A van partially submerged in liquefaction. The photographer comments, "A van that unluckily drove into a hole caused by the terrible liquefaction on Beach Road, North New Brighton during the Christchurch earthquake".
In three small frames above the main frame, milk tankers are shown bumping wildly over Christchurch roads made uneven by the earthquakes of September 4 2010 and February 22 2011; and in the large frame below a man is painting out the word 'milk' on a tanker and replacing it with the word 'butter'. Context - the bad roads caused by the erathquakes in Canterbury have turned the milk into butter. Colour and black and white versions available Title from file name Quantity: 2 digital cartoon(s).
While the whole of the North Island is under drought conditions and parts of the South Island likely to follow suit, I doubt it will happen in Christchurch. With hundreds of earthquake road, water and sewer repairs underway many are spilling hundreds of litres of water per minute, like this one outside my house. It has been running like this fo...
On 14 November 2016, the Mw 7.8 Kaikōura earthquake caused widespread damage along the east coast of the South Island, New Zealand. Kaikōura town itself was isolated from the rest of the country by landslides blocking off major roads. While impacts from the Kaikōura earthquake on large, urban population centres have been generally well documented, this thesis aims to fill gaps in academic knowledge regarding small rural towns. This thesis investigates what, where and when critical infrastructure and lifeline service disruption occurred following the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake in a selection of small towns, and how the communities in these areas adapted to disruption. Following a robust review of literature and news media, four small rural towns were selected from North Canterbury (Culverden & Waiau) and Marlborough (Seddon & Ward) in the South Island, New Zealand. Semi-structured interview sessions with a special focus on these towns were held with infrastructure managers, emergency response and recovery officials, and organisation leaders with experience or expertise in the 2016 Kaikōura earthquake. Findings were supplemented with emergency management situation reports to produce hazard maps and infrastructure exposure maps. A more detailed analysis was conducted for Waiau involving interdependence analyses and a level of service timeline for select lifeline services. The earthquake impacted roads by blocking them with landslides, debris and surface rupture. Bridges where shaken off their abutments, breaking infrastructure links such as fibre landlines as they went. Water supplies and other forms of infrastructure relied heavily on the level of service of roads, as rough rural terrain left few alternatives. Adapting to an artificial loss of road service, some Waiau locals created their own detour around a road cordon in order to get home to family and farms. Performance of dwellings was tied to socioeconomic factors as much as proximity to the epicentre. Farmers who lost water access pulled out fences to allow stock to drink from rivers. Socioeconomic differences between farmland and township residents also contributed to resilience variations between the towns assessed in this study. Understanding how small rural towns respond and adapt to disaster allows emergency management officials and policy to be well informed and flexible with planning for multiple size classes of towns.
A PDF copy of pages 102-103 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'Dog Park Art Project Space'. Photo: Stacey Weaver Photography
Two diggers on top of a pile of rubble inside the partially demolished Ozone Dressing Sheds building. The photographer comments, "The Ozone must have suffered in the February earthquake more than people thought. They were starting to repaint it inside, but it looks like they must have run out of filler".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Emma Howard was married today to Chris Greenslade at the Christ the King church centre on Greers Road, Burnside. Howard was pulled out of the collapsed PGC building after February 22nd earthquake in Christchurch".
The debt stricken state-owned enterprise Solid energy is in crisis talks with the Treasury and its banks, two years after the Christchurch earthquakes, insurance companies are blamed for delays in the rebuild, and in dateline pacific Papua New Guinea is building up its military to build roads.
Signs on a cordon fence around a building on Worcester Street. One advertises a multi-cultural festival and the other one reads, "Lakes Chemist. Prescriptions can be obtained from Woodham Road Pharmacy". These provide the local public information about the changes and relevant news about the area.
A PDF copy of pages 22-23 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'TEDxEQChCh'. Photos: Neil Macbeth
A photograph of a child painting a bookshelf during the 'Words of Hope' event. An assortment of furniture has been painted white, and the public invited to spray-paint messages onto the pieces.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Emma Howard was married today to Chris Greenslade at the Christ the King church centre on Greers Road, Burnside. Howard was pulled out of the collapsed PGC building after February 22nd earthquake in Christchurch".
Graffiti on a damaged building. The photographer comments, "After some of the walls were demolished this graffiti was exposed. The next day this wall was gone as well".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Aftermath of the earthquake in Christchurch where the cleanup has begun. USAR teams assess the parapet on the National Bank on Riccarton Road as staff look on from inside. It was deemed to be safe".
The deconstruction of the Crowne Plaza Hotel, with a digger and a pile of demolition rubble in front. Road cones and signs have been placed in front to divert traffic around the area. Flags in Canterbury colours, red and black can be seen on the street lights.
The deconstruction of the Crowne Plaza Hotel, with a digger and a pile of demolition rubble in front. Road cones and signs have been placed in front to divert traffic around the area. A flag in Canterbury colours, red and black can be seen on the street lights.
A photograph captioned, "In the 1930s the traffic in Gayhurst Road was so light that I can remember playing hockey and cricket with apple boxes for wickets. If a car or cart came along there was plenty of time to shift the boxes to let them past".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Emma Howard was married today to Chris Greenslade at the Christ the King church centre on Greers Road, Burnside. Howard was pulled out of the collapsed PGC building after February 22nd earthquake in Christchurch".
Barbadoes St
Barbadoes St
Fitzgerald Ave
Fitzgerald Panorama
Our Garage
Fitzgerald Ave
Avon River
Fitzgerald Ave
Barbadoes St
Fitzgerald Ave