One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 27 May 2013 of a retaining wall in Sumner Road which was replaced due to earthquake damage. The original wall was created using red volcanic rock. Many walls like this were built using the Hard Labour Gang from the Lyttelton Gaol. The replacement wall has a small section of stone installed to sho...
Graffiti on wall of 481 Colombo Street.
A presentation to the IPWEA conference of a paper which shares the process followed for the assessment and prioritisation of the retaining walls within the Port Hills in Christchurch.
A photograph of street art on a wall in Sydenham. A message on the wall reads, "Christchurch, destined to rise".
Observations of out-of-plane (OOP) instability in the 2010 Chile earthquake and in the 2011 Christchurch earthquake resulted in concerns about the current design provisions of structural walls. This mode of failure was previously observed in the experimental response of some wall specimens subjected to in-plane loading. Therefore, the postulations proposed for prediction of the limit states corresponding to OOP instability of rectangular walls are generally based on stability analysis under in-plane loading only. These approaches address stability of a cracked wall section when subjected to compression, thereby considering the level of residual strain developed in the reinforcement as the parameter that prevents timely crack closure of the wall section and induces stability failure. The New Zealand code requirements addressing the OOP instability of structural walls are based on the assumptions used in the literature and the analytical methods proposed for mathematical determination of the critical strain values. In this study, a parametric study is conducted using a numerical model capable of simulating OOP instability of rectangular walls to evaluate sensitivity of the OOP response of rectangular walls to variation of different parameters identified to be governing this failure mechanism. The effects of wall slenderness (unsupported height-to-thickness) ratio, longitudinal reinforcement ratio of the boundary regions and length on the OOP response of walls are evaluated. A clear trend was observed regarding the influence of these parameters on the initiation of OOP displacement, based on which simple equations are proposed for prediction of OOP instability in rectangular walls.
The lateral capacity of a conventional CLT shear wall is often governed by the strength and stiffness of its connections, which do not significantly utilize the in-plane strength of the CLT. Therefore, CLT shear walls are not yet being used efficiently in the construction of mass timber buildings due to a lack of research on high-capacity connections and alternative wall configurations. In this study, cyclic experiments were completed on six full-scale, 5-ply cantilever CLT shear walls with high-capacity hold-downs using mixed angle screws and bolts. All specimens exhibited significantly higher strength and stiffness than previously tested conventional CLT shear walls in the literature. The base connections demonstrated ductile failure modes through yielding of the hold-down connections. Based on the experimental results, numerical models were calibrated to investigate the seismic behaviour of CLT shear walls for prototype buildings of 3 and 6-storeys in Christchurch, NZ. As an alternative to cantilever (single) shear walls, a type of coupled wall with steel link beams between adjacent CLT wall piers was investigated. Effective coupling requires the link beam-to-wall connections to have adequate strength to ensure ductile link beam responses and adequate stiffness to yield the link beams at a relatively low inter-storey drift level. To this end, three beam-to-wall connection types were developed and cyclically tested to investigate their behaviour and feasibility. Based on the test results of the critical connection, a 3-storey, 2/3-scale coupled CLT wall specimen with three steel link beams and mixed angle screwed hold-downs was cyclically tested to evaluate its performance and experimentally validate the system concept. The test results showed a relatively high lateral strength compared to conventional CLT shear walls, as well as a high system ductility ratio of 7.6. Failure of the system was characterised by combined bending and withdrawal of the screws in the mixed angle screw hold-downs, yielding and eventual inelastic buckling of the steel link beams, CLT toe crushing, and local CLT delamination. Following the initial test, the steel link beams, mixed angle screw hold-downs, and damaged CLT regions were repaired, then the wall specimen was re-tested. The repaired wall behaved similarly to the original test and exhibited slightly higher energy dissipation and peak strength, but marginally more rapid strength deterioration under cyclic loading. Several hybrid coupled CLT shear walls were numerically modelled and calibrated based on the results of the coupled wall experiments. Pushover analyses were conducted on a series of configurations to validate a capacity design method for the system and to investigate reasonable parameter values for use in the preliminary design of the system. Additionally, an iterative seismic design method was proposed and used to design sample buildings of 6, 8, and 10-storeys using both nonlinear pushover and nonlinear time history analyses to verify the prototype designs. Results of the sample building analyses demonstrated adequate seismic behaviour and the proposed design parameters were found to be appropriate. In summary, high-capacity CLT shear walls can be used for the resistance of earthquakes by using stronger base connections and coupled wall configurations. The large-scale experimental testing in this study has demonstrated that both cantilever and coupled CLT shear walls are feasible LLRSs which can provide significantly greater lateral strength, stiffness, and energy dissipation than conventional CLT shear wall configurations.
A video about a memorial wall in the Linwood Crematorium Memorial Garden which collapsed during the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The wall housed nearly 100 people's ashes. Staff from the Cremation Society of Canterbury collected the ashes and stored them in bags until the wall could be rebuilt.
The project report for Poetica, part of Gap Filler project 20, Walls. Poetica was an urban poetry project in which an interactive poetry installation was painted on the wall of 614 Colombo Street. The purpose of the project was to visualise the regeneration of Christchurch as an unwritten poem by allowing members of the public to writing poetry on the Poetica wall.
Damage to a wall, with several layers of wall covering visible.
A photograph of tags on a wall near the Durham Street overbridge. The wall runs beside the railway line.
A photograph of tags on a wall near the Durham Street overbridge. The wall runs beside the railway line.
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 14 July 2011 showing the temporary repairs made to the retaining wall in the middle of Ripon Street. The temporary wall replaces two sections of red stone wall which collapsed in the June 2011 Earthquake. It is made from stacked concrete cubes with coarse fill and the top is covered with black pla...
One landscape colour digital photograph taken on 15 June 2011 showing earthquake damage to the retaining wall on the northeast corner of Oxford and Exeter Streets. The wall was constructed from unreinforced blocks of local red volcanic rock held together with mortar. Retaining walls in Lyttelton were built of unreinforced soft volcanic stone in...
A photograph of a damaged retaining wall in Lyttelton.
A photograph of a damaged retaining wall in Lyttelton.
A photograph of a damaged retaining wall in Lyttelton.
Damage to a house in Richmond. Part of the brick wall has slumped to one side, leaving visible gaps between the wall and the roof, and between the wall and a windowframe. The photographer comments, "Cracking in the external brickwork".
Reinforcement steel protrudes from a bank which is supporting a walkway on Sumner Road. The area has been cordoned off with road cones and security fencing.
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "A temporary retaining wall in Sumner Road, Lyttelton".
Concrete blocks form a temporary retaining wall on Dublin Street in Lyttelton.
A damaged retaining wall on Sumner Road in Lyttelton. A 'Road closed' and a 'No entry' sign can be seen further up the road.
A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "Avonside and Retreat Roads post earthquake".
Reinforcement steel protrudes from a bank which is supporting a walkway on Sumner Road. Excavators are lined up on the left-hand side of the road. A sign reading, 'Rebuilding for our future' hangs on the security fence.
A photograph of paintings decorated a temporary retaining wall. The photograph is captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Cunningham Terrace, Lyttelton".
Liquefaction silt and sand cover the lawn of a residential property. The photographer comments, "This is a garden inundated with liquefaction. Though most liquefaction is grey in Christchurch there must have been golden sandy beaches before the volcanoes erupted millions of years ago".
An old advertising sign exposed by the demolition of an adjoining building. The photographer comments, "'Protect your investment. Paint your property regularly - and save money. Polson's decorators and sign writers.' The building that was adjacent to this one was demolished after the Christchurch earthquake and revealed this fabulous old wall sign.
Post-tensioned timber technology was originally developed and researched at the University of Canterbury (UC) in New Zealand in 2005. It can provide a low-damage seismic design solution for multi-storey mass timber buildings. Since mass timber products, such as cross-laminated timber (CLT), have high in-plane stiffness, a post-tensioned timber shear wall will deform mainly in a rocking mechanism. The moment capacity of the wall at the base is commonly determined using the elastic form of the Modified Monolithic Beam Analogy (MMBA). In the calculation of the moment capacity at the wall base, it is critical to accurately predict the location of the neutral axis and the timber compressive stress distribution. Three 2/3 scale 8.6m tall post-tensioned CLT walls were experimentally tested under quasi-static cyclic loading – both uni-directional and bi-directional- in this study. These specimens included a single wall, a coupled wall, and a C-shaped core-wall. The main objective was to develop post-tensioned C-shaped timber core-walls for tall timber buildings with enhanced lateral strength and stiffness. To better understand the timber compressive stress distributions at the wall base, particle tracking technology (PTT) technology was applied for the first time to investigate the behaviour of the compression toe. Previous post-tensioned timber testing primarily used the displacement measurements to determine the timber compressive behavior at the wall base or rocking interfaces. However, by using PTT technology, the timber strain measurements in the compression zone can be much more accurate as PTT is able to track the movement of many particles on the timber surface. This paper presents experimental testing results of post-tensioned CLT walls with a focus on capturing timber compressive behavior using PTT. The PTT measurements were able to better capture small base rotations which occurred at the onset of gap opening and capture unexpected phenomena in core-wall tests. The single wall test result herein presented indicates that while the MMBA could predict the moment rotation behavior with reasonable accuracy, the peak strain response was under predicted in the compression toe. Further detailed study is required to better understand the complex strain fields generated reflective of the inherent cross-thickness inhomogeneity and material variability of CLT.
A large chess board made from sand and broken shells, with a painted beach scene on the wall behind. The photographer comments, "After all the suggestions put on the wall on what to do in this area, which was once an earthquake damaged shop, they have made the chess board, painted a seaside scene on the wall and created a small wall of tyres".
An entry from Roz Johnson's blog for 19 December 2013 entitled, "More Wall Art".
An entry from Roz Johnson's blog for 17 December 2013 entitled, "Wall Art Christchurch ".