A close up of the front of Christ Church Cathedral. The upper part of the front wall has crumbled leaving the inside space exposed. Steel bracing has been placed against the wall to limit further damage.
The walls from the flats above the Daily Bagel and the Covent Fruit Centre have crumbled, exposing the interior of the rooms above. The walls have toppled onto the footpath leaving a pile of building rubble.
A news item titled, "Know Your Land Rights - Retaining Walls", published on the Lyttelton Harbour Information Centre's website on Friday, 15 July 2011.
The front of Christ Church Cathedral. The upper part of the front wall has crumbled leaving the inside space exposed. Steel bracing has been placed against the wall to limit further damage. The Citizens' Memorial statue stands to the left.
The front of Christ Church Cathedral. The upper part of the front wall has crumbled leaving the inside space exposed. Steel bracing has been placed against the front wall to limit further damage. The Citizens' Memorial statue stands to the left.
A photograph of a chalkboard painted on the wall of a building. The chalkboard advertises upcoming Gap Filler events. A woman is chalking a message on the wall.
A photograph of dancers performing in Stand Your Ground. A film is being projected onto the wall behind the dancers, and their shadows are being cast onto the wall.
A photograph of dancers performing in Stand Your Ground. A film is being projected onto the wall behind the dancers, and their shadows are being cast onto the wall.
A digitally manipulated image of a damaged fence. Concrete blocks have fallen from the wall leaving a large gap, through which autumn leaves are visible.
A photograph of members of the Diabetes Centre team working in an office. New gib board has been partly installed on the wall behind them. There is dust from the construction on the carpet.
A photograph of a room in the Diabetes Centre. The panelling has been removed from the walls, exposing the wooden framing, insulation, and wires underneath. Tarpaulins have been draped over the furniture.
A photograph of a room in the Diabetes Centre. The panelling has been taken off the walls, exposing the wooden framing, insulation, and wires. There is a step ladder in the corner.
A photograph of a room in the Diabetes Centre where the furniture has been covered in plastic sheeting. The panelling has been removed from the wall behind, exposing the wooden framing and pink batts.
A photograph of a member of the Diabetes Centre team sitting in an office. A section of the panelling has been removed from the wall in the background, exposing the insulation underneath.
A photograph of members of the Diabetes Centre team working in an office. New gib board has been partly installed on the wall behind them. There is dust from the construction on the carpet.
A digitally manipulated photograph of the partially-demolished Ozone Hotel. The photographer comments, "As if a deadly disease is moving out from Christchurch City red zone, the heritage buildings are being put down".
Slender precast concrete wall panels are currently in vogue for the construction of tall single storey warehouse type buildings. Often their height to thickness ratio exceed the present New Zealand design code (NZS 3101) limitations of 30:1. Their real performance under earthquake attack is unknown. Therefore, this study seeks to assess the dynamic performance of slender precast concrete wall panels with different base connection details. Three base connections (two fixed base and one rocking) from two wall specimens with height to thickness ratios of 60:1 were tested under dynamic loading. The two fixed based walls had longitudinal steel volumes of 1.27% to 0.54% and were tested on the University of Canterbury shaking table to investigate their proneness to out-of-plane buckling. Based on an EUler-type theoretical formula derived as part of the study, an explanation is made as to why walls with high in-plane capacity are more prone to buckling. The theory was validated against the present and past experimental evidence. The rocking base connection designed and built in accordance with a damage avoidance philosophy was tested on the shaking table in a similar fashion to the fixed base specimens. Results show that in contrast with their fixed base counterparts, rocking walls can indeed fulfil a damage-free design objective while also remaining stable under strong earthquake ground shaking.
Container wall protecting road from rock falls.
Container wall protecting road from rock falls.
Container wall protecting road from rock falls.
Container wall protecting road from rock falls.
Spray painted markings on a brick wall.
A 150 metre memorial wall will be unveiled on the banks of the Avon today six years after the devastating earthquake hit Christchurch. Bruce McEachen says it is an inspiring place and the wall will perform every function the families need it to.
A 150 metre memorial wall will be unveiled on the banks of the Avon today six years after the devastating earthquake hit Christchurch. Bruce McEachen says it is an inspiring place and the wall will perform every function the families need it to.
A photograph of the earthquake damaged M J Knowles Building on Tuam Street. The wall has either collapsed or been removed leaving the inside of the building exposed. Loose bricks from the wall cover the footpath.
A photograph of the earthquake damaged M J Knowles Building on Tuam Street. The wall has either collapsed or been removed leaving the inside of the building exposed. Loose bricks from the wall cover the footpath.
A photograph of the earthquake damaged M J Knowles Building on Tuam Street. The wall has either collapsed or been removed leaving the inside of the building exposed. Loose bricks from the wall cover the footpath.
One of the most fascinating things about studying and interpreting the past is the possibilities it holds. Could the broken tea cup I’ve found been smashed against a wall in a fit of rage after a wife found her husband … Continue reading →
The project report for Knit Happens, part of Gap Filler project 20, Walls. Knit Happens was a mural with a pattern reminiscent of a jersey. It was painted on the exposed wall of a brick building on Madras Street.
A photograph of a damaged house has been reflected in the lower part of the image and digitally manipulated.