick. For us you were a gift, a safe haven where we once lived".

Research papers, The University of Auckland Library

As part of the 'Project Masonry' Recovery Project funded by the New Zealand Natural Hazards Research Platform, commencing in March 2011, an international team of researchers was deployed to document and interpret the observed earthquake damage to masonry buildings and to churches as a result of the 22nd February 2011 Christchurch earthquake. The study focused on investigating commonly encountered failure patterns and collapse mechanisms. A brief summary of activities undertaken is presented, detailing the observations that were made on the performance of and the deficiencies that contributed to the damage to approximately 650 inspected unreinforced clay brick masonry (URM) buildings, to 90 unreinforced stone masonry buildings, to 342 reinforced concrete masonry (RCM) buildings, to 112 churches in the Canterbury region, and to just under 1100 residential dwellings having external masonry veneer cladding. In addition, details are provided of retrofit techniques that were implemented within relevant Christchurch URM buildings prior to the 22nd February earthquake and brief suggestions are provided regarding appropriate seismic retrofit and remediation techniques for stone masonry buildings.