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Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a group of tents set up in Latimer Square next to the Singapore Rescue Team's store and equipment area. Plastic mesh and tape has been placed around the tents as a fence. The tents were used as temporary accommodation for emergency management personnel after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Registry Building on the corner of Montreal and Worcester Streets. Masonry around the gable has collapsed onto the footpath below. Steel bracing has been used to hold up the remaining masonry. Wire fencing has been placed around the building as a cordon.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of looking west out a window of the PricewaterhouseCoopers Building on Armagh Street. To the left is the Victoria Apartments with a slight forward lean. Victoria Square is in the centre of the photograph and to the right is the Crowne Plaza Hotel. In the foreground is the Copthorne Hotel.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the site of a demolished house on the corner of Springfield Road and Bealey Avenue. "No go" has been spray-painted on the earthquake-damaged fence. Wire fencing and police tape has been placed across the entrance as a cordon. In the background, rubble from the demolished building can be seen.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Anderson and Hill Sports Power on the corner of St Asaph and Colombo Streets. Wire fences have been placed across the street as a cordon. In the background, rubble from earthquake-damaged buildings and crushed cars line the left side of the road. There is also foliage from a fallen tree.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a member of the New Zealand Army talking to a police officer on the corner of Colombo and Wordsworth Street. In the background there is a block of earthquake-damaged shops. Sections of the shops' walls have collapsed and the rubble has spilled onto the road and footpath.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of paper hearts with inspirational quotes pegged to a cordon fence. In the background, rubble from an earthquake demolished building can be seen. The hearts read, "'No matter what, no matter where, it's always home if love is there.' P.L. Berger" and "'All the word is full of suffering; it is also full of overcoming.' Helen Keller".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Provincial Hotel on the corner of Barbadoes and Cashel Streets. The second storey walls have crumbled, and the bricks have fallen onto the ground below. Scaffolding erected in front of the building is now on a lean. Wire fencing has been placed around the building as a cordon.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team standing in a car park on Lichfield Street. The team are wearing face and gas masks, hard hats, safety glasses, knee pads, and rubber gloves. In the background are several earthquake-damaged buildings.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team standing on the intersection of Manchester and Lichfield Streets. In the background is the Majestic Theatre. Piles of rubble from earthquake-damaged buildings has been piled on the road below the building.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of an excavator clearing the rubble from earthquake-damaged buildings on Lichfield Street. The rubble has been gathered from the street and piled up beside the Majestic Theatre. In the foreground a member of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team is crossing the street.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a car on Gloucester Street which has been crushed by falling bricks from the Canterbury Times and Star building. There is a pile of bricks on the front of the car. A USAR team have spray-painted codes on a plywood board and wedged it into the back of the car.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to St Elmo Courts on the corner of Hereford and Montreal Streets. There are large cracks in the building's façade. USAR codes have been spray-painted on one of the windows. Police tape has been draped around the building as a cordon.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a member of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team standing on the bank of the Avon River. In the background are the remains of the collapsed PGC Building. An excavator is on top of these remains, working to clear them away.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a member of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team standing on the bank of the Avon River. In the background are the remains of the collapsed PGC Building. An excavator is on top of these remains, working to clear them away.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office walking down Kilmore Street near the intersection with Durham Street. To the left "no go" has been spray-painted on the Copthorne Hotel. A red sticker has been placed above this, indicating that the building is unsafe to enter.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to The Burrito Company on Armagh Street. The front window has smashed, the glass spilling onto the floor and footpath outside. USAR codes have been spray-painted on the door and window to the side. A red sticker on the door indicates that the building is unsafe to enter.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to The Burrito Company on Armagh Street. The front window has smashed, the glass spilling onto the floor and footpath outside. USAR codes have been spray-painted on the door and window to the side. A red sticker on the door indicates that the building is unsafe to enter.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to a building on Hereford Street. A column on the right side of the building has snapped and the side wall has pulled away from the building. USAR codes have been spray-painted on one of the windows on the bottom storey. In the foreground there is a police car.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team in Latimer Square. There are members of other emergency management teams in the background including the Tauranga Response Team, the Taupo Response Team, and the New South Wales USAR team.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a piece of plywood sitting on top of a pile of bricks from the Carlton Hotel. USAR codes have been spray-painted on the wood. In the foreground, metal fencing, cordon tape and a road cone have been used to cordon off the building.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake-damaged Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament on Barbadoes Street. Rubble from the collapsed tower is lying on the ground in front. A car has been crushed under this rubble. Wire fencing, shipping containers, and road cones have been placed around the building as a cordon.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Christchurch Chinese Methodist Church on Papanui Road. The gable walls have crumbled, bricks spilling onto the ground. The tower has been removed and braced on the ground in front. Cordon fencing has been placed around the building. Parts of the fence have been decorated with hearts and the word 'love'.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a member of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team pointing to an earthquake-damaged house in central Christchurch. A large section of the house has collapsed, the rubble spilling onto the driveway. Emergency tape has been draped across the driveway as a cordon.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team walking down Lichfield Street towards the intersection of Madras Street. There is rubble from several earthquake-damaged buildings on both sides of the road. Plastic fences and road cones have been placed on the street as cordons.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to St Paul's-Trinity-Pacific Church on the corner of Madras Street and Cashel Street. Large sections of the church have collapsed and the bricks and other rubble have spilled onto the footpaths and streets below. Scaffolding erected around the church has also collapsed and twisted out of shape.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to St Paul's-Trinity-Pacific Church on the corner of Madras Street and Cashel Street. Large sections of the church have collapsed and the bricks and other rubble have spilled onto the footpaths and streets below. Scaffolding erected around the church has also collapsed and twisted out of shape.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of rock fall near The Razza Bar & Bistro on Wakefield Avenue. The rocks have come loose from the cliffs above and landed between the bar and the Sumner Redcliffs Returned Services Association (RSA) building. A section of the back of the Sumner Redcliffs RSA building has been damaged by the rock fall.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake-damaged Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament on Barbadoes Street. Rubble from the collapsed tower is lying on the ground in front. A car has been crushed under this rubble. Wire fencing, shipping containers, and road cones have been placed around the building as a cordon.