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Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of an image created for the 2015 Summer Starter. The image features an All Right? 'tip of the week', which reads, "Fuel up with the whānau. Good kai tastes even better with the ones we love." The image was published in The Press in the lead-up to the 2015 Summer Starter.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

An image designed for use as a website banner. The image reads, "Life's full of ups and downs. Where are you, your friends, and whānau at? Visit". The image is based on the 'Canterbury Rollercoaster'. For more information, see 'All Right? Campaigns and Projects: Canterbury Rollercoaster':

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of a design for the side of an escalator near a Glassons store. The file includes the precise measurements and specifications. The design depicts the 'Canterbury Rollercoaster' and reads, "Life's full of ups and downs. Where are you, your friends, and your whanau at? Visit". The 'Canterbury Rollercoaster' was designed to raise awareness about emotional literacy in Canterbury.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of a design for the side of an escalator near a Hoyts movie theatre. The file includes the precise measurements and specifications. The design depicts the 'Canterbury Rollercoaster' and reads, "Life's full of ups and downs. Where are you, your friends, and your whanau at? Visit". The 'Canterbury Rollercoaster' was designed to raise awareness about emotional literacy in Canterbury.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of eight posters promoting the Five Ways to Wellbeing at local libraries. Each poster directs its viewer to explore a section of the library by encouraging them to reflect on different hobbies and interests, for example cooking, painting, exercise, reading or music. The first poster reads, "Want a tasty recipe for the whanau? Good food tastes even better with the ones we love. For recipe books check out 641.5!".

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of a billboard design encouraging people to give and connect. The billboard depicts a family sharing some kai and reads, "When did you last share kai with the whānau? Good food tastes even better with the ones we love." The billboard is from phase 2 of the All Right? campaign, promoting the Five Ways to Wellbeing. The Five Ways to Wellbeing is a simple, evidence-based approach to improving wellbeing, promoted by the Mental Health Foundation.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of eight posters promoting the Five Ways to Wellbeing at local libraries. Each poster directs its viewer to explore a section of the library by encouraging them to reflect on different hobbies and interests, for example cooking, painting, exercise, reading or music. The first poster reads, "Want a tasty recipe for the whanau? Good food tastes even better with the ones we love. For recipe books check out 641.5!". This set of posters differs from the other sets of library posters in that the poster that reads, "When did you last really rock out?" contains the Fregal logo.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of eight posters promoting the Five Ways to Wellbeing at local libraries. Each poster directs its viewer to explore a section of the library by encouraging them to reflect on different hobbies and interests, for example cooking, painting, exercise, reading or music. The first poster reads, "Want a tasty recipe for the whanau? Good food tastes even better with the ones we love. For recipe books check out 641.5!". This set of posters differs from the other sets of library posters in that the poster encouraging reading is captioned, "Check out our Fiction section to find your next great read!" and the poster encouraging dancing is captioned, "For books on dance, check out 792.8".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a Victim Support poster on a traffic light on Oxford Street. The poster reads, "Looking after yourself in times of crisis. Firstly you have the strength within you to get through this. You are not alone: keep talking to the people around you, use your family, whanau, friends and colleagues and do what you can to help others. Don't ingnore your own emotions and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Keep positive: it is important to keep a positive attitude to events keeping a focus on your strengths and positive coping skills. Do things that will help give you a sense of control. Remaining positive can help reduce stress and anxiety in other people around you, especially children. Reduce stress: you need to keep to routines as much as possible including eating, sleeping, exercise and incorporating those things you enjoy doing as part of your usual daytime activities. Do things that you find comforting as be with people who company you enjoy. It is especially important for children to be participating in normal routine activities as quickly as possible to reduce long term stress factors. You may experience a range of feelings as you move through the crisis and afterwards. Stress, worry, anxiety, fear, uncertainty, anger etc. all are natural responses. Feeling tense and constantly going over events in your mind are also natural responses. It is normal and okay to feel whatever you are feeling. The intensity of uncomfortable thoughts and feelings will lessen as life returns to normal".

Research papers, The University of Auckland Library

The Evaluating Maternity Units (EMU) study is a mixed method project involving a prospective cohort study, surveys (two postnatal questionnaires) and focus groups. It is an Australasian project funded by the Australian Health and Medical Research Council. Its primary aim was to compare the birth outcomes of two groups of well women – one group who planned to give birth at a primary maternity unit, and a second group who planned to give birth at a tertiary hospital. The secondary aim was to learn about women’s views and experiences regarding their birthplace decision-making, transfer, maternity care and experiences, and any other issues they raised. The New Zealand arm of the study was carried out in Christchurch, and was seriously affected by the earthquakes, halting recruitment at 702 participants. Comprehensive details were collected from both midwives and women regarding antenatal and early labour changes of birthplace plans and perinatal transfers from the primary units to the tertiary hospital. Women were asked about how they felt about plan changes and transfers in the first survey, and they were discussed in some focus groups. The transfer findings are still being analysed and will be presented. This study is set within the local maternity context, is recent, relevant and robust. It provides midwives with contemporary information about transfers from New Zealand primary maternity units and women’s views and experiences. It may help inform the conversations midwives have with each other, and with women and their families/whānau, regarding the choices of birthplace for well childbearing women.